Chapter XXXVII

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Sure enough, the crowd was still gathered around the front yard of the little house. Jasta silently sighed as she brought Rowan closer. She just hoped it wouldn't be too hard for him.

Someone near the back of the crowd saw them, though it was too dark to make out who, and the murmur slowly rippled through the gathered people as they all turned to look. It was all too clear that, despite their invitation to have Rowan stay, they were still afraid of him.

She grabbed Rowan's hand without looking and gave it a light squeeze. She hoped he understood that she would leave if he wanted her to. The crowd parted as they got closer, allowing them to enter the yard.

She didn't answer any of the few questions that darted in her direction from the group. She didn't even reply to the words her mother said. She hardly paid her any attention.

All she wanted to do was to get Rowan to someplace he could sleep, and maybe get some sleep herself. She stumbled on her way towards her old room, but she wasn't about to give up.

She ignored the murmurings that broke out anew as soon as she was inside the small room. Memories flooded over her. She had spent so many nights in this room, and she could hardly believe she was back.

But tonight, she had company, and she made Rowan lie down. She was surprised that he didn't protest, but he was probably even more tired than she was, so she could understand that he didn't want to argue anymore.

She made sure he was comfortably settled down before she flopped herself down onto the floor. It was just as hard as she remembered it, but for all she cared, it was the softest down mattress she had even lain upon, and she was soon deeply sleeping.

But of course, she felt like she had hardly slept for a second when her eyes once again opened. She had lived and slept there enough to know that it was past noon, and the sun was high in the sky. She sat up groggily, several joints popping on the way.

She felt ready to crawl up again and sleep the year away, but she knew she had a lot to explain to everyone, and she didn't want to keep them waiting any longer. And besides, she wanted to show them why she trusted Rowan so that they wouldn't be so hateful towards him.

So she stood up with a quiet groan, deeply regretting her decision the night before not to remove her sandals. She felt achy all over, but especially in her feet, and more specifically where the sandal's straps dug into her ankles.

She took them off—better late than never—and quietly opened the door to make her way out, through the house and then the front door. The pigs greeted her on her way out, but she paid them no attention because she was more focused on the crowd that had once again gathered in the middle of the village. There seemed to be even more people now that the light revealed every one of them.

She pushed her way into the crowd, and as she went people started to move for her, and then a moment later she found herself pushed into the very center. Torn grass and signs of a scuffle told her that this was the place where they had almost killed Rowan the night before. The thought brought a scowl to her face.

"Oh, Jasta." She was suddenly being hugged by Etta, who let out a huge sigh as she nearly crushed the life out of the skinnier girl. "I was starting to worry you'd left in the night after all."

"You shouldn't have to have a reason to worry that, Etta." She replied coolly, purposefully neglecting to hug her in return.

Etta pulled back with a nod. "I- I'm sorry."

"Tell us what happened!" at least three different people yelled at once from different places in the sea of people around her.

Etta stepped back even further. "We all want to know what happened to you..." her eyes scanned Jasta, and she was aware again of how much she had changed. She probably seemed so strange to everyone.

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