Chapter 18

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Leilani was dressed to kill.

She had decided on a beige mini dress, a white blazer, and white patent leather stilettos. She'd beaten her face naturally, but still to the gods. Her hair fell down in loose beach curls.

Leilani made sure to leave early, so she wasn't forced to take the bus in excruciating heat. There was a nice little breeze.

When she got to the office, she would usually meet up with Sally or wait for Sally, but she ran into another colleague.

His name was Zach. They'd always been on a hi and bye level. Nothing more, nothing else. "Good morning, Leilani. You're looking exquisite today." Zach greeted her, playfully.

"Thanks. Good morning, Zach." Leilani laughed nervously and went back to drinking her coffee. She stood leaned against the counter, her right foot over her left.

"No cream, Zach." Carter quickly popped his head into the break room. "And two shots espresso." Carter usually had Glenda make his coffee. But she hadn't arrived yet. Zach was the next best thing.

Carter and Leilani shared a look. His mouth watered at the sight of her. And having already had her, not being able to was starting to mess with his head.

Leilani smiled weakly. "I'll be seeing you around, Zach." She ignored Carter, their shoulders brushing together as she slid past him. The hairs on the back of his neck stood up as he inhaled the smell of her perfume.

This was going to be tougher than Carter thought. He'd spent half the night feeling crappy for his dismissive attitude towards Leilani yesterday. He saw the wave of emotions flash across her face and his heart stopped.

The other half of the night he stayed up late talking to Brad, who wasn't that great of a listener. Also, the feedback Brad had given Carter was far from what he wanted to hear:

"She's freaking 20 years old dad! Not to mention, she's being shipped off to the other side of the world for school in less than two months. Let her go. You don't need that chase. You're getting old. You're heart doesn't need such young excitement."

Of course Erin came downstairs and protested. Carter thought his daughter was sound asleep but he should have known better. Erins mother was a nosy pest. Unfortunately, she'd inherited the talent of eavesdropping. Carter took a gulp from the beer he was drinking, mentally preparing himself for Erins activism.

"Daddy, I am so disappointed in you. Leilani is a great girl! Brad only cares about screwing brainless Barbie dolls. He won't understand love." Erin exclaimed as she sat with her family.

Carter sent both of his children to bed. This was for him to decide. Brad was right about Leilani. She was in fact young and leaving soon. Maybe, he should just leave her alone. She was probably better off without him anyways.

Carter hadn't yet left the break room. Zach was also still there.

"God, she's just breathtaking." Zach let out, breathlessly. He'd sounded like he'd just ran a mile. Carter hadn't yet realized Zach was referring to Leilani. Carter's body became stiff, he found himself suddenly having trouble breathing properly, so he loosened his tie. "But, I know I have no chance with her. Did you see those flowers on her desk? He's a lucky dude." Zach handed over the freshly made cup coffee to his boss.

Sally entered seconds later. "Sally, Sal. How goes it?" Zach greeted her playfully. "What's up, Zach?" Sally returned energy. "Good morning, Mr. Vanderbilt." Sally acknowledged her boss. Zach and Sally shared a look and then stared at Mr. Vanderbilt. When was he going to leave? Or should they? This is awkward...

Sensing the tension. Carter smiled, laughing a little to himself. Carter knew exactly what they were thinking. "I've gotta go." He wanted to stay and find out if Zach would say anything else about Leilani. Carter took a sip of his of his coffee. "Good cup, Zach," he tells his employee. "Sally," he nodded in her direction before exiting.

Carter didn't really 'go' like he had told them. He stood outside the, avoiding the door frame. "I saw your work bestie this morning. I'd kill to take her out sometime." Zach finally confessed. "Well, I think she's single..." Sally trailed off. Zach let out a long, drawn out gasp. It was as if he just couldn't believe it. "You have to put in a word for me, Sal. Come on." Zach pleaded.

Carter felt himself heating up. Knowing his Caucasian background, he decided against allowing the office see him become as red as a tomato. Carter was quick to get to his office. He even bolted past Leilani's desk. She hadn't even gotten a chance to glance at him from his fast pace.

Sally made it over to Leilani's desk. She was sure to greet her girl with the gossip first. Then she slowly inserted Zach's request into the conversation.

"So, you still seeing that older guy or what?" Sally suspiciously questioned her. Leilani scoffed. "Nope." She relayed, simply. Leilani popped the 'p' in nope. She wanted to make that clear in her attempts to hold out on her thoughts about Carter.

"Welllllllllll, I know someone who is just dying to take you out." Sally slowly put on her wingwoman cape. Leilani raised her left brow. "Oh, god. Who is it?" Leilani sighed, folding her arms across her chest.

"Zach, duh." Sally told her in playful tone. Zach liked her? How was she supposed to know that? Zach never said much. But he did dress nice. He was always sure to acknowledge her presence. And he'd even held the elevator for her on numerous occasions. She really couldn't believe it.

"Let me think about it." Leilani told Sally. This may be too soon for Leilani. She was young. She had just gotten used Carter and now she would have to un-get used to him. Leilani also didn't need any new surprises to bring home to her mother.

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