Making A Family - 4

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Making A Family – 4

Jake's kids stayed that night. Nathan and Tom stayed in Zayn and Louis room, and Josh stayed in Liam's room. Liam fell asleep on the bed and Josh was on a blow up mattress. Harry was the first one to wake up the next morning. He got up and opened his door. He then ran through to Louis and Zayn's room. He opened the door and ran to Louis' bed where Zayn and Louis were sleeping. He jumped up on the bed and bounced up and down "Louis! Zayn!" He yelled smiling. Louis groaned at Harry.

Zayn didn't budge he just pulled Harry into the middle of Louis and himself and hugged Harry "Shhh...Teddy" Zayn mumbled.

"I'm not a teddy!" Harry giggled. He wiggled a little but Zayn just held tighter. Zayn had a smile on his face while Harry giggled some more.

They eventually got up and went downstairs, Paul was up by then and started to pour some fruit loops for the boys. "Paul!" Harry yelled running to him and hugging his leg. Paul looked down and smiled and chuckled. Paul picked the boy up who seemed to have a lot of energy. "ZOOOOO!!!" Harry cheered.

Louis groaned at that "Really Harry?" He asked. Harry pouted in Louis' direction. Louis just shrugged and ate his cereal.

"The zoo seems like a great idea." Paul smiled and turned to Tom, Nathan and Josh "We can call your parents and ask them if you can come?" Paul asked. Tom looked at Nathan and Josh who nodded.

"Okay" he looked at Paul, who smiled.

"I'll make the call" Paul then put Harry on the stool next to Louis, Harry then started to eat his breakfast a bit too fast.

"Slow down Haz" Louis smiled a little.

Harry just looked up at Louis and smiled, then went back to eating as fast as he could. Paul soon came back smiling "Your parents are on their way, they're coming too" Paul smiled to Tom, Josh and Nathan.

Tom nodded smiling at Paul "Cool" Paul nodded once.

"Come on get dressed" everyone got up and walked up the stairs again. Louis though stayed in his seat "You okay Lou?" Louis looked up and nodded.

"Just." he paused "One of my foster parents worked at a zoo, he once took me to work with him but he left me there and I had to walk home." Louis stated "I don't like them that much" Paul leaned on the counter and looked at Louis.

"I won't do that to you" He looked at Louis, who looked at the bowl in front of him "You must believe that" Louis looked up and shrugged. "We'll stick together, okay?" Louis didn't respond. He got up and walked upstairs.

He stopped at the third step and looked at Paul "I do trust you. It's just it's hard to get used to you caring" He turned again and continued up the stairs. Paul sighed, he went upstairs and got ready himself. By the time they were ready Jake and his wife were there. Paul greeted them with a smile on his face, the boys were hesitant and Zayn became quiet again. Paul held Liam's and Harry's hand to the car. Louis was holding Zayn's and Niall's hands. They got in and Paul started to drive.

The Zoo wasn't that far from Paul's house. Harry was smiling, his little dimples showing, to say he was excited was an understatement. Zayn and Louis both got out and Zayn held the older boys hand. They started with the reptiles. "Snake! I wanna snake!" Harry cheered.

"I don't think so Haz" Paul said. Harry shrugged and lost interest in the reptiles. As they walked through the Zoo, Harry pointed at the animals he wanted.

It started with the snakes, then went on the Turtles, Lions, Giraffes, Tigers, Meerkats and then to an elephant named Pineapple. Louis never let go of Zayn's hand. He couldn't. Zayn was looking at the animals with wide eyes.

"Lou" Paul turned around to his oldest, who looked up at him "Come on, we're going to get some lunch then go home" Louis nodded and followed him to the food court. Dragging Zayn with him. They sat down at two tables, one for the adults, Harry and Niall. The other for the other kids.

Harry had fallen asleep on Atlas' lap. They ate and then soon left for Paul's house. Atlas, Jake and their kids left soon after they got home and Harry was in bed. Paul was in the kitchen cleaning up some mess when Louis came in and sat on one of the stools. "Did you have fun?" Paul asked looking at the blue eyed boy.

"It was better than last time" Louis stated with a small smile. Paul smiled in return. It was a week until Louis birthday. He bit his lip "Can I ask you something?" Paul nodded "Can we do something on the weekend for my birthday" Paul nodded.

"Of course" He smiled. Louis smiled at that.

"Can I invite some friends?" Paul nodded with a smile.

"Do you wanna get the boys, except for Harry, if he's still asleep and we'll put a movie on and eat junk food" Louis nodded and rushed off to get his brothers.

Paul then started to make some popcorn, sandwiches, grabbed some lollies and juice. He set up the lounge room and then went to the dvd player. He put in Toy Story and waited for the kids to come down. Louis came in holding Harry who was slightly awake. "You didn't wake him did you?" Paul asked Louis.

Louis shook his head "Niall yelled out yay and ran off. He woke Harry and when I tried to get him back to sleep Liam came in asking what we were watching and Harry then wanted to come" Paul nodded and took Harry from Louis' arms.

They sat on beanbags and the couch and watched Toy Story, while eating. Harry fell asleep again on Paul's chest. Paul didn't have the heart to move him. Once the movie was over all the other boys were asleep. Paul picked Harry up and then picked Niall up in his other arm. He juggled to put the boys to bed and came back down for Liam and Zayn. Louis was harder, he was a light sleeper. He gently picked him up and took him to his room.

Paul went to his bed and laid down. He decided to clean up the mess in the lounge room tomorrow. He fell into a light slumber when he heard a bang. He went to Harry and Niall's room and saw that Harry fell off the bed again. He sighed and picked him off the floor and put him back on the bed. Paul made a line of teddies blocking him from the edge of the bed. The next morning he woke up to someone poking his eye. He opened them and saw Harry "Hi" Harry smiled a dimpled smile. He laid down next to Paul "Niall threw up" Paul then picked up Harry and took him to his room.

Niall was there, so was Louis and Liam. They were trying to get Niall to the bathroom. Paul put Harry in Zayn and Louis' room, Harry laid down next to Zayn who hugged him. Paul went to help with Niall "Lou, can you get some clothes for Niall" Louis nodded and left. Niall was put in the bath, he was crying, he didn't like being sick.

Once he was cleaned he felt a bit better, he got dressed and Paul got Louis to help Harry get dressed while Zayn and Liam got dressed. They were in the car and on their way to the doctors. Niall fell asleep on the way, Liam held his hand while he was asleep.

When they got into the doctors, the doctor looked at Niall and gave him some antibiotics. Paul then drove home again. The weather was bad, it was raining and cold. Paul put a bunch of blankets and pillows in the lounge room and they sat on the couch and on the floor and watched The Lion King. Louis was on the floor with Zayn. Harry was on an armchair with Liam, Niall was on Paul's lap on the couch.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2015 ⏰

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