Moving out of the hype house?

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10:30 am 


"I think im gonna move out" I say looking up from my phone 

"What! Why?" Tony yells looking up from his phone 

"Im not going to move out this second! I have been getting some good money coming in from youtube and Tik tok and I think its just a good time to Branch off, Not saying im never coming back! I think I should just Focus on my growing Family you know" Xena Moved out of her apartment to live with Ondreaz and her friends. She still owns the apartment and Lillian and Caroline still live there and pay rent to her so she can pay the water bills and electric. 

"The way you put that made me realize how much of an adult you are" 

"Im 19 Tony" 

"I know!... Are you gonna tell Ondrea?" 

"Yeah I will soon. I want to look for a House before I make it official" I say and he nods "I have some showing's that I am going to go to today, Would you like to go?" 

"What times?" 

"One is at 11:50 and the other is at 3" 

"Yeah Ill go" He says and gets up and grabs a shirt from his closet "So when are you planning on getting Lexa back?" 

"Probably when I get a house. I really miss Lexa but I know she is safe with my parents" When Xena was 17 she got pregnant with Lexa, She was scared to tell anyone. Most of her pregnancy was hidden from everyone but her parents, Xena got pregnant by a guy named who raped her. Xena has been scared to go anywhere by herself let alone with Lexa. Xena goes to see Lexa every month for 2 weeks and facetimes Lexa everynight before bed so that they still have the mother daughter connection. The only person who knows about Lexa is Tony because him and her actually kept in contact when she moved. 

"Im excited to Finally meet Lexa" He says and i smile 

"I am excited to have her living with me instead of my parents" I say and he nods as we head out 

"Where are you guys going?" Ondreaz asks as we come down stairs 

"He is going with me to run my errands" I say 

"You have Lillian for that" he says and pulls me into him 

"Shes in the Bahama's for the next couple weeks" he nods and gives me a kiss and Tony and I head out 

~~~~~~~Time skip to the house~~~~~~~~

When we pull up to the house all you hear from Tony is "Wow!" 

"You okay Tony?" I say parking. He nods and jumps out of the car "Calm down tony!" I walk over to the house and see the Realtor standing outside the house 

"Xena?" He says 

"That is me!" I smile and he takes us on the tour of the house. Its a 5 bedroom 4 bath house. We get finished with the tour and it is now 1:30

"What did you think of it?" He asks 

"I loved it" Tony says 

"No one asked you. It was nice but I don't think its the one for me" I say and he nods 

"Well I do have another Listing I can show you if you have time" 

"I have another Listing to go to at 3 so if we can get through this other one quick then let look" 

"Its a 6 bedroom 7 bathroom and its more Suburban" 

"I love suburban house's" I say and he nods and we head to our separate cars 

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