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4 years later 

Lexa 7 years old 

Ember 3 Years old 

Oliver 0 years old

8:50 am 



"Good morning Jake pauler's! Today is moving day! I am so excited to be finally moving into a smaller house. Since everyone moved out Jake and I havent been able to keep up with all the cleaning and trying to figure out what every room should be. We have found a quite smaller house in a very family friendly neighborhood which is good for our growing family! After having Ember and then Oliver everything has changed for the better, Jake is finally realizing that the kids are little and cant do the dangerous things that he does. So I think its good that we are moving to a Family friendly neighborhood." 

"Babe!" Jake yells from the hall 

"Jake! Babies are sleeping" 

"Shoot sorry. Hey you need to go make sure the movers are taking the right things to the right places" He says and I nod and hand him his camera and run down stairs to check with the movers. Once that is all squared away I grab Embers Oatmeal getting it ready for when she wakes up. 

"Excuse me miss! Someone is at the gate saying they know you" I nod and walk down the drive way to see Kouvr standing there 

"Kouvr!" I yell and i open the gate and she runs in and gives me a huge hug. 

"You have no Idea how much I have missed you!" She says 

"I have missed you too! Jake and I are actually moving today" 

"Has he proposed yet?!" She asks looking at my hand 

"Not yet" 

"He loves Lexa so i dont see why not" 

"You havent seen my Instagram since we all had that falling out haven't you?" 

"No I haven't why" She says and I motion her to follow me into the house and into Ember's room to see her wide awake 

"Hi mommy!" Ember yells smiling 

"Hi baby!" I pick her up and let her out. 

"When did you have her?!" Kouvr yells 

"3 years ago" 

"Right after the falling out" 

"Yeah. Em go get daddy in our room" She runs out 

"Anything else im missing?!" 

"Yeah" I lead her into Oliver's room. 

"When was he born?" 

"February 17th 2020"  

"Yall have been busy" 

"We were talking about more kids when these ones are older" 

"Id hope when they are older!" She whisper yells as we walk out of his room

~~~Time skip~~~

We walk into the new house and see Jake's mother Pam standing there looking all over the place "Hi mom!" Jake says and she turns around and she has tears in her eyes 

"Hi Jake..." 

"Whats wrong?!" I say walking over and pulling her into a side hug since I have Oliver in the front pack 

"Nothing is wrong! These are happy tears. Im realizing how much you are changing Jake for the better. He used to be in the hospital every day and now since you gave him 3 beautiful kids to love and look after... Its really changing him for the better and I respect you for that" I start to get teary eyed and Jake comes over with Ember in his arms and we all hug 

"Lets check the house out!" Jake says running all around the house. 

"Some things you can never change" I say watching him run around with Ember. After a while we get everything situated and some food ordered. 

"So Jake when are you going to propose?" Pam says and Jake looks up from his phone 

"Uh why?" 

"Well shes a good girl and shes gave you 3 kids to love so why not you know...Pop the big question?" Pam states looking at Jake 

"Im not sure! I just know that I love her and im not letting her go" He says and walks to the door and brings back food. We eat and I start to get Ember and Oliver ready for their naps. 

~~~Time skip again~~~

"Okay guys it is currently 9:30 and we just got almost everything in the kitchen put away and now Pam Lexa and I are running to the store to get grocery's. Jake is staying at the house with Ember and Oliver editing his video's so this is the perfect time to go shopping" 

"Can we get some things for my lunch?" Lexa asks 

"Yeah we have to get Ember some school supplies" I say as we pull into walmart 

"She is starting school?! Already!" Pam says looking over 

"Yeah we enrolled her into what they call a soft start" I say hopping out of the car and opening the door for Lexa. We head in and grab 2 carts and start to get food for the house. 

"Momma why are you still with Jake?" Lexa asks looking up at me 

"because I love him. Why are you asking?" 

"He must love alot of people" She says looking at her toy that she got 

"What do you mean?" 

"When you went out with Caroline he had 4 or 5 girls at the house and told Ember and Ollie to stay with me in my room" 

"What were they doing?" I ask 

"they went into your room so i don't know" She says looking up at me 

How can you trust someone that you've been in love with for 4 years when your 7 year old tells you hes had girls over? I just want to know 

The Boy Who I Used To Love ~~Ondreaz Lopez~~Where stories live. Discover now