Lexa's mad

139 5 1

3 years later

Lexa: 10

Ember: 7

Oliver: 3


"Have a good day at School guys!" I say as they hop out of the car 

"Bye mom! Bye dad!" Lexa yells and walks into school holding Ember's hand. Once they are inside Ondreaz and I head back to the apartment. Jake had gave me full custody of the kids as long as he could come and see them for a day which I agreed with. Ondreaz and I are happily married

"What's the plans today babe?" He asks pulling into Starbucks since it was on the way home

"I don't have a lot planned actually. Just mainly Clean the house and maybe get some more decorating done" 

"More decorating?" He says 

"Yeah. Don't you think its kind of boring?" 

"No. I like how you have it Decorated now" 

"Fine, No more decorations but you have to do the dishes and vacuum" 


~~~~~~~Time skip~~~~~~~

"Lexa, You have homework. Till you are done with that home work you will not have your iPad back" Ondreaz says taking her iPad

"Mom, this isn't fair" 

"No Lexa it is fair. I have been telling you since you got home to do your homework and you still haven't" 

"Your kidding me! I have straight A's!" 

"That isn't what it shows" I say pulling up her grades on my phone "You have An A in Art, Math and science. You have a B in English and you have an F In P.E and in Social studies. Get your homework done or you will be grounded" 

"This is so unfair" She says stomping away 

"Lexa come here" 

"No" She says walking into her room 

"Did you tell me no?" I ask walking into her room 

"YES I DID NOW LEAVE ME ALONE" I walk over to her night stand and take her phone and grab her computer and take it 

"You don't get a phone nor do you get a mac." 


"Do your homework now" I say and walk into Ondreaz and I's room and put everything under the bed in a safe box 

"Were we ever like this when we were 10?" Ondreaz asks walking in the room 

"I was never like this. My mother would have swatted my ass" He sits on the bed and looks at me 

"You are really Beautiful you know that" he pulls me in between his legs  

"You are incredibly handsome" I cup his cheeks and lean down and give him a peck 

"Mommy I need help with my homework" Ember says walking in with her papers 

"Ill have Daddy help you okay?" she nods and I walk downstairs and see Lexa sitting at the island doing her homework. I start cooking some spaghetti. 

"Mom, I'm sorry for how I acted. I shouldn't have been such a brat" Lexa says looking up at me 

"Thank you for saying sorry. When you get home from school you need to do your homework right away, No messing around on your phone or computer" 


~~~The next day~~~

Ondreaz took the kids to school and Dropped off Oliver at preschool and while he was gone I take a pregnancy test. This has become a regular thing now. As I go to look at it I hear the front door open "Babe, I'm back!"

"I'm upstairs!" I yell and he comes into the bathroom a few minutes later 

"Hey... Another test?" 

"I think that this time I am pregnant" 

"Why don't we look at it then" He smiles and I Pick it up and flip it over so we can see it. Since its the digital one it says pregnant or not pregnant 

"I'm scared to look at it" 

"Babe... Look at it" I look down and see it says pregnant  7 weeks

"Were gonna have a baby" I smile at him. We have been trying to have one together for a while now. I've had 3 miscarriages. 

"We are going to have our own baby" He tilts my head up and kisses me

OndreazLopez: This is the very place I found out I was going to be a father to one of my own

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OndreazLopez: This is the very place I found out I was going to be a father to one of my own. I Love this girl and Lexa, Ember and Oliver 

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