Final Exams

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I woke up and threw on my uniform, grabbed my things and glance at the clock. "DAMMIT I COULD STILL SLEEP" The clock read 7:56 and school started at 9. It was a 5 minute walk so I had about an hour till school. I heard a nock on my door, wonder who that is. I opened the door and saw Kacchan. I let him and then shut the door. "So...what brings you over here Kacchan?" He stares at me and kisses my cheek making me blush. He looked sad and worried, like he had seen me die or get heavily injured."What's wrong Kacchan?" He looked at me and hugged me tightly. "I don't want to lose you. I will protect you with all that I have. You may be stronger but I can still protect you." I looked at him and sighed. "Kacchan, I don't plan on letting anyone touch or hurt me. I will not leave you and you will not lose me ok." He smiled and put his head on my shoulder. "Damm, how did I get a girlfriend like you. Your fearless, strong, kind, and caring. You are amazing." I hugged him tighter and then ended the hug. I gave him a kiss on the cheek and then offered him a pack of pockey from my bag. He put one in my mouth and bit at the other end so that we kissed. He bit my lip asking for an entrance and I let him in. Our tongues fought for domince and he ended up winning, leaving not a single space unexplored by his tongue. We broke free from the kiss with a thick string of saliva hanging from our mouthes. He grabbed my waist and pulled me into a kiss. We had to take a break for air, both of us gasping. Our make-out secession went on for about 2 minutes before he went back to his dorm to get ready for school. In the mean time I sat on my bed and thought about what had just happened. ' I just made out with Kacchan. WITH KACCHAN'. I let out a delighted squeal and shoved a pillow into my face. I decided to go down to the kitchen area for breakfast. I made a large portion of scrambled eggs and toast and wrote a note saying 'Take what you want. I made extra on purpose ~Izuku Midoriya'. I walked outside in the brisk air, 'final exams are coming up soon. I should probably study and prepare for them.' I thought to myself. I looked up at the bright blue sky and thought about Kacchan. If you told me that I would make it into U.A, have my idol All might as one of my teachers and my mentor and have the guy of my dreams as my boyfriend, I would have told you that you were dreaming. I never thought that I was special because I was such a late bloomer but now I am someone. People ask me for autographs and people know me. I check my watch and see that it reads 8:16. I walk back into the dorm area with a sigh. I see Uraraka and Iida, both with plates of eggs and toast."Oh hey deku, you never told me you could cook so well.". I blushed slightly. "W..well I uh..guess no one really ever asked what I could do so...I didn't feel the need to tell someone." I let out a nervous giggle and walked over to the bathroom to brush my teeth. I started brushing and finished up with mouthwash and flossing. I exit the bathroom and go to back out to the living area. More people had eggs and toast and all looked to be enjoying it, especially Kacchan and Todorki. They both have a very happy look on their faces and are both staring at me. What's up with Todorki, he's been more flustered around me and sometimes I can see little flames form on him. It's kinda cute but not nearly as cute as Kacchans little pop rock explosions. Todorki looked up from his eggs and I saw little flames form on his left side. Kacchan saw Todorki stare at me and gave Todorki a glare that could kill. I walked over to the couch and sat down. I pulled out my phone and started scrolling through the news. I found out that the hero killer stain had attacked Ingenium, Iida's older brother. I looked over at Iida, I had noticed him acting strangely ever scene the sports festival when he said that he had a family emergency and had to leave. Iida looked sad and angry, he looked like he was drowning in a poll of sorrow and rage. I got up and walked over to him, in a comforting tone I asked "Hey, you ok Iida?" He looked up at me with shock in his eyes, obviously not expecting me to be there. "Oh, yes I am fine Midoriya." I could hear in his voice that he was trying to not show the emotions that were on his face."I heard about your brother and I'm truly sorry. If you need anyone to talk to I'm here for you. We are friends after all." He looked at me and I only saw sorrow in his eyes. "Yes Midoriya, of course we are friends. I just need to think." I could tell by look on his face that he was lying up until he said we were friends, then he lied again. I can recognize the face of someone who is suffering and drowning in rage and sorrow, I had that face on for almost my entire final year at middle school. I let out a small sigh and went to sit back down, pulling out my phone in the process. I check the time and it reads 8:26, I let out a deep sigh and continued to scroll through the news. A few minutes later Kacchan went to sit down next to me and I felt him place his hand in mine. I blushed lightly at the sudden contact and looked up at him. Whatever was wrong with him earlier, he seemed to be fine now."Have I ever told you that your a great cook Deku?" I blushed even more and he let out a chuckle. "Your face is cute when your flustered." This caused me to turn as red as a tomato and he laughed. I looked away from him and made a hmph noise as I did. He stood up and walked away and I shoved my face into my sleeve as he winked at me.
"You all will be doing an internship for a pro hero, most of you got requests but everyone will be doing one. And for that, you all need to pick hero names." I saw midnight walk in holding a set of white boards and dry erase markers. She passed them out and we each took turns saying what our hero names would be, she had to approve of them first though. When it was my turn I walked up to the front and everyone stared at me for a second. "Are you sure Midoriya, I thought that name was an insult." Everyone just stared at me waiting for a responce." You know, a few people taught me that this name means more. I will be deku, the hero who tries her best." I looked at both Uraraka and Kacchan, they were both smirking at me and I winked at Kacchan causing him to blush lightly and look away. I sat back down and smiled at my boyfriend, who tried to make his name King Explosion Murder. He stood up and went to the front. "Lord explosion murder" I snickered as he and midnight got into an argument about his name containing the word murder. I started to preview my list of requests that I got from the pros. One name caught my eye, it said Gran Torino. I had never heard of him, so I decided I would ask to see if All might new him. *RING* I grabbed my things and went to go ask All might the question. I walked over to his office just as he was walking out. I dodged quickly in order to avoid bumping into him. "Ah sorry about that young Midoriya. Come into my office please, I must discuss something with you." I nodded and he walked into his office and I followed. We sat down and All might deflated, spitting out blood in the process. "Ok, the reason why I need to talk with is about your requests." I looked at him, I noticed that he had started shaking slightly. "I am sure you have seen that you have gotten a request from the hero, Gran Torino." I shook my head in a yes motion." Ok, I'm you have no clue about who he is, even a fan girl like you. He was my old friend of my master and taught at U.A for only one year. In that year he helped me fight and train with one for all. He knows the secret of one for all because he was the sworn friend of my master, who had just recently died." His voice sounded shaky and he was shaking even more now. 'just how scary is this guy' I thought to myself."He probably sent the request because I mentioned you in the letter that I sent him and from the sports festival." He looked at me and let out a small sigh. "I know who I will intern with then." He looked at me and smiled. "Sometimes Midoriya, you remind me of a younger and more powerful me." I snorted. "Me? Stronger that you? Don't be silly" I laughed. "But it is true, your quirk combinations will one for all makes you a lot stronger that I was. You can hit up to 500 percent, with only using 100 percent of your power due to your enhancement quirk. You can heal yourself when you are injured in a matter of seconds and you are learning how to use all three of your quirks at once, not to mention, the power of one for all has been integrated into your blood. You truly are very strong." I noticed that All might was being serious about me being stronger than him. "That is why I have chosen you to be the next symbol of peace. Your fast ability to make decisions under pressure and your instinct to run into things that don't concern you is another reason why." I smiled and stood up. "Thank you All might, but in my eyes you will always be the symbol of peace and the number 1 hero." He smirked and I grabbed my things. " Well, I should get to lunch before my friends get worried." I walked out of the door to the lunch room. I sat next to Uraraka and Iida and began to eat.
I ran down the street when I noticed something in an alley way. I ran down the alley way and saw Stain and Iida."Iida what are you doing here." He didn't move but he spoke." M..midorya, what are you doing here. Run" I saw Stain get closer to Iida with a sword in his hand. I ran over and moved Iida out of the way just as I heard the sword hit the concrete. I placed Iida near a dumpster and saw another person. It was Native, I ran over to move him too. A sword flew past my head, if I hadn't moved, I would have just gotten a sword to the back of the head and it would be game over. I felt a knife brush past my arm leaving a small cut."DON'T LET HIM GET YOUR BLOOD MIDORYA. IT IS WHY I CAN'T MOVE." I healed my cut and picked up the knife and broke it using one for all. "MIDORYA LEAVE, THIS DOESN'T CONCERN YOU." I looked over at Iida, he was crying. I pulled out my phone and sent my location to everyone, in hopes that someone would be in the area as back up. I knew that I would get in trouble if I used my quirk to harm him so I needed a way to immobilize him until the pros could arrive. I got worried though because I remember the Nomu, every pro in the area is fighting those things off. I felt a sharp pain a knife was thrown into my arm. I pulled out the knife and healed myself, also breaking this knife in the process. I spotted some rope in the dumpster and ran over to that. I felt another sharp pain, this time in my leg causing me to fall over. I still grab the rope, forgetting about the knife in my leg. I tie the rope around Stain and take his knives and sword. I thought that everything was fine until I felt stain yank the knife out of leg and cut the rope around him. I froze, I couldn't move anymore. 'Shit, he go some of my blood.' I panicked as Stain stood up and stepped over me. "Your different from these fakes, so I will let you live." I leg out a small sigh of relief to know I wasn't gonna die, but I was still panicking. I didn't know but I had the feeling that Iida had done something to make Stain upset. I felt cold, and I moved my eyes so that I could see upwards. It was Todorki and he had used his quirk to block off stain from me, Iida and Native. "Next time send more than your location Midoriya. I was almost to late to stop him from killing Iida and Native. I let out a sigh of relief as I was brought closer as the ground turned to ice and I pushed slightly, I skated along the ice, leaving a blood trail from my leg. I heard the sound of breaking ice as I saw Stain jump out from his Ice prison. "Todorki, don't let him get your blood, it makes you paralyzed." Todorki nodded and put another ice wall just as a sword was thrown at us. I heard the wall break and heard a swoosh noise as a knife flew by Todorki's face, cutting him slightly. "DON'T LET HIM GET THAT KNIFE." I shouted as Todorki fell backwards. I wiggled my fingers and powered them up. I let me break free from his quirk, sending out a small boom as I jumped, dodging another knife. That was 4 knives now, meaning that unless Stain picks them up, he is out of knives. I do a backflip over the ice wall and grab the rope, while using my healing quirk to heal my leg. I grabbed the rope and dashed forward, breaking through the ice right behind the hero killer. I tied him up and this time, used the broken part to bind his hands. I walked over to Todorki and placed a hand on his chest inorder to heal him. I then walked over to Iida and placed a hand on his back. The stab wounds in his shoulder disappeared and I let out a sigh. "Iida, I told you to talk with me. Not to go and try to kill the hero killer. I'm disappointed in you, I thought you were better than this." He let out a sigh and I could see a tear run down his face. I faced the hero killer, he had a few scraps and bruises so I quickly healed him just incase. He looked up at me and growled. He very obviously did not like being bested by 2 kids and probably felt ashamed. I walked over to Native and healed his wound too, that's when I passed out.
I woke up and saw a white room. I could hear people talking and I slowly sat up. "Aw Midoriya, glad to see your awake." I looked around and saw Iida, Todorki and a nurse. "What happened" I groaned. I grabbed my head, I had a killer head ache. "Well you pasted out and your friends brought you here." I looked over at Iida and Todorki. "After you healed Native, you passed out and hit your head. Probably due to using up so much energy on us." Iida looked at the ground as he spoke. I let out a sigh, "well at least you guys are safe." I gave them both a small smile. "WAIT... Where's stain. Did we catch him, did he get away. I NEED ANSWERS" I jumped at the thought of wasting so much energy and time, only to have Stain get away. "He was apprehended right after you passed out Midoriya." I let out a sigh of relief. A few hours later I was allowed to leave, I just had to be careful not to use too much energy, so I couldn't use my quirks. As I walked back to Gran Torino's place I thought about my costume. I had left it at his place because we only went out to grab dinner, there wasn't many good places around so we got on a train, that was later attacked by a Nomu and what caused the Stain fight to happen. My costume was a sleeveless green crop top with black bottoms and green and black shoes. It also had a gas mask function just in case a villain with poison gas attacked or something. The mask was black and had green happy faces on it. I had yet to wear it yet because it was made from a special fabric that was stretchy but didn't rip. Added bonus, the suit was fire and water proof, meaning in the winter when I do have sleeves, I can go into extreme temperature environments. When I got back to Gran Torino's place I met by getting kicked in the face. "I told you to stay on the train." He shouted at me for a good 30 minutes about me being irresponsible. After he was done I warmed up some pastries for us to eat.
"Final exams are in 3 days. So study and be ready for both the written exam and the physical. Class dismissed, be back at the dorms by 8 pm." I picked up my things and went over to Kacchan and Kirishma. "Hey you guys, want to study at the boba place today. I'll invite Uraraka." I said giving Kirishma a wink and watching his face turn as red as his hair. I walked over to Uraraka and pulled her over to Kirishma and pushed her into him. I laughed as both of them turned as red as tomatoes. We grabbed our things and walked over to the boba place, grabbing a seat in the corner and ordering food and drinks before pulling out our notebooks. We made a deal that for everytime someone got a question wrong, they would get hit by a rolled up piece of paper. By the end of our study session we had scared the waiter and both Uraraka and Kiri were ready for the exam.
We were split into teams and put up against teachers. Me and Kacchan were on a team, against All might. We decided that the best way to win was to escape because of All mights speed and strength. When the buzzer rang indicating that the exam had started I grabbed Kacchan's hand and activated one for all and ran forward. I could tell that Kacchan was not used to going this fast and I pushed him in front of me so that I could be like an engine so that the shock wasn't as bad. I heard a giant boom and pushed Kacchan into an alley so that he didn't get hurt by the blast. I was shot back and hit my head on a lamp post.
I heard a large boom and I was shoved into a alley as I watched Deku get thrown into a lamp post. She stood up and healed herself and I watched as the blood that was spilling down her face disappeared. I let out a sigh of relief to see that she was ok. I ran out of the alley over to her. She had a small scrap on her face and I watched it disappear as I got closer. She activated one of her quirks, the one with the green lightning around her and stuff. The grabbed me again and pushed me forward, I will never get used to her speed when she uses this quirk, I think she is at least as fast as All might, maybe even faster. Her power is also similar to All might's. That's when I remember when she told me about her quirks, she said something about her not being able to tell me what one of them was, is it possible that one of her quirks is what All might has. I hear another boom that puts me out of thought as I see Deku jump in front of me, this time she falls backward with her eyes shut. 'Shit did she pass out?!' I start to freak out. I can't win this without her. I see All might jump over to us, making me drop Deku and fire a blast at him. I hear a small groan as I see Deku stand up and run towards All might. My theory was correct, she was infact faster than All might because she punched him before he had time react. All might was thrown backwards into a building and I felt Deku push me forwards again. She seemed tired but I could see the escape area when I was stopped being pushed and I saw Deku get thrown into a bus and bounce off and into the ground, leaving a dent in the bus and in the ground where she landed. I turned around and saw All might right behind me. He grabbed my arm and threw me into the ground. I was about to hit the ground when I was caught and carried bridal style to the exit. It was Deku and she looked like shit. Her face was dirty and her eyes had tears in them. She was healing me and wasn't worrying about herself, all she did was sprint while carrying me to the exit. We were about to make it when suddenly I heard a thud. A giant piece of a metal fence was pining Deku to the ground. She looked very tired and she couldn't move. I shot an explosion from my wrist grenades that held my sweat. A giant explosion happened and when the dust cleared All might was standing unfazed by my explosion. I started to panic, deku used up to much energy trying to heal me and there for couldn't move right now. She needed to rest, which meant I would have to carry her to the finish, this also meant that I would need to beat All might. All might jumped at me and I had no time to react. I braised for impact but it never came, instead I heard a crunch and something go flying by my ear. The thing that went flying was the metal fence holding Deku down, she took the hit for me, causing her to break her arm. "RUN TO THE FINISH KACCHAN" She yelled as she ran towards all might, her eyes had tears in them but her eyes were also glowing. Her hair was blowing in the wind and was also slightly glowing. The green lightning around her was a lot more blueish than usual and had a very strong glow. Her injuries faded in the blink of an eye and she looked fucking awesome. I dashed towards the exit and heard a giant crash. Deku went flying towards the exit, she grabbed me and we both tumbled through the exit with me landing on top of her. She had sustained no injury and I saw All might flying behind me. Had she sent out a giant blast and used it to push All might away but propel her towards the exit. When I opened my eyes I saw the Deku had passed out and everything calmed down. We both won together, she did a lot of the fighting but in the end we both passed. The results were shown and I found out that Deku got a perfect score on both the written and physical exam. I got a 98 on the written and a 90 on the physical. I expected that I wouldn't do as good as Deku, mainly because she did almost everything in the practical exam. At the end of the day I went to go check on Deku to see how she was doing. When I got in there she was drinking something to help get her stamina back up. She wasn't allowed to use her quirks until 2 days from now in sumer break.

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