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When I woke up after the whole incident, I was in the hospital with bandages wrapped around my arm and gifts,cards and candies on my table. I sat up slowly and the nurse looked at me. "Nice to see your awake young lady. Unfortunately there will be scars on your arm due to you using so much power at once." I looked down at my fingers an noticed almost rip like scars coving what I could see of my of fingers. I sighed unable to recall what had happened to cause all of my scars. *BAM* The door slammed open as my class mates all rushed in, for the most part. A few were missing and because I couldn't remember at the moment I appeared very confused. "H..hey guys. This might sound kinda weird but, I can't remember what happened ever since we started to play the game thingy at camp." Everyone looked sad and some even had slight tears in their eyes. "Midoriya, we were attacked by villains and they took Bakugou" I heard Todorki say from the back. As if all that I needed was a small reminder everything came rushing back to me like a nightmare. The fight between me and muscular, dark shadow, Kacchan and me failing to keep the one person I loved safe. I felt tears form in eyes and I started to cry and I remembered Kacchan's words before he disappeared into the portal. "I'll let you all have some privacy" said the nurse as she walked out of the door. "'s not all bad Midoriya. Momo put a tracker on one of the villains and was able to track its location. I looked up, tears still spilling down my cheeks. Kiri looked as defeated as me, his eyes were slightly red meaning he had been crying recently too. "Look, don't give Izuku. We can still save him. When I heard that my bestfriend was being targeted, I did nothing. How can I call myself a hero or even a man if I can't protect one person" tears formed in Kiri's eyes as he spoke out. His words cut into my mind like a knife, he blames himself like I blame myself. My eyes meet his and he walks over closer to me. He reaches out his hand," It's not too late to save him" I smile as more tears spill down my cheeks. I use my good hand and grab his, he whispers in my ear "Meet me outside of the hospital as soon as your discharged at 5. We need to discuss something about him and how we plan on saving him." He walks backwards and gives a glance at Todorki and nods. Iida looks over at Todorki and then Kiri, obviously in confusion.
<<AT 5>>
I walk out of the hospital with my things and a giant bag full of gifts that I have yet to open. I see Momo, Todorki and Kiri all waiting for me outside. I also see a poorly hidden Iida attempting to hide in the bushes. "Iida, I can see you. Just come out and stop being creepy." The others turn around to see a clearly upset Iida stand up out of the bushes. He walks over to us and stands in front us and looks off to the side. "Well, since there's no point in hiding it know, we are here to talk about how to save Bakubro." Kiri sighs while breaking the silence. "We can't use our quirks to hurt the villains, only to protect ourselves. So we need a plan that will allow us to rescue Kacchan without violence or a possible risk of injury. Even though I can heal us, I am still low on energy and I'm not exactly allowed to just us my quirk freely." Everyone looks at me, to my arm and then nods. "I don't enjoy this idea, but I will come in order to make sure you all will not interact with the villains other than what is necessary for this" Iida states blankly, in a coldish tone. "Same here, just because I have the tracker and am allowing this, does NOT mean that I fully support this idea." We all take turns awkwardly staring at each other before I brake the silence" so, what's the plan". Kiri explains to me that the plan is to follow the tracker, disguise ourselves and hopefully rescue Kacchan, but most of the detail will happen in the moment." That's risky, but a risk I'm whiling to take. Especially for Kacchan" I say after kiri is finished talking. Momo pulls out a small device," It says that the target is Camino Ward, so we can take a train there, and I'll make us the disguises." Momo places the device back into her pocket and sighs, "I can't believe I'm doing this" she chuckles. I pull out my phone and set up a group chat with all 5 of us in it in order to discuss the plan a little bit better. "There, I sat up a group chat between us. What time are we leaving?" I turn off my phone and place it back in my pocket. "We were thinking close to around 9 pm, it will take us at least 3 hours to get to Camino Ward and from there, we can do whatever is needed." I look over at Todorki who up until now, hasn't said anything during this entire talk. "So does that mean we have time to head back to the dorms to open up some of these gifts" I ask while trying to brighten up the mood a little. Everyone smiles slightly and nods. As we walk back over to campus I can't help but have a tight feeling in my chest. I was worried about Kacchan and about All might. It sounded strange for me to worry about him but I knew that he would also be planning something inorder to save Kacchan. What if All for one is there, even though All might explained that All for one cannot just take away one for all I still worried, and I couldn't do anything about it. "Midoriya, you ok?" I snap out of my train of thought and see Todorki waving a hand in my face. "Oh! Y..yeah I'm fine. Just thinking, that's all." I finish my sentence with my heart in my throat as it throbbed. 'Damm it Kacchan you better be ok, or else I will heal you only to beat the shit out of you again.'
I woke up in a bar, in restraints and had villains from last night's attack and from the USJ attack surrounding me. I hear a small laugh as hand job walks up closer to me. I groan out and attempt to blow myself out of the restraints. In return, that shitty hand job guy laughs again. "I wish I had the Izuku girl, but you'll do fine as well. I'll get to point, I want you to join the League of villains." I stare at hand job with shock on my face, did they really expect to have me join them. I smirked slightly and laughed. "How fucking stupid ARE you." I yell out at them still laughing uncontrollably. "You think that I'll join your stupid ass League, hand job?. Do you think I was born yesterday. Obviously it's a no, I literally go to a fucking hero school." Hand job looks visibly annoyed by the nickname I gave him and he lets out a sigh. "That's just what that Izuku girl said, figures." I remember about Deku and start to worry, is she ok last I saw she was running towards me screaming my name and don't leave me. "Where the fuck is she you bastards. You didn't fucking hurt her did you!?" I yell at them in both worry and frustration. Hand job looks at me for a second and lets a small devilish smirk. "What you do if I said, she's dead and we killed her." My mind starts to race and my heart stops. "I would say you're a fucking liar and should learn how to lie properly before vomiting that non sense from that chap stick needing mouth. No way in hell she would die from trash like you." I use what I can only hope can call their bluff to see if they were really lying, because of deku's nature to rush into things, she could have entirely rushed into this, used up all her stamina, passed out and was killed while trying to rest. I shook off the thought knowing that deku wouldn't be that stupid as to do that. "Hah, you got me. Though you should really learn to think before you speak, as you just gave us your weakness. You have feelings for that girl, don't you?" I sit there in shock unable to move from what I just heard. Were they going to use Deku to het me to side with them. "DON'T YOU DARE LAY A FUCKING CRACKED ASS FINGER ON HER YOU CHAPSTICK LOTION NEEDING MOTHERFUCKER!" I yell out not caring about what the fuck they said, only that deku was safe. "Well in that case, why don't we bring her here."
I chill in my dorm as we open up the gifts that were on my table. I glance at my clock, 6:15pm. Still another 2 hours and 45 minutes until we boarded the train to get to Kacchan. I opened up Iida's gift, it was a card along with a black and red watch. The card said, "counting down the time until you get better soon" I smirked at card and watch. Most of my gifts so far had been cheesy and goofy so I was pretty dying of laughter until I saw the purple misty stuff form in my room forming a portal right below me causing me to fall through. "MIDORYA" Eveyone shouted while grabbing onto my arm keeping me from falling. My legs dangled in the air as I was slowly pulled back up out of the portal. I look through and saw a worried Kacchan and other villains. "K..kacchan" I feel tears form in my eyes until the portal closes and the mist disappears. I sit on the ground in disbelief, yet again I was to late to save my love. The small group had to help hold me down in order to prevent me from punching a whole through the floor. The look in Kacchan's eyes said it all, he was worried about me and when he saw me, he got even more. The other villains also just laughed when I shouted Kacchan at him. I wanted so badly to just open that portal back up, beat everyone's asses and rescue Kacchan. I cried on the floor for ten minutes before falling asleep. *ERH ERH ERH ERH* I groaned as reached over to pat my alarm clock only to remember that one, I was on the floor, and two everyone was still in my dorm. That clock said 8:30 pm, meaning that we had 30 minutes to get to the train. I didn't like the dreams I was having of the lately, they all had something to do with Kacchan getting hurt or killed and I didn't enjoy it, was it my mind's guilt of was it possibly a sign due to how real these dreams felt. I sat up and turned off the alarm as I heard more small groans and shifting noise's. "We have 30 minutes till the train ride. We should start getting ready, we don't want to be late." Everyone slowly lifted their heads off of the ground from where they had rolled over to or just were. I tossed everyone some rice crackers in small bags and we all ate that as a quick snack. Everybody looked pretty well rested except for me, I didn't sleep very well. We all left the dorm using our phones for light around 8:36 pm knowing that we would have to quite because some people wouldn't be asleep yet. I used my hand to cover to flash light inorder to make it less intense. When we got down to the lobby, we all shared one quick nod and headed out the doors, very carefully in order to not set off the alarms. When we finally exited the campus Momo pulled out the tracker" The target still hasn't moved" we all nod and head down to the train station. When we finally got to the train station it was 8:53 and our train would be here in no more than 7 minutes. We waited around, all concealing our faces with hoods from hoodies that I gave them right before we left as a temporary disguise. We entered the train car with the least amount of people and there was only 1 person in it. He seemed to be getting off at the next stop and seeing how it was kinda late into the night, we didn't expect to see many people. Momo started creating us shirts, pants and wigs along with other accessories to conceal our identities. I ended up in a suit with a green tie, with a dark red long wig resting on my head. For added detail she gave me an eye patch and a pair of contact lenses that were yellow. When I put everything on in the small ass bathroom I stared at my now clearly seen scars on my arm. They were like little rips and cover my arm from the shoulder down to my finger tips. I took one look in the mirror and decided that I looked like a fucking badass in this costume before walling back out to my seat. I sit back down and pull out my music and earbuds and start listening to *insert favorite song name here*, my favorite. I looked over to see everyone else in their disguises so I collect my hoodies back and stuff them into the back that I took with me. I check the time and it read 9:18 pm. I sighed and placed my head on the window, setting a alarm for 11:30 and totally crushed out right after shutting my eyes.
"KACCHAN LOOK OUT!" I yell out as a villain goes to attack him, I used one for all to leap in front of him, getting stabbed through the stomach as I do so. I fall backwards as I here screaming and crying around me. My eyes start to get very heavy and I use what I have left in me to heal my injury so that I wouldn't die as long as I got to the hospital. I was too weak to do anything bigger that just closing of the hole in my stomach, meaning you could see the blood and muscle still. I layed on the ground under the trees and my vision started to fade. I felt a hand placed in mine and grab tighter. "I am not letting you die instead of me!" I looked up at the voice and saw the blurred figure of Kacchan standing over me with tears forming in his eyes. I coughed out blood and lifted my arm up. "I have no intention of dying to today or any time soon." He still looks worried as I place my hand on his cheek. I feel as his tears run over my hand and use my fingers to brush them away. "Come Kacchan, do you think that I would lie to you" I say in an almost whisper. "" He smirks a little bit but it didn't hide the fear in his eyes. He stood up and picked me up bridal style and I whined at the pain but I continued to keep only a tiny amount of healing energy focused in that one spot in order to spare the doctors some work. I also was slowly healing up kacchan's wounds before he told me to stop and conserve my energy. *SLAM* One second I was in Kacchan's arms, the next I watching him fly by me as I was dropped with a thud and he was sent into the trees. I looked up and saw a giant villain with a mask and an absolutely giant arm. "I'll see you soon Izuku" He said right before I was impaled through the heart and woke up. I practically jumped out of seat and was sweating. "Hey hey hey, calm down Midoriya" I felt Todorki pat my shoulder trying to comfort me from my dream, what the hell even was that. The person in my dream knew my name even though I had never seen him before in my life and what the hell was up with his arm. It took me a few seconds to calm down before I was finally able to catch my breath. "Midoriya, are you ok. At first I didn't think to much of this, but I would wake up and hear someone breathing really heavily above me or just kinda yelling someone's name. But now your starting to worry me." He looks at me with a slight look of worry in his eyes, I should tell him about the dreams. "I... I've been having t..these dreams lately a..and they all include K..kacch...Bakugou getting hurt o..or ev..even dying." I tripped over my words as they left my mouth, not wanting to remember those dreams. "T..tonight was different. A villain knew my name and s..said see you soon to me." That's when Todoroki's face turned pale. "Midoriya, there is a quirk that allows you to contort and enter people's dreams. You said you've been having these a lot recently. When did they start?" I try to think back to when I had my first one. "A..after the final exam when I passed out" It was really hard to hide the panic in my voice, there was a possibility that a villain has been contorting my dreams as a way to see what I my fears were but who would be doing this? Todorki sighs, "and your just know telling someone about these" I nod quietly and look away slightly trying to clear my head. I looked down at my phone and it read 11:26 pm. I turn off my alarm and place my phone back in my pocket. I looked back at where the others were sitting and reached over the seat to lightly tap their shoulders to make them wake up. They groaned and adjusted their seating position and fixed themselves up. I did the same as I readjusted my wig and placed my contacts and eye patch back on. We waited until we heard the train conductor say "Next stop, Camino Ward" we wall perked up all she said this and put our things together in one bag. From there we exited the train and Momo pulled out the tracker again. We followed the tracker to a large building and we snuck around back. Todorki hoisted me up above the wall so that I could see into the small window on the side of the building. "I can't see anything, it's too dark to see anything in there" I whisper down to the others. I see Kiri pull something out of the bag and hand it to me. "Here use these". He hands me a pair of night vision goggles and I take them. "Wait, Kiri don't these cost like 2,000 dollars?!" I ask in shock. He looks away slightly and use them to see through the window. The sight almost makes me lose balance, it was like a Nomu factory. I saw hundreds of capsules all containing people who were starting to turn into those creepy ass nomu things. "What do you see?" I heard Kiri say to me. I jump down off of Todorki and give the classes back to Kiri. "T..thy have a Nomu factory" They all stare at me in surprise. We all had the same idea, fucking run. Just as we did so I heard a loud crash as Mt.Lady smashed into the facility with a giant kick and grabbed the Nomu. I also saw best jeanist using his quirk to grab the rest of nomus that Mt.Lady couldn't. We wall let out a small sigh of relief to know that those creatures had been disarmed.
"If we really want him to join, we should release him and treat him like an equal instead of treating him like a wild animal." I heard hand job say he shoves someone in a half black half gray mask towards me. He unlocks me from my restraints and I stand there for a second while rubbing my wrists before launching a giant blast at everyone. The smoke clears and I see I nocked off hand jobs hand on his face and he looks pissed. "DAMMIT!" He yells as he picks the hand up off the floor and places it back on his face. *BOOM* The door blasts open as I see All might and tree man blast through. Tree man grabs everyone and disables them from moving. " Kurogiri send the nomus" Hand job yells at a purple misty portal guy. "I can't find them" I smirk as All might explains what they had done, Mt.Lady and best jeanist, that fucking nightmare, had taken out that base using a tracker from Yayarozo. All of a sudden this gray gooey stuff starts opening up portals and the Nomu start crawling out of them. I saw more gray shit start surrounding me and the villains and I started to suffocate as it entered my mouth and covered my nose. I fell face flat on the cold dirty ground of the outside.
I saw Kacchan fall through a portal and land face flat on the ground. We discussed a fast plan in order to get him back, knowing if a fight was gonna happen, he needed to be out of there. I saw a villain with a black mask step out of the shadows and stand floating just slightly above the ground. I recognize him as the guy from my dream and started to panic. "Todo, that's the guy from my dream, we need to get Kacchan out fast." He nods after we ran over the plan one last time. *SMASH* I saw All might land and slam his fist down into the ground. I activated one for all and we formed the small triangle with me, kiri and Iida. We use one for all and Iida's reciprocal to push us forward and use Kiri's harding to break through the wall. As soon as we did that Todo sent out a giant ice slope as high as he could make it and we practically flew over it as we made our way up it. After we flew off the tip at a hight that the villains only wished to reach, me and kiri both stuck out our hands and yelled "BAKUGOU!" He looked up at us and smirked. Shigaraki jumped at Kacchan trying to grab him but with a giant blast he shot himself up into the air and grabbed our hands. "YOU IDIOTS" He yelled at us. We just smirked as tears formed in our eyes, "on our count, send out a blast to propel us further. We can't use my quirk up this high with possibly getting hurt" I say and I see Kacchan roll his eyes. "Usually I don't let people tell me what to do, this time I'll make an exception" He winked at me and I smirked. "SHIT" Kacchan's grip started to slip from my fingers as something was shot at us. "Oh hell no, I am NOT LETTING THIS BITCH TAKE YOU AGAIN" I yell while looking down back at the ground. I did a weird movement in order to not hit anyone and sent out a 5 percent flick and shot us back faster and hit the ground right in front of the guy trying to get us down and he fell backwards. "Fuck..." My body got tired from even using 5 percent after launching us. Passed out in the air and fell 500 feet to the ground.
"I GOT YOU, YOU DAMM NERD!" I grabbed her rand right before she was out of reach, this was when I noticed her fingers. Her fingers and arm was covered in rip like scars, probably from the attack in the mountains. I pull upwards and fucking sonic grabs her hand as well to help steady her. We land in a park and using Shitty hair's quirk, land pretty well. I pick Deku from where she landed and carry her, she looks so peaceful while she laid in my arms asleep. We walk out of the park into the streets and notice a large group of people in front of a T.V on the side of a building. We join with the crowd and stare up at the T.V showing the fight between All might and this weird villain wearing a mask. I've been having these dreams where Deku dies or gets injured and this man is always in them. I stare up in the T.V in disbelief as I heard the man mention Deku. "That Izuku girl just saved that boy. My great great niece sure is stubborn isn't she." I can't believe that this was the villain who ripped a whole in All might's stomach and is related to Deku. I grit my teeth thinking about it until I hear All might speak. "Just because your related to that girl, does not mean she will follow your path." All might seems pissed off at the villain. All of a sudden I see a old guy join the scene, he looks like a retired hero so what is he doing there. All might gets blasted and I see the old guy move with All might out of the way. They're talking about something but I can't hear it because they're too far away from the camera. I hear a small groan come from the sleeping beauty in my arms. "Ugh, K..Kacchan" I look down to see her bright green eyes staring up me with tears slightly forming in her eyes. She crawls up into my arms and buries her head into my chest. "I'm sorry Kacchan" I look down at her, she was crying. "Why are you apologizing Izuku?" She looks up at me in shock to me using her real name and her grip on my shirt gets tighter. " I couldn't save you when It really came down to it. I needed the others to help and I almost fell to my death afterwards. I have all this power but I so weak and, *sniffle* and..." I cut her off before she can finish. "Izuku, your stronger than anyone I know. Your determined and just because you failed one time, you didn't let that stop you. In fact, you came back to get me even though you didn't need to." I look at her and she smiles a little bit. "How did I end up with such an amazing boyfriend?". I blush lightly but then here a giant blast. "UNITED STATES OF SMASH" I notice the screen and see all might half deflated in his weak form but the other half in his normal form. He smashes the giant villain into the ground with a equally giant smash. I had missed most of the fight but I could tell that All might had his ass handed to him. He stood there, covered in blood and dust just breathing heavy until he points at the screen without facing it. " It's your turn" I see Izuku's face turn pale, she knew what this meant and so did I. I sat her down and helped her stand. She was crying again and looked down at the ground.
I just stood there staring at the sun rise. It was early but I couldn't sleep, so I came here to think. I always came here when I couldn't think, something about the place just made me happy. I stood there staring at the gentle water crashing onto the soft sand.  After I cleaned up this place, people started visiting the beach and found joy in having it back. I stood there, letting my eyes soak up every bit of the sun rise, that was until I was punched in the face and nocked to the ground. "Dammit kid, you are gonna be the death me." I look up at my attacker and see small might. I look off to the side expecting to be scolded but instead was pulled into a hug. "But you managed to save your friend without even interacting with the villains. I'm so proud of you!" I hug him back, careful not to hurt his injuries. "I..I can heal you a little bit if you n..need. It won't be all the way ok but it will help with the pain." He sighs as he pulls out of the hug. "No Izuku, you've done enough." He reaches out his hand to help my up and I take it, while activating my healing quirk to heal him up a little bit. "You really are persistent aren't you kid." He chuckles as I stand up and stop healing him slightly, as I still wasn't supposed to use my quirk yet until next Wednesday. "So, what are you doing here Izuku?" "Oh, I just couldn't sleep. So I came here to clear my head." He gives me a small smile. "Yeah, I do that to." I smile back and hear other people start talking. "Wait, isn't that All might and that kid from the sports festival." "Wow, it's All might and Izuku Midoriya." I blush lightly and turn away, as I still wasn't used to the attention all the way yet. 'How do people still remember me from the sports festival?' I thought to myself."Can we have autographs from you two?" I hear multiple people ask at the same time. I turn my head slightly and pull out my pen from my pocket. I signed a total of 12 things, same with All might and at the end I decided to head back to the dorms to try to see if I could get a nap in. I got back to the dorms and went to my dorm. As I entered the dorm, I could hear Kacchan snoring in his dorm and for some reason felt safe to know he was near by. I crawled into bed and fell asleep, this time not having one of my nightmarish dreams.

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