A hero rises

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*This picks up where deku is about to fight overhaul and save Eri. If you don't know who those characters are....welp I don't really care, sorry if you took offence to that :/ well lets get back to the story....OOF*
I smashed through the wall blocking us. I saw Mirio and Eri and the guy known as Overhaul. Mirio was, bleeding? I jumped over to them and stood in front of Mirio and Eri, neither of them were gonna die or get taken away. "Run, I'll take care of him" I activated all of my quirks and stood ready for battle. Both of them ran away from the fight that was about to happen. I felt the ground shift and I dodged a piece that was going to stab me. "I don't have time for this, just give me the girl back." I clenched my fists and fired a blast at him while using the dust and debris to hide myself. I ran behind him and landed a punch to his back and he flew into the rocks. I felt a sharp pain as something stabbed me in both my leg and arm, pining me down. "Speed and power, that's all you have." He stepped over to a body and fused with it. "COME ON ERI, SOMEBODY ELSE IS ABOUT TO DIE FROM YOUR SELFISHNESS!" He shouted from a mouth on his hand. I heard small footsteps getting closer, this made me upset. I gritted my teeth and yanked the pieces of rock out of my skin and crushed them into a million little pieces and healed myself. I was about to leap up to save her, when they both shot up into the sky on a large piece of rock. I jumped up and tried to get up there, jumping on the debris as it fell from the incredible height. I stuck out my hand, tears falling from my eyes. "TAKE MY HAND ERI" I saw Mirio's cape falling down slowly and a hand reach up and grab it, then a bright yellow glow formed. Eri leapt down and I caught her and clutched her in my arms. "GIVE HER BACK! SHE DOESN'T WANT YOU!" My speed doubled from my emotions and it looked like I was teleporting from rock to rock as I climbed up in the air and reached to the top. I kicked Overhaul and shot myself up into the air, still clutching Eri in my arms. "D..did I send a blast at 100 percent, t..time 5 and didn't break anything. Even my healing quirk wouldn't heal me that quickly, I didn't even feel it" I felt a grip on my costume get tighter. I looked down and saw Eri, she was crying and the horn on top of her head was glowing bright yellow. We landed and I sat her down from my arm, all of a sudden I felt like my bones were being crushed, not by my quirk but by some invisible force. I groaned out and heard her cries get louder. I saw overhaul jump out of the giant whole in the ground, but his entire lower half was like a giant monster. I sent another 100 percent times 5 blast at him and the crushing stopped. I looked at Eri, "T..this is your quirk, isn't it." She nodded slightly and started crying harder. "I...it's a curse. I'm a curse." I placed my hand on her shoulder. "You are not a curse. Now that I've experienced it, we can work together to defeat Overhaul." She nodded and handed me the remains of Mirio's cape. I tied it around her and onto my back, she placed her arms around my sides to help hold on. I saw Sir nighteye out of the corner of my eye and saw he had also gone to save Eri but had gotten stabbed by the rocks, he was bleeding heavily, I rushed over to heal him. "M...midoryia, you c..can't fight. I...in the f..future you d..die. T..the future needs you." I sent another blast at Overhaul who had sent a giant arm to smash me into the ground, distracting my attention away from Sir Nighteye. "Then I'll rewrite that future!" I jumped up at Overhaul and used a my kick to send a blast of healing air at Sir Nighteye. I was floating in the air and every part of me was emitting a bright green glow as the lightning surrounded me and Eri. I had to continuously be using 100 percent inorder to survive Eri's quirk but it didn't bother me. Overhaul sent a giant attack at me and I flew around it, avoiding the attacks with insane speed. I went to punch again hit him, sending a rain of golden fists down as I did so, like in my dream. The fists rained down on Overhaul, breaking off chunks of his monster like body. He landed on the ground with a giant thud, sending up a giant cloud of dust and debris. I punched the air above me and shot us both down and landed on both of my feet. I saw everyone crawling out of the giant hole or exiting the building as I stood there emitting the bright green glow. My hair had turned a light aqua and my eyes were the same. I felt the crushing pain again and fell to the ground. The pain got more and more intense until it stopped and so did my quirks, leaving me on the floor panting. Mr.Aizawa, Uraraka and Tsyu were standing a few feet away and Mr.Aizawa was using his quirk to save me. Sir Nighteye was suspended in the air with Tsyu's tongue around his wrist, keeping him from floating away. I felt Eri's head fall down and her arms fall to her sides, she had passed out. I untied the cape and picked her up in my arms again, then I saw Mirio and rushed over to him, slinging Eri over my shoulder. "Are you ok Lemillion?" I asked as I helped him stand and I healed him partially, I was exhausted and didn't want to pass out, so I couldn't heal him fully. He smiled at me and then looked sad. "My quirk is gone. I can't use it at all, and I think it's permanent damage." I covered my mouth in shock. He patted my back slightly. "But even so, I'll keep smiling. No matter what. This world needs smiling, so I'll do so." In this moment, he reminded me of myself when my mom died. I helped him walk over to the ambulance that had just arrived. I handed them Eri and Mirio got inside. "Hey kid, you want to ride too? You also look injured and really tired." I nodded and climbed inside. I hadn't even noticed the blood stains on my costume and I was tired. I put my head against the wall and took deep breaths, trying to keep my emotions under control and to not freak out. I fell asleep, even with the loud sirens and quick movements.
I woke up from my hospital bed and stared at the ceiling. I sat up off the bed and swung my legs off of it. I was still in my hero costume but my legs and arms were wrapped in bandages. I stood up the bed and looked around. I was in a multiple bed room and saw Kirishma and Uraraka both laying in bed, resting peacefully. I heard a small groan and Uraraka sat up, looking extremely confused. "Morning" I said while waving at her. I sat back down on the bed and we both looked at Kirishma, he was covered in bandages and looked like a mummy. The nurse walked in and pulled me aside. "There is a request for you, in room 375. Other people are there, it's about Nighteye." My eyes widened in shock, I had forgot to heal him properly and worry spread across my face. I speed walked through the halls scanning for room 375, I found it. The room had the windows tinted black, I walked in and saw All might, Mr.Aizawa and Sir Nighteye's side kicks. I rushed over to where Sir Nighteye was laying, his eyes were half way shut and his voice was raspy. "Aww...I..izuku. I...hoped you would get h..here" I felt the tears come to my eyes as he laid there. "Y..you a....avoided the future t...that I s...saw for you. Y...you lived. I a...also m..must thank y..you f...for h...healing m...me." I lowered my head and looked at the ground, still crying. I heard the door open along with a nurse shouting. "SIR THIS IS A HOSPITAL, NO RUNNING IN THE HALLS!" The door shut and I felt someone else run to the side of the bed, it was Mirio and he was crying too. "Sir, please don't leave. I need you to teach me things still." I saw Sir Nighteye put his hand on Mirio's cheek. "You'll b..become a f..fine h...hero. S..so f..for n..now s..smile. A world without j..joy and h...happiness, i..is not a w..world worth l..living in." *beeeeeeeeeeeep* The tears poured from my eyes as Sir Nighteye flat lined and died. Everyone in the room was crying, including All might. We all just lost somebody, an ex team mate, a mentor, a partner.
I finished grabbing my things and stared down at the floor. Kirishma had woken up when I was with Sir Nighteye and was free to leave when I got back. We all walked out of the room, me staring at the floor not speaking at all, how could I. Only 1 hour ago, I watched someone I could have saved die. I was upset with myself for being so worthless. We made our way down to the entrance and walked out, still silent. "I saw part of your fight Midorya, you were pretty cool. Then I passed out, so I didn't see much. Did you win?" He chuckled slightly. "Well duh, don't think I would be here if I didn't" I chuckled slightly and we all laughed. "Yeah, she was amazing. I didn't see much either but what I did see was super cool." Uraraka's enthusiasm was too much, how did she do it. As they both fangirled and fanboyed about my fight, I stared at the at the floor and clenched my fist before releasing it. There was nothing I could do now, so no point in whining about it now. I looked back and at the window of Eri's room and smiled.
Both me and Mirio rushed down the halls to find Eri's room. When we found it, we both almost knocked the door off its hinges as we threw it open. "ERI!" We both shouted and Eri looked at us in surprise. We both ran over to her and I gave her a big hug. "I'm so glad you're ok." I whispered in her ear and released her from the hug. She made a weird face and Mr.Aizawa walked in. "I'm sorry, h..how do you smile again?" She stared at the floor, and I almost cried again. I might have rescued her from Overhaul, but the trauma she had experienced still haunted her. I placed my hand on her shoulder and smiled at her. "It's ok, you'll learn soon enough. I promise" she looked up at me and make a attempt to smile, it was adorable. "Ok Midoriya, you can leave the hospital and I'm sure the others would want you back." I nodded and waved to Eri and Mirio goodbye as I left and ran back to my room.
I smiled and turned back around. "Hey guys?" Both Kiri and Uraraka looked at me. "Are you guys dating yet?" I smirked at them and they both blushed and turned red. "N..not yet. Everything with school lately has p..prevented us f...from.." She was cut off by Kirishma kissing her and I let out a delighted squeal. "We are now" Uraraka's eyes swirled around and she almost passed out, she stumbled into Kirishma's arms and Kiri and I laughed. We continued walking to the bus stop and we got on the bus. We all sat together and when our stop came we all got off and walked to the main campus. Luckily it was Saturday so we didn't have to worry about school tommorow but I missed Kacchan's first class for the licence. We walked to the dorms and entered, all of us laughing and talking like nothing had happened. We all sat down and I sighed and stretched. I pulled out my phone and looked at the news. "Hey look at this! U.A student and winner of the sports festival seen fighting a villain as other students rescue others." I waved my phone in their faces."WE MADE THE NEWS!" I shouted and squealed. I clicked on the article and started reading it out loud. "Today, we spotted U.A students outside of a building fighting a villain and rescuing people. U.A student and sports festival winner, Izuku Midoriya was spotted fighting a villain with a small girl on her back. Other students were seen exiting the rubble as Izuku held off the villain." I finished reading and smiled wide. "Just because I was the main point doesn't mean you guys weren't mentioned. I was just a lot easier to see do to me glowing and that stuff but you guys were seen too." I patted both of them on the back and hear loud footsteps above us and the elevator ding. The stair doors shot open and the elevator doors opened and the rest of our class came rushing threw. "YOU GUYS ARE ON THE NEWS!" They all shouted and I blushed lightly. "THERE'S EVEN A VIDEO" Mina pulled out her phone and shoved it in our faces, I hadn't gotten far enough into the article to see it yet. The video was a 20 second clip of my final move on Overhaul and it showed everyone crawling out of the rubble and with other people. The raining punches happend and the camera focused back on me, a voice can from the video. "Wait! Is that Izuku Midoriya from the sports festival. She's awesome! And look over there!" The camera focused on Uraraka, Kirishma and Tsyu. "More of the students, wow they're amazing, definitely the strongest first years yet, especially that Izuku girl." The video stopped and Mina took her phone back. "You guys are AMAZING!" Mina grabbed my shoulders and shook me. I shook her off of me and stood up. "Chill out, it was for our hero studies. You're giving me too much credit, these guys saved people too. All I did was hold off the villain." Mina slapped me across the face. "The whole city is going crazy about you Midoriya" she pointed straight at me. "Why?! All I did was hold off the villain." "THAT! THAT IS WHY RIGHT THERE. YOU HELD OFF A GIANT VILLAIN AND PROTECTED A SMALL GIRL, NOT TO MENTION WITH YOUR BARE HANDS" She shouted in my face and fell back down onto the couch. "This city is losing their minds about you" I stood back up. "I...I'm gonna go now" I ran to the stairs and up to the roof to calm down. I needed to relax, getting bombarded with people yelling in your face and watching people die can really do something to you. I stood on the roof and looked over the edge. "Just calm down Izuku. It's just your friends, but other people" I slapped myself and then healed it so it didn't leave a mark. "Calm the FUCK DOWN!" I griped my shirt tight, I really needed to calm down, or someone could get hurt. "Hey" I turned around and saw Todorki standing on the roof with me. "Oh, hey Todorki" I sighed and released my shirt. "You ok?" I shook my head and remembered that I needed to talk to him. "Todorki, I need to talk to you, got a minute" he noded and walked over to me and sat down, I sat as well. "Look, you're a great guy, but my heart belongs to Kacchan. I know you like me, but I'm sorry. We can still be friends though, r..right?" I sounded worried at the end and Todorki patted my shoulder. "I knew it, but yes of course we can still be friends. It makes me slightly sad but hey, I'm not entirely sure who I am. I would like to thank you for opening my eyes during the sports festival. You helped me accept my fire, made me stronger." I smiled at him and stood up, helping him up as well. "Thank you for understanding, and if you ever need help in the future, I'm here." He smiled and patted my back. "Thank you Midoriya" he walked back to the stairs and left me. I stared up at the sky and smiled. I heard the door open again. "I heard you took down a villain and did some pretty cool shit." I smiled and turned around. Kacchan stood staring at me in a tank top and sweatpants. "Got to admit, I'm kinda jealous, you're in the spot light." I laughed and ran to give Kacchan a big hug. He laughed and hugged me back and ran his fingers through the top of my hair. Without even meaning too, I started crying. Everything had been so chaotic lately, all I wanted to do was to sit and talk with my boyfriend like a normal human being. '"I'll support you no matter what, I promise".' I smiled at the thought. "Hey...you ok, you're crying, a lot. More than usual lately." He laughed slightly and we ended the hug. "But seriously, are you ok?" He patted my shoulder and I used my sleeve to wipe away my tears. "Yeah, everything's just been so chaotic lately. I watched someone who I could have saved die this morning. I saved a little girl, bit she doesn't even know how to smile. The city is going crazy of me, but I just panic and don't know how to react." I finished speaking and more tears rolled down my cheeks. "Hey, chill out. You're the strongest person I know, so I know that a little loss and a little emotion, won't bring you down. Don't forget why you want to be a hero, you can't save everyone, it's impossible but I can understand the guilt. Backing away from all the sad things, I saw your fight on the news. You did something super fucking cool, be proud of that. I still remember that attack from the dream, you're getting a lot stronger." I smiled a little bit and sighed. "But, he was right there. I....I just couldn't reach. I healed him, but it wasn't enough." "You're new to these types of things. I'm sure that you were preoccupied with that giant villain to be able to focus all your attention on him, you were the only one strong enough to defeat that villain, not your fault you're surrounded by a bunch of weak extras." I laughed and hugged him again, making him blush slightly. "Look, if you're gonna say you're not worthy of calling yourself a hero or you try to feel bad about what happened, I will blow your negativity all the way to hell. Nobody is gonna hurt my girlfriend, not even herself." I smiled and kissed his cheek, having to stand on my tip toes to reach his face. He blushed slightly and turned his head fast and kissed me right on the lips, making me turn all shades of red. He pulled out his phone and showed me another article, posted 10 minutes titled 'A hero rises'. I smile and he winks at me. "No matter what happens, you'll always be my hero~"

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