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Callie's POV

Today marks my third month living on the streets. I ran from my last foster home because I'd finally had enough. And who wouldn't after 10 crappy foster homes. Anything is better than being in those homes. Even if it means living on the streets and sleeping on a park bench and only eating every few days or once a week. That's about how long it's been since my last meal. So I decided to go to the local market and try to steal some food.

I'm about to shove a small sandwich in my jacket pocket when I thought no one is looking but a woman walks up beside me. She has pale skin and long blonde hair that she has pulled up in a ponytail.

"I hope you were planning on paying for that." She says grabbing something off the shelf before looking at me.

"What do you care if I was or wasn't?" I say  

"I'm a cop."

"Oh. I was gonna pay." I say nervously. Trying not to get arrested.

"No you weren't. How long has it been since you've eaten?" She asks.

"A week."

"Here. Let me get you something to eat."

"I don't need your pity." I say rolling my eyes.

"It's not pity. It's looking out for others."

"I can take care of myself." I say.

I hate handouts. I hate pity.

"I'm sure you can. Well if you don't want it to be a hand out. Then. How about I buy you some lunch and you can tell me why you haven't eaten in a week?" She asks suggestively with a raised eyebrow.

"Fine. Thank you." I say looking down.

We go to the front and she pays for the sandwich and  has me walk with her while she gets the rest of her groceries so she can ask her questions.

"So. Let's start off small. Can you tell me your name?" The blonde asks.


"Well it's nice to meet you Callie. I'm Stef. Now can you tell me, Where are your parents?" She asks as we walk.

"My dad was drinking and he was driving him and my mom home and hit someone. My mom died in the crash and my dad died a few weeks later in the hospital. That was 10 years ago. I've been in and out of foster homes since."

"Is that why you haven't eaten? Are your foster parents not feeding you?" She asks worried.

"No. I ran from my last home about three months ago."

"Well I don't know if you would want to but...now I'd have to run it by my partner but if you'd like. You can stay with us tonight so you'd have a proper dinner and warm bed tonight."

"Like I said. I can take care of myself." I say turning to walk away.

"And like I said  I'm sure you can but you also deserve kindness and everyone needs a little help sometimes. Okay?" She says resting her hand on my arm. I bite my lip and think about the offer. It would be nice to not sleep in the park bench tonight and actually be able to get some rest for a night.

"Okay. Thank you Stef." I say quietly.

"Your welcome. Come on. I'll pay for this stuff and we'll get you settle at the house before everyone gets home." She says starting to walk.


"Yes. My partner and I have three kids who are all about your age I assume. How old are you?" She asks curiously.

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