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A heartbeat passed, burning ash and smoldering leather filled the air, as the magic bolt of fire just narrowly missed Lance's soaked chest. Stumbling, Lance quickly regained balance, and proceeded to outrun his pursuer, Mal. Lances bulgy muscles tensed behind every leap and bound across the roofs of the kingdom. Running along rows of different sized-buildings constructed of sandstone walls and wooden roofs. Fumbling for a arrow, Lance swiftly aimed his bow.

Strung arrow, a keen eye for aim, panting feet and relentless buckets of rain, was all Lance could consider at that point of peril. 'This is hell' Lance Thought

Lance released the arrow towards his purser, sending whistles of cold wind soaring through the air. The arrow impaled itself against Mals lower leg, drawing a black line of warm blood. Rain whizzed across Mal's sneering face,for the arrow did not hurt the man, for it did not slow him. 'He's not human!' wondered Lance. "Run, Run boy, Faster now! I'll catch you!" shrieked Mal, whose appearance was a tall hunched wizard who reminded Lance of a filthy cockroach.

A Sparkling cape covered Lances baby blue eyes, which flickered emotions of fear and determination. Even if the rain caught Lance's panicked breath and tight garments. As well as Metal scraping on metal as Lance's sword rumbled against his breastplate. The boy was still as quick as a wolf and as precise as a rabbit.

While quickening his pace, Lance realised the path of village roofs in front of him, had arranged a lengthy gap between the roof and the ground. The distance was , but Lance's fear thrusted him off the side of the tower. His brown bushy hair caught a gust of wind, while the pressure of falling pummeled Lance across the sandy floor.

Jolts of pain shrilled through Lance's body. As maleficent laughter ringed through the ears of Lance, deafening his senses. Mal had made the jump, with a trick, Magic.

A shout, a movement, a bright blade hung from Mal's raised arm. He charged, screams echoing throughout the land. Lance stationed himself between the approaching Mal and the soft sandstone of the floor, sword hidden under his torn cloak.

Vision blurrier than mud and a mind racing quicker than a dragon wings, he realised his chances of survival were slim. Although energy burst within him, and Lance hacked towards Mals upper chest, succeeding in drawing blood. Thunder resounded, as Mals eyes turned from a scorching fire to a lifeless white. Mal stumbled, appearing startled, and suddenly fell limp to the damp sandy ground with a THUMP. He was dead.

Minutes of exhaustion and sorrow passed. While the last of the clear rain billowed upon Mals pale body, glimmers of the morning sun arose. Allowing light to fill across the kingdoms many buildings and stalls. As the sun glittered in Lance's eyes, he noticed, that upon his rival's back, was the bright dragon marking of the empire. Lance toppled onto his knees, and whilst clenching his scarred hands, sighed deeply.

The fight was over, but it was not surely won. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2020 ⏰

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