Chapter 13: Hurricane

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(If you want, I can link you the lyrics' translation)


Then, it was finally the most exciting day of that year. It was the day when we could eat as much as we wanted and not worry about collapsing of a heart attack sometime later in the day. I could dress up as nicely as I wanted, and could make sure that I actually cared about my makeup for once.

I couldn't wait to dance until my feet fell off and Manish had to drive me to the hospital. I couldn't wait to spend one of my last days with Manish, Jen, and almost everyone else that I loved. I knew Irfan's wedding reception was going to be a blast, but with some other things compiled into there as well, which were less than desirable.

There was a general rule of thumb when it came to weddings or receptions as well. Start getting ready at least 2 hours in advance. If you're someone who likes to procrastinate like me, then 2 hours is the minimum amount of time you should set aside when it comes to getting ready.

Even if I was prepared as to what I was going to do in terms of my appearance for the day, there was always something that would go wrong and it would end up adding more and more time to getting ready. And that's what always made me late. Thankfully, my mom, albeit with me whining a bit, made me set out some of my things the night before.

I was eyeing the dress that I was planning on wearing that night. The blood red color added a level of unintended class to the aura, with the fabric shining underneath any kind of light that was present. It perfectly hugged whatever few curves I had, and with the soft, luxurious feel of the material, it was a win win situation. I just knew that I was going to look good in that dress, along with the makeup that I was planning to do.

Well, at least, attempting, and then failing miserably. Then it would involve me calling for my mom as she laughed at the fact that my screwed up makeup made me look like I had gotten punched in the face.

After I had slipped on my dress, draped on my necklace, slid on my  bracelet, straightened my hair without miraculously burning any of my fingers, I grabbed my mom's makeup things. I picked whatever brushes looked right, and then called, "Mom! I need your help!"

My mom, almost knowing exactly why I needed her at that moment, ran upstairs to help me in looking half decent and not looking like I just rolled out of bed and threw on whatever nice looking outfit I first laid my eyes on. "I got it, Ashwini. I'll do your makeup." She grabbed a little chair for me to sit in, and then grabbed some primer so that the shadow wouldn't look like an absolute mess.

She took some on her hand and then dabbed it on my eyelids, while giving me a little bit of a smile. "I know you're excited. You've been talking about it forever when Jen gave you the invitation. Manish is going to be so dazzled when he sees you in that dress."

I gulped a little bit, because I tried not to reflect on what Isha said the other day. I knew that none of her words were true, again, but it still stung like a swarm of bees. Just the idea of Manish never being proud of me is like swallowing a piece of cactus with the spines still on it whole.

My mom saw my apprehension, and then grabbed a little brush to start applying eyeshadow. "You seem super tense. Is this about Isha shit talking about you and Manish's relationship?" I didn't even say anything at that moment. My mom was almost always right about her suspicions, and this was definitely not an exception. I just gave her a slight nod so that I didn't mess up the work she was doing, and then after blending out my eyeshadow, I could hear her set the brush down.

"Ashwini, open your eyes for a second."

I obeyed exactly as that, and then looked up at her. She gave me a reassuring look, and then said, "Isha's words don't mean anything, okay? I can tell how much Manish loves you and treasures your guys' friendship. Isha's just jealous that she can't dictate Manish, okay? Don't worry about her, because she can go bury herself in a ditch, for all that I care. Try to have fun tonight without worrying about whatever the hell she thinks, okay?"

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