Chapter 2

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Chapter 2: Earth, Gem of The Cosmos! Is Kakarot Closer Then They Had Expected?!

((Alright, Second Chapter. Goku and the Gang might appear...))


The saiyan stumbled from his rest. He rubbed his head and got up, looking around. Next to him was his wife in her undergarments. Bardock however just scratches his head and looked outside. It was early morning, due to the sun's light and birds chirping.

"Gine, why're you waking me up?" The male Saiyan said grumpily. He looked at his gear and got his scouter. "Also, why're you outside your armor?"

Gine shrugged. "I didn't feel comfortable being in it while asleep, so I took it off while you were sleeping," She said, pointing at her armor near their burnt-out fire.

"Well put 'em on, we need to find our son if this is Earth," He said, standing up.

Gine hurriedly placed her armor on, before walking with her husband. "What's the highest power level here?" She said.

As Bardock turned on his scouter, it immediately detected several high power levels, far above his own. "Let's try the strongest here," He suggested. His wife agreeing, they exited the cave, and flew out of the forest

"Alright Gohan, let's rest..."

Goku sat down on a tree stump. Across from him Gohan also sat down happily, while Piccolo, their partner, slowly dropped to the ground, watching the two saiyans.

"Oh boy dad! What will we eat today?" The young half saiyan said. He'd been hungry for abit, and was really hungry.

"Well, I saved up some...." As he pulled out some fish, the three felt two power levels. For Goku, their power felt familiar, like he had felt them before...

"Did you guys feel that?"

"Uh huh" Said Gohan. The power levels were far beyond a regular warrior, but high enough for a saiyan. Before Goku went off, Piccolo places his arm infront.

"Wait for them here. They might be strong but they're far under any of our powers. Let's just see who they are...."

"Hm...I can't take the risk though," Said Goku, who lifted his finger up to his forhead

"I'll see to it they're handled..."

And in a flash, Goku was gone from Gohan and Piccolo's presence.

"We have to follow him!" Gohan said. With Piccolo in tow, the two flew off to where they sensed Goku went, which was infront of the two power levels...

"Alright Gine, we're close to the power levels," He said, flying ahead. They had flown over forest for a few minutes.

"By the way, can you check my power level?" Asked Gine, curious if they had changed in power. Bardock turned on the scouter with a bip

"Hm. Still the same. 540. Now check mine." The man said, chucking the scouter at Gine, who placed it on.

"Oh! You've increased since the last time! 11, 403!" She said with a surprised look.

"Well anyway, let's get going."

"Alright Bardock." Said Gine, giving Bardock the scouter. Placing it on, they started to move on again.

"Say, this planet doesn't seem harmed or owned by Frieza's men... Do you think he failed at his mission?"

Bardock, while flying, considered the possibilities as they flew over treetops. However, His train of thought, along with their flight, was stopped when a figure appeared infront of them. They stopped mere feet away from the young man.

"Hey! Who're-" Before Bardock could finish, he went into shock and realized who it was. He stayed like that for a few moments, with Gine looking at him surprised with him


Infront of them, a young man stood. He had the same hair as Bardock, but has a similar face to Gine's. By his appearance, he appeared in his early Thirties, but if it was Kakarot, he must've been in his forties, older then Bardock and Gine! He wore an orange outfit with an odd symbol, and a blue belt, undershirt, and boots.

"My name is Goku!." Said the young man. "You're saiyans aren't you? How do you know my saiyan name!" He said, pointing back at the two

"Kakarot, it's us, Bardock and Gine, your mother and father!" Said Gine desperately. Why didn't He remember?!

My mother and dad!? Goku thought in confusion. Why would these saiyans proclaim such a thing. Sure the man seemed a lot like himself, and had Raditz's expression. However, it was the female saiyan he was interested about. She had a similar facial complexion like his. However she had different hair from him and Raditz

"Why should I believe you?" Goku said, slightly angry. Were these Saiyans really his parents?

"C'mon Kakarot! You remember us!" The male, who was identified as Bardock, begged. He had green and black armor, with red leg warmers, arm bands and a red bandana, while his scouter was green.

"If you are my parents, I lost my memory long ago!" He stated. The two saiyans seemed taken aback.

"What?" Said the female, who he presumed was named Gine.

"I might be a saiyan, but I had an accident as a child! Ever since I've been protector of this planet!" Goku said. "If you want me to come with you, I won't!"

Gine, who wore pink under armor, black and yellow armor, and boots, seemed to be on the verge of tears, while Bardock seemed enraged.

"You don't remember us!?"

Soon their conversation was interrupted as Piccolo and Gohan came...

"Dad? Who're these people? Are they Saiyans!?"

Gine and Bardock were surprised as a namekian and a young saiyan appeared, with the young saiyan calling Kakarot 'dad'.

"Kakarot, you have a son?!" Exclaimed Bardock. Goku, still serious, nodded slowly The namekian and boy had similar outfits, consisting of purple outfits similar to their sons, but with red slashes and wrist bands. They also had odd shoes on them. Like most namekians they knew, this one seemed similar, but more muscular then the rest. The boy had loon, wild hair trade mark of a saiyan.

"Goku, do you know these saiyans?" The namekian asked, battle ready

"Yes...They claim to be my parents." Kakarot stated bluntly. He looked back at the saiyan duo,

"Parents?" The young one asked, now interested in this situation, "You mean they're my grand parents?"

"Yes we are!" Gine said excitedly, but Bardock knew better.

"How're there any saiyans left? Didn't Frieza wipe out your planet?" The namekian asked

"Yes..." Bardock said bluntly, "That Reminds me, Kakarot, did you defeat Frieza?!"

Kakarot seemed taken aback, along with everyone, by what Bardock asked.

"Yes. I beat him when I became a super saiyan!"

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