Chapter 4

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Chapter 4: Meet all of my friends! Goku's Family gets acquainted!

In my version of the continuity, some of the differences are that Launch is still part of the gang, Tights from the Jakko manga might make an appearance, explained as visiting her sister, and Saiyans can quickly raise their power level, so don't worry about Bardock and Gine's power levels, they can raise up. Anyway I'll respond to some of the reviews

Guest 1: I'll think about adding one as a flashback or something

Chi-Chi's Fan ,SSJ1Gohan, and guest 4: Thanks for the comments

Guest 2: I'll raise it soon, don't worry. However for now they're sorta Yamcha/Tien types, so they're not really strong, but can get their power levels raised

Guest 5: Don't worry, like guest one I'l think about adding that

Guest 6: Their character chemistry, especially with Chi-Chi's funny but cranky personality and Gine's shy personality will meet in this chapter

Alex93z: thanks for the comment

"Alright guys, hold onto me."

The four others hesitated, but Bardock, with Gine in his arms, placed his hand apon Gokus back, along with Gohan. Piccolo decided not to go with them

"You go on ahead." The Namekian said, calm to the situation, "Just make sure your trip is quick."

"Alright Piccolo!" Were the last words he heard as they vanished...



The four appeared infront of the capsule corp building. The Buildings were foreign but seemed familiar to both Gine and Bardock, reminding them of a few planets they took over.

"C'mon guys! Let's go!"

This snapped them from their memories as they followed them. On the way they saw Ms. Briefs watering some plants nearby. As they made their way, they heard a yell nearby

"Hey Goku!"

He instantly turned his head, along with Gine, Bardock and Gohan. They saw a middle-aged female, with short hair, a blouse, a skirt and some shoes walking over to them

"Hey Bulma!"

"Hey Go-"

Before she could finish, she saw the two saiyans with Goku and Gohan, and screamed, startling them.


"Bulma, it's not what you think!" Goku said, trying to calm her down. "These are my parents...I don't know how they got here but they really need help. Don't worry they wont destroy or take over the planet!"

Bulma relaxed soon enough and glanced over to them.

"So, these are your parents? But I thought they were killed?"

Goku shrugged, "I'm just as curious as you as to why they'd still be alive and turned up on Earth."

Glancing back at them, Bardock was checking the power levels of the locals, while Gine seemed to be looking at the flower bushes nearby while talking to Gohan.

"Anyway Bulma, I'd like to ask you if you could help them integrate into society, along with making them new gear. It seems they sorta...smell... Also, have you seen Vegeta?" Goku asked. It was not long until his question was answered as a sudden door slam startled the Saiyans, but Irritated Bulma.

"There you are woman! I've been waiting on you to fix the gravity room, I need to train!"

As they looked, a short man, with long, spiky hair with a widows peak, shorts and saiyan boots came out of the house.

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