Chapter 6

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Chapter 6: Cooler's transformed state! (Last chapter)

"Now then, witness my true power!"

The ground shook and the air quivered. The energy Cooler released caused all who could sense it chills down their backs and pauses to watch the event. Soon, Cooler's body started to grow, orb-like growths appeared on his body, spikes appeared on his legs and arms, his shoulder pads grew into odd growths. Finally, his head grew spikes and his eyes became a fiery red.

As this happened, Vegeta watched in horror. Frieza could never do this, nor his father! This is insane!

Finally all seemed to stop in a moment, before...


As Goku and Vegeta looked back, Bardock was punched in the stomach, a purple blur infront of him before being kicked to the ground

"Hah! You saiyan monkeys cannot hope to achieve victory over me!"

With that, a face mask grew onto his mouth as Goku rushed in

"Kaioken times 20!" As Goku said this, he started glowing in a red aura, and grabbed cooler by the neck. Flying up, Cooler headbutted Goku off, and they initiated in an air battle. Meanwhile, Gine, who had recovered from Cooler choking her, rushed to Bardock's side

"Bardock! Please stay alive! BARDOCK!" She sobbed into the unconscious Bardock, who was knocked out and heavily breathing.



The blast sent shockwaves as the wave hit cooler dead on, sending him to a nearby river. Having been tired, Goku stops the wave and pants heavily


"Thanks for the warmup, Monkey" said the chilling voice of Cooler. Before he could do anything, Cooler smacked Goku into the water. Goku flew back up and shot ki blast after ki blast at Cooler, who wasn't even effected.

Dang, I need help!

"Big Bang attack!"

Before either could react, this phrase was uttered as a beam headed for them. Cooler smacked Goku into the beams direction, before Goku used instant transmission to get to Cooler.

"Cooler, you aren't going to take the chance of killing Kakerot away from me!" Shouted Vegeta, who headed full force at cooler before being kicked in the jaw and then grabbed by the neck, followed by a kick to the back and then a slap into the nearby hill, knocking Vegeta out cold.

"Vegeta!" Goku yelled worried, "That's it Cooler! Time for you to pay!" With that, Cooler actually went bug eyed when he felt power surging through the monkey

"haaaaahHHHHHAAAAAAAA!" He shouted as a golden aura surrounded him, followed by his hair becoming yellow and his eyes becoming turquoise. The Super Saiyan that was Goku stood enraged, "I'll make sure you harm nobody ever again!"

Cooler merely scoffed. "Hmf, and another stupid monkey goes 'super saiyan'. You'll never achieve anything, just look at the other super saiyan!" he said. Just as he pointed a death beam at Bardock, Goku blocked it


Goku soon went into a savage fury, beating up Cooler


A voice crossed his mind as he sent a barrage against Cooler, causing cracks on Cooler's body

What is it King Kai?

Don't let cooler live, understand?

Don't worry, I'll take care of him Thought Goku, before he sent a kick which broke off Cooler's left shoulder piece and cracking his mouthplate. Soon they stopped high up in the air, Cooler panting

"Well now, you've certainly proved me wrong a couple of times then... But now it's time to finish this! Salza, Evacuate the men, I'll destroy this planet!" He yelled


"Yes sir!" Grabbing what was left of his arm, he ordered the troops to fly into the ship and leave, causing confusing among the Earthlings

"What could they be doing?" Gohan asked. "By the way, where's Tien and Yamcha, Krillin?"

"I don't know. Last I checkd Tien and Yamcha were practicing in the wilds. Must not've wanted to fight since we could handle it. As for the ship, I could-"

Before he could finish his sentence, a light flashed. As Gohan, Gine, and Krillin looked up, They saw their worst nightmares

"Don't tell me... Cooler's going to use a deathball!?"

as they Said this, Bardock suddenly bursted from the rubble and raced up there



"Soon, this whole planet will be ashes!" Cooler said, creating a ball a bit bigger then Frieza's

"I'm afraid I can't allow you to do that...." Goku said, staring daggers at Cooler

"Ah, but I think I can, And now-"


The two combatants turned before seeing Bardock, who returned to his Super Saiyan state


Bardock stopped right next to Goku. He looked completely enraged and poised to kill Cooler.

"Son, we must destroy this tyrant!"

"Agreed!" Goku said before charging his Kamehameha

"Hah! Like as if you'd be able to-"

The tyrant never finished. Suddenly Goku launched his beam. A sudden feeling made him launch his ball, to which Bardock launched a small energy ball which hit Cooler in the face, distracting him.

"Damn you monkey!"

As he regained vision, all he saw was a flash of light...

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