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Part One, Chapter 2
— The Hate —

It's almost three in the morning when Yoongi sneaks back into his apartment.

This is ridiculous, he thinks. Tiptoeing in his own four walls, so Jungkook won't hear him return at this ungodly hour. How much he wishes to finally live alone again...

The younger man is staying with him at the moment because of a pipe break that happened in his own home a few weeks ago and, well, he's a nag. It's not like Jungkook's presence is breaking his peace or anything. He is a very tidy and organized person, which Yoongi appreciates a lot. It's just that he's a really good observer and takes delight in withholding his discoveries until he thinks it's the right moment. If he knew about Yoongi's coming back so late, he would tease the hell out of him for sure.

"Where is this goddamn light switch?," the blond whispers to himself while trying to find his way by touching the walls. He can't see anything! It's aggravating.


"Looking for something?" After having turned on the lights himself, Jungkook watches the other male with an amused grin playing around his lips. Caught red-handed.

The look on Yoongi's face is priceless in Jungkook's opinion. He seems to be glued to the spot for a moment, hand still on the wall next to him while gazing at the younger with big doe eyes. "You scared me," he merely says before slowly coming to himself again.

"How was your date?," the brunet asks nonchalantly.

"It wasn't a date," Yoongi asserts. "Just a night out with some friends."

Jungkook raises one brow. As if. He saw the way his friend was being all shy and flushed because of Hoseok and he also saw the way the choreographer was looking at Yoongi. There just had to be something going on. If it's true and nothing has happened yet, it definitely will soon. Jungkook is convinced.

"It's late," he reminds the elder. His nose crunches, a result of the funny-looking bunny grin. If Jungkook wasn't so annoying right now, Yoongi would've become incredibly soft for that particular look on his face.

He really has a sweet spot for the younger in spite of their countless little quarrels. He has learned to love him like a brother. Very often does Yoongi even tend to take on a father role without even wanting to. He is keenly aware that it bothers the other male occasionally. Therefore, he tries not to show it too much, but Yoongi just can't help it sometimes. In some way, he feels responsible for the younger. Perhaps it's because the blond has known him for years already and has witnessed his highest highs as well as his lowest lows. He knows Jungkook better than anyone else, sometimes even better than Jungkook knows himself. That's why Yoongi feels as if he needs to protect him somehow. Not only from the world, but from himself, too.


"Is this your walk of shame?," Jungkook asks indiscreetly. "Are you secretly but obviously hooking up with my choreographer?"

The way Jungkook's eyes light up at his own question is very amusing to Yoongi, although he refuses to show it openly. "Don't you have problems of your own?," he solely wants to know before walking past him, a hidden blush on his cheeks on as he makes his way to the bedroom. Jungkook follows him, asking further questions in the meantime of course. It doesn't bother him at all when the blond man starts undressing in front of him, either.

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