PART ONE: DATE - Chapter 1

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A low rumbling filled the forest as a long column of infantrymen and horse-riding samurai made their way under its luxurious emerald-green canopy. Except for soft neighs here and there, the troop was silent. With more than a week of travel behind them in relentless summer heat, perspiring men in sweat-drenched leather armor and exhausted mounts had no energy to spare. Knowing that they'd be home before nightfall didn't seem to buoy many.

Lord Date Masamune threw a piercing glance over his shoulder before staring straight ahead again, lips pressed in a disapproving line. A low hiss escaped him.

"Oyakata sama?" A samurai nudged his horse forward to reach Date's left flank—his good side.

"Katakura dono, remind everyone that this is not how an army coming home should look. We will reach the Hirose river soon, and I want to see standards raised high, straight arquebuses and spines, fierce and fresh faces. Anyone caught slouching will be severely punished."

"Understood," Katakura said, continuing to ride at Date's side, lips pinched.

"What now?" The daimyo of the Oshu domain growled at his most loyal and senior retainer.

Ten years older than Date, a former retainer of his father, Lord Katakura had all his trust and more importantly, his utmost respect. Yet, this didn't give him any right to question his liege lord.

"With all due respect, allow me to point out that in this heat, it takes fourteen days for any infantry to cross what your men have done in nine."

"And so, we can claim to have the fastest army in the northern corner of the country," Date retorted. "This is not Kyoto. It's hot, yes, but bearable, and we were not even campaigning before that! When we are home, double the drills. Time to work on their endurance. What, does everyone believe that it will be a fine and rosy peace from now on?"

"Yes, Oyakata sama," Katakura acknowledged with a sharp nod before turning his horse around.

Flocks of birds took flight as his deafening barks filled the forest.

Confident that his trusted retainer would enforce his order, Date drew a long breath and set aside the sharp bite of armor on his shoulder blades, and the pain shooting from his burning thighs. His body couldn't wait for a long hot bath after so many days of riding.

After three decades spent mostly on battlefields, he didn't know if his body shaped his armor or if it was the other way around. To his chagrin, at forty-six, it took longer to get over the usual soreness that came along with traveling for days at a time.

Lying a mere five ken away from his castle, the woods surrounding him were deep within his domain, and he knew them like the back of his hand. In broad daylight, with his army behind him, only reckless assassins or bandits with a death wish would risk an ambush. Date could allow his mind to wander and his neck to relax.

Instead of letting his physical discomfort and morose thoughts about growing old annoy him, he closed his eye to enjoy the caress of sunlight filtering through the leaves.

Komorebi. A good reminder that even in the darkest places, light finds a way to reach us. It's been too long since I took the time to appreciate it.

As often happened when Date indulged in light-hearted musings, his wife's beautiful face bloomed in his mind and for a moment, he could almost smell her delicious jasmine perfume.

I should take Kyoko out for hunting one of these mornings, she'd enjoy it too.

A small smile tugged at the seasoned warlord's lips.

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