
49 2 0

Pairing: Minoru Suzuki/FC


Word Count: 1040

Warnings: Language, alcohol, reluctance

20. "Let go, or so help me, I'll bite you."


As soon as I had entered the bar I knew it was a mistake. Chosen the wrong place to run off to and lick my wounds. I was frozen as I became the sole focus of the group of nine men who had seemingly taken over the small hole in the wall. I had imagined in a good choice to get away from bright lights, loud music, and my asshole now ex-boyfriend.

I had left him behind at the night club up the street after returning from the restroom and seeing him sucking face with another women. With nothing more than a fuck you I had stormed out, stomping down the street in my stilettos and neon pink mini dress. I was sorely out of place in this dingy little bar with its shady clientele. Common sense had me deciding to bolt and hit up a liquor store to drink myself to oblivion in the relative safety of my own apartment. Unfortunately my departure was halted by one of the men grabbing me with a forearm around my neck and hauling me back against his chest.

"Let go, or so help me, I'll bite you." I warned struggling in his grip trying in vain to get my mouth around the corded muscle at my neck.

"Go ahead. I don't mind a little biting." He said, amusement evident in his voice. "Come sit with us. Drink. Enjoy yourself." His words were said with friendly comradery, but there was no mistaking the command. I stumbled as I was released, contemplating running for the door, though I knew it would be a futile escape attempt. There was no way I was outrunning anyone in these heels.

Turning around I felt under a microscope as I slowly approached their table, loud crude whispers filling my ears as I searched for a chair.

"My lap or kneeling at my feet. Those are your options." I looked at the man who had spoken, the same one who had barred my exit. He was much older than me, handsome in an utterly intimidating manner. His face told of untold violence and pleasure. As frightened as I was of him, something drew me to him at the same time. He had an aura of command and power that was almost overwhelming. Taking a breath I considered my choices, face flushing as I imagined kneeling at his feet, that option infinitely more embarrassing to me than sitting on his lap.

Slowly I settled myself on his lap, ignoring the tingles burning through me as his hand went around my waist. A tumbler of amber liquid was shoved into my hand as introductions were made. I tried to smile politely as Minoru Suzuki, the man I was seated on, pointed out each of his friends.

"Drink." Minoru commanded as he took a deep pull from his own glass. Various conversations resumed around me and I sat uncomfortably as Minoru ignored me aside from the occasional order to enjoy my drink or to order a refill as soon as the glass was empty.

After the third glass my head was buzzing. I knew it wouldn't be long before I was past rational thinking and my eyes flitted to the door once again.

"You're not leaving." Minoru said turning his cold eyes on me.

"I need to get home." I protested weakly as the arm on my waist tightened. My breath hitched as Minoru's other hand moved to my thigh and gave it a squeeze his fingertips resting under the hem of my skirt. Alarm bells were ringing in my head, though the whisky was telling me I wanted his hand to move higher.

"You're going home with me tonight." He said firmly, tone brooking no further arguments.

The group dissipated as the night progressed, one or two at a time leaving the bar to find their own ways in the night until only Minoru remained.

"Let's go." Minoru rose easily with me in his arms, gently setting me on my feet and grabbing me by the hand before pulling me out of the bar. I let him hand me into the black town car waiting at the curb, fidgeting nervously as Minoru slid in behind me and the driver closed us in together.

Minoru leaned back against the leather seats across from me, his shrewd gaze calculating as it swept over every inch of me. I kept myself still under his inspection, this whole evening feeling like a dream.

"You wanted to forget, didn't you?" His voice broke the silence and I slowly nodded in agreement with his statement. "Fight with your boyfriend?"

"Yeah." I admitted. "He was kissing another girl."

"Baka." Minoru spat. "Cheating on a woman as beautiful as you? He deserves to lose you."

I flushed at his compliment, looking down at my hands wringing nervously in my lap. Minoru leaned across the space between the bench seats and tipped my chin up with his finger.

"Have confidence." He told me. "You are far too beautiful to allow a man to drag you down. You deserve the world. Any man who doesn't recognize the beauty he holds doesn't deserve to keep it. You should be honored and worshipped."

"By forcing me to sit on your lap or kneel at your feet?" I said bitterly unable to let his earlier behavior slide. I was prepared for his anger, so I was thrown for a loop when he laughed, his face lighting up in mirth.

"My dear, I am the King, you are to obey me. In return you will be treated like the Queen you should be." Minoru said. "Your world changed simply by stepping through that door. Embrace it or face the consequences."

The car pulled to a stop in front of an opulent building, the door opened by a doorman in short order. Minoru stepped out and held his hand out to me expectantly. I stared at the outreached appendage that beckoned me towards my future.

Slowly I reached out and clasped my hand in his, ready or not I was in for a hell of a ride. 

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