ii. Things to Know

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ii. Things to Know

This chapter is similar to the last section where I talked about non-Christian writing. I'll go through the motivation, knowledge, and outcome of your writing, just as before:

-The motivation behind your writing

As with before, you need to ask yourself if your motivation is in the right place, even if it's a Christian book. Are you trying to show the world how "holy" you think you are? Are you trying to put yourself above other Christians? Boast in your knowledge? That's not what God's after. Our writing, especially Christian writing, should be for the glory of God alone

-The knowledge behind your writing

This is where the difference is the biggest. The knowledge behind our writing is so much more than what we choose to include morally in our stories. It's also about how we try to portray God. Being a position of such power, the written word, and trying to portray God and Jesus to the world correctly can be difficult. You need to make sure your theology isn't blasphemous or contradicts the Bible. Use your resources, the Bible, and Godly wisdom.

-The outcome of your writing

The outcome of any Christian writing should be to show Jesus to the reader. The outcome should encourage, warn, equip, etc, the believer reading it. God should be glorified, and knowledge of Him abound all the more because of what you have written.

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NEXT: Closing Chapter

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