Chapter eight

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Alec Pov:
"WHERE'S MY MATE!" I yelled at the Cullens. My eyes were pitch black and I was ready to rip their throats out. I want my mate!! "W-w-we d-d-don't know" They stuttered. The cullens were staying away from me. At least, they know better to stay away from a vampire who is defending their mate.

I was prepare to attack, so the huge vampire grabbed me and pinned me down. I was struggling in his grip. He's strong like Felix! I couldn't use my power because the cullen vampire had my hands covered.

I snarled at him and tried biting him. "ENOUGH!" Carilise yelled. That shocked me because he's usually the calm one. "Tay sneaked out. Her scent is old" The pixie seer said.

She froze and gasped "I just seen her future. I need to talk to Aro" she said, walking outside to find him. Jane and Felix followed her to make sure she doesn't hurt our master.

I snarled at the vampires "you stay away from my mate! Taylor is coming with us no matter what!" I told them. My vampire instinct was controlling me and I wanted my mate in my arms.

The mind reader smirked "I don't think so" He told me. I glared at him "I seen Alice's vision and Tay stays here until she is 19" he said. At first, I didn't believe him until Aro came into the house and told me it was true.

I snarled and felt depressed. I stormed out of the house and got on the phone to call Demetri. He was pissed! We both wanted our mate to come with us. We aren't patience when it came to our mate!


Aro agreed with Alice and didn't want to change the future. He decided that it was better if she stayed in Forks until she graduates high school and turn 19. I was absolutely angry at him!

Demetri and I want Taylor with us! I hate being away from her. We feel excruciating pain without our mate. "We must talk to Taylor about this. Where is she?" Aro asked.

"At the wolves place. She will be over soon" The seer said. I scoffed and walked out of the place. "You need to calm down brother" I heard my sisters voice. I sighed and placed my hands in my hair "I want her. " I said .

"This human is really important to you?" Jane asked, sitting next to me. "Yes she's my life now. Please Jane be nice to her when you met her" I begged. My sister nod "I will. I like her. "she said.

I smiled at that I want my sister and my mate to be best friends! Demetri walked towards us and he doesn't look happy. Jane rolled her eyes "ugh boys" she said. "You live forever! You can wait for a few years" Jane said.

I frowned she is right! But I hate being without her "Jane it hurts without her. We can't be away from her " Demetri explained. Vampires can't be away from their mates for a long time. It's just too painful. Without our mate we will be weak and in too much pain.

"Come on. We need to go back to the Cullens house" Jane said. We got up and used vampire speed to get to the glass house. I'm glad that Taylor is 17 because we have to wait only for two years.

When she turns 19, she's ours! I won't let her leave my side when she arrives Italy. I can't wait until she's a vampire! I bet Taylor will be absolutely beautiful when she turns.

The Volturi Girl ( Demetri x Oc x Alec)Where stories live. Discover now