Chapter thirteen

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Taylor Pov:
After a few hours, I started having chest pains and it was painful. It was a faint fluttering like a sense of gloom. I stood up to get some water but I collapsed to the floor. "TAY!!!!" Felix and Jane yelled. They rushed to me and helped me up.

"I'm fine. I got up too fast" I lied. They looked at each other I know she's lying! Something happened to her I heard Jane's thoughts. I ignored it and walked into the kitchen. I got something to drink and gulped it down. Felix followed me and watched me, concerned for me.

"Felix I'm fine" I told him. He nod and we walked back to the living room. "I messaged Marcus. He said that you probably collasped because you've been away from your mates too long." Jane explained. "I have to get use to it when you guys leave" I told them. The fluttering isn't that bad.

"Well we aren't leaving for a while until red head is dead" Felix said. My phone vibrated so I grabbed it from my pocket "Victoria is heading your way! You need to leave now!" Alice sent me. I gasped in horror "Victoria is heading here" I told Jane and Felix.

They got tensed and went in protective mode. "We need to leave before---" I started to say. "It's too late. An unfamiliar scent just came into the area" Felix said. I grabbed Jane's phone "I need to message Marcus" I whispered into her ear. She nod and we rushed outside.

Jane and Felix stood in front of me "what are you doing here red head?" Felix asked, glaring at her. I took a peek and looked at Victoria. She has long, curly, brilliant orange hair that looked like fire. She was clearly a human drinker from her red eyes.

"I'm looking for a human. I want to kill that bitch! Her mate killed my love." she snarled. When she spoke, I was in awed. Victoria possessed a seductive, feline beauty and had a soft, high soprano of a voice that contrasted with her fierce looks. I gently pushed Jane and Felix "Bella isn't here" I told her.

She looked at me with a cocked head. My guards were in a protective stance and was ready for a fight. "Bella was stupid to even get with Edward" I said, rolling my eyes. I must get on her good side so she doesn't hurt or kill me.

Victoria smirked and chuckled at my statement "indeed now she has to die" she said. Jane pulled me behind her, so I grabbed Jane's phone and quickly messaged Marcus "Marcus its Tay. Victoria is here! Come quickly with your guards. You need to surprise attack because she has the gift of enhanced self-preservation and can escape danger easily" I sent.

I got a closer look and she looked like a rabid animal. She must be going insane from losing her mate, James. Suddenly, Victoria slammed her arm at Jane and Felix. They flew into the forest and I was alone.

Victoria flashed in front of me. "Want to be part of my army?" she whispered. I was too scared to move. Victoria screamed in pain and fell to the ground. Jane! I sighed in relief and rushed away from the red head. I ran to Felix and he went in a protective stance in front of me.

Jane continued to use her powers on Victoria until the kings and their guards arrived. Jane smirked and took off her power of Victoria. It happened so fast. I saw Victoria prepared to attack Jane and I pushed her out of the way. I slammed into a tree and hit my head.

"TAY!!!" I heard several people yell. "I'm fine" I told them. I hissed in pain when I realized I landed on my wrist and I think I broke it. Marcus, Jane, Demetri and Alec rushed towards me. The fluttering in my chest disappeared when my mates got close to me. "Taylor you didn't have to save me! I'm a vampire." Jane said with a shocked look.

"Why are you so nice?" she shook her head. I chuckled "il mio amore you saved my sister. Your human! You didn't have to do that" Alec told me. To be honest, I had an urge to save Jane and protect her. "I'm sorry" I said.

"mia figlia (my daughter) don't be sorry. You have a kind heart" Marcus told me. Carlisle rushed to us and started looking for injuries. I screamed in pain when he touched my wrist. "Let's get here in the house" Carlisle said.

"Where's Victoria? Did you get her?" I asked, freaking out. They sighed "she got away" Demetri said. I sighed "fuck" I mumbled. Demetri gently picked me up and walked into the house. He placed me on the couch "I need to get some supplies from my office" Carlisle said , walking away.

"Demetri, Alec can you get me something to eat and get me a soda?" I asked, extremely tired. "Of course love" they told me and walked into the kitchen. "Tay thank you for saving me. No one ever did that for me" Jane said.

I smiled "your welcome. Jane your my best friend. I will do anything for you and my mates" I told her. She smiled and walked away when Carlisle walked into the room. "Let's get you fixed up" he told me. I chuckled and grabbed a soda from Alec. "Thank you" I told him, looking into his eyes.

"Demetri, Alec please leave" Carlisle told them. They snarled at him but left when the kings told them to leave. I'm starting to get closer with the Volturi, especially Demetri and Alec. I'm not ready for them to kill Victoria and leave. For now, I can spend time with them and get to  know them as a person.

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