Chapter nine

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What happened last time:
We arrived to the beach and I was placed down. We will be right back Tay Seth barked out. They all rushed to Emily's place, which was on the beach.

Noise was taking over my head and I covered my ears. "Stop!" I yelled, shaking my head. "Taylor? Are you okay?" Leah asked, rushing to me.

Instantly , a loud noise appeared in my head. What's wrong with Taylor? She looks so pale and shaky I threw my arms around her, tears in my eyes.

"I need to talk to you guys. Can we go inside?" I asked. Leah nod and placed her hand on my back She's making me worried!

Leah helped me inside and rushed to get the other wolves. I was placed at the kitchen table. I was alone to my thoughts and everything was quiet. I think I can hear people's thoughts when I'm close to them. It's not like Edward.
Tay Pov:
The wolves went into the kitchen and sat at the table. I groan and wanted the noise to go away! I can hear their thoughts. "Taylor what's going on?" Sam asked. I sighed and started telling them what happened to me.

~~~~~ Flashback ~~~~
I was walking in Seattle, trying to buy some clothes for a special event at school. I didn't have any luck! Every store was closed . "Damn it" I mumbled, frustatrated.

Suddenly, I heard a noise "hello?" I asked, looking around for the source. "Hello Beautiful" A man said. I gasped when I seen red eyes and the vampire grabbed me . I struggled but it was useless! I screamed when the vampire bit me on the wrist "Tay!" Someone yelled.

The rogue vampire was pushed off of me and there was a burning inside me. I screamed from the pain "Tay it's Emmett" Em said. Tears hit my eyes "I don't want to turn into a vampire! I'm too young" I cried.

"Emmett no!" Edward yelled at the buff vampire. " I have to!" Em yelled. I screamed when Emmett sink his teeth into the bite mark. I felt ill from him sucking the venom out of me.

Em pulled away from me "the venom is gone Tay. You won't turn into a vampire" he said with gritted teeth. "Thank you" I mumbled. After that I passed out, I found out Emmett was willing to suck the venom out, so i can have a normal life. He almost lost control and drained me. I'm thankful for my best friend! He saved me and because of him I'm not a vampire.

~~~~~ End Of Flashback ~~~~~
The wolved looked upset and worried "is that why you can read our minds? " Jake asked. I nod "I believe there was a small amount of venom in my tissues, but it wasn't enough to turn me" I said. Poor Tay! I hope the blood-sucker is dead! I heard Leah's thoughts.

"Leah the vampire is dead. Don't worry" I told the shifter. She looked shocked "I need to get used to this" she mumbled. I chuckled "me too" I said, rubbing the cold bite mark on my wrist. I always wondered why it was cold now I know.

"Taylor I'll make you something to eat. You look pale and sick!" Emily said, heading to the kitchen. I gulped "thank you Em" I said. I've been feeling ill since finding out I can read minds. I need to get some food in my system.

My phone started to ring, so I took it out of my pocked. I see Alice's ID is calling me. I got up and went outside "hello?" I answered. "Tay! You need to come to the house " Alice exclaimed. "I will but I need some food. I'm feeling sick. Can you hand the phone to Carlisle?" I asked.

"Of course" she told me. "Whats wrong Taylor?" Carlisle asked. " Carlisle is it possible to have enough venom in my tissues to start having a power? I can read minds and I'm freaking out!" I whisper-yelled into the phone.

He was silent for a little while. "Yes it's possible. Well Bella was bitten by James and her powers was known before that. Taylor come to the house. Aro needs to talk to you" he told me. "Hello my dear Taylor! " I heard Aro on the other line. I chuckled "hello Aro. I will be there after I eat" I said, knowing the vampire can hear me.

"Magnifico!" Aro said. I giggled "I'll see you soon Carlisle" I told the vampire. I hanged up and walked into the house, smelling an amazing smell. "That smells amazing!" I said with a grin.

Emily gave me a plate of food before the boys could eat all of the food. "Thank you!" I said, shoving some food into my mouth. I was so glad to have some food in my system, but I wasn't ready to see the volturi. The only reason I was happy to go to the Cullen house is because of Alec and Demetri. I just hope the meeting goes well.

The Volturi Girl ( Demetri x Oc x Alec)Where stories live. Discover now