Part 14

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Kaylee's POV:
My anxiety is almost gone With these people. I feel so welcome.
Kaylee- love you guys
E/o- we love you too
we sit back down 
P - babe?
K - yeah?
P- kisses?
K- hmmm...
I give him a peck on the lips
P- wh- bu- you- noooooo
K- what, cat got your tongue?
I say innocently
P- but you STOLE a kiss, no fair
K- fine
We kiss for a good minute until sam interrupts us
S- get a room
I politely flipped him off
S- nope
Charli comes up to me with a sad face
K- whats wrong bub
C- you leave 2 days....
K- shoot, I forgot about that.  I don't wanna leave yall
C- don't worry, you won't get rid of me that easily.
I slightly smile at the comment
P- hey, maybe you can come to mine and meet my family, they REALLY want to meet you
K- really?
P- ofc
K- ill facetime my mom right now
I get out my phone and facetime her, she picks up right away
M- what happened to call every day, huh?
My face immediately goes bright red
K- oh I'm sorry mom, I forgot.  I guess I was having too much fun.
M- well other than that, hows LA
K- great, the weather is so much warmer than back home in NJ
M- I hope, so I heard you got a boyfriend, huh.
K- yea, baby come here
Payton walks into frame
P- hi Mrs. Jones, I'm Payton.
M- hello Payton, just call me Hannah, ok?  And Kaylee, your lucky with this one
My face turns red again
M- sorry honey, so why did you call me
K- I was wondering if I could go to Payt's for a week
I look at her and see that she's smiling
M- ofc honey, just make sure we can steal you guys for a week or two
P- ill make that happen, Hannah!
M- I got to go make dinner, bye!
P and K- bye!
We start looking for flights and find one in two days
K- looks like were set, tomorrow's our last day.  We will make the most of it.
P- yea we will

Do I Know You?// A Payton Moormeier Fan FicWhere stories live. Discover now