part 16

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The day after:
I wake up at 8:30 from my alarm, I realize that we are leaving today.  I shake Payton awake, he mumbles in his sleep
K- come on payt, we leave today.
When those last words come out of my mouth, my eyes started to water.  He opens his eyes and notices.
P- baby, I know it's hard to leave them.  Trust me, I wanna stay here as much as you do, but it's time.  Besides, my family REALLY wants to meet you.
K- yea ig, imma take a shower
P- bye baby girl
K- bye bye
The shower really helped get my mind off what's happening and relax.  I change and hop out to see Payton all ready
K- Payton, on time and ready *gasp* no!
P- thanks kay
He says sarcastically
K- anytime
I walk up to him and kiss on the cheek and we bring our things to the entrance.  Everyone is lined up ready to say bye.  We say our farewells and i get to Avani, Anthony, Addison, Bryce, Jaden, Mads, Chase, and Charli.  I start to tear up as I say bye to them.  When I get to Charli I'm bawling
C- I'm going to miss you so much!
K- me too?
C- call every day and send me photos
K- you got it girl, chicks before dicks
C- haha yesss
P- wow Kaylee, we'll see about that
I roll my eyes at Payton while everyone else starts laughing
K- I love y'all
E/o- love you too!
Ch- bye!
We hop into the uber we ordered and start heading towards the airport.  Payton and I go through security and settle in our seats on the plane and we take off.  Once we're in the air, it finally hits me that I just left my friends.  I look at Payton and he's already sleeping, so flipping cute.  I cuddle close to him and cry myself to sleep. 

Do I Know You?// A Payton Moormeier Fan FicWhere stories live. Discover now