The imposter

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The man dressed in black whose face I can barely see and whose eyes light up in flames. The man who knocks on the temple of God. "I'm Judas, the Lords disciple let me in."

Who comes only to steal, kill and destroy. An imposter! Climbing up my shoulders whispering  things that when done they'd only bring me shame.

That brings me sickness during my pursuit for God's heart. Bringing my thickness to the size of a stick!The man whose only purpose is to bring me down to the ground so that I may play with him.

Who tailors little black dresses and horns, then  tells us to get into them cause that way we will slay together!

Only to chase us through thorns! He's games only imputing harm. He who tells you you're lame when you refuse his claims for friendship.

The man who tells me, I'm his friend. Then tells me to lay with all of these men not once thinking that my body is the temple of God.

He who's watched me, infuse my lungs with smoke while laughing and cheering on not once telling me I was killing myself. If ever I asked he'd refuse to admit the truth.

From this place of darkness, the light of the  Lord shone through brightening my eyes, I'd presume I'm going blind.
His spirit fought every demon with in me, the soul ties untangling themselves from my body because to begin with they never belonged. His healing hands lifting me up, putting me on a path of feathers and pebbles.

Then the Lord said;
That man is an imposter! That man has been defeated.
Now go and sin, no more.


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