Like the woman caught in adultery
I stand at the alter waiting to be stoned
to death
Feeling vulnerable, helpless
I whisper deep prayers
wondering what this famous carpenter
would do if the crowd stoned me
after all
Guilty through and through
I feel it, the stench of death and slavery
Just like the prostitute who sneaked into the Pharisee's home
And stand behind the Prince of Peace
I take a holy posture at his feet and weep
I long to bathe his feet with tears
Then dry them out with hair
To feel his forgiveness
His love
See it is the woman's communion with the Holy Spirit
Her shoutin and moaning that provides shelter against the
wild wind of her fear of God
And like the Samaritain woman at the well
I've been married five times, the man I'm with now is not my husband
I'm kind of questioning this life giving water
But, I no longer want to be thirsty
So I long for a sip.
It's by the power of her faith
that she is sanctified
because of His amazing grace
So like the woman caught in adultery
I watch as the crowd walks away one by one
removing my shame with each dusty step
I hear his beautiful voice say
Neither do I condemn you
Now go and sin no more
I am Abba's Girl.