Chapter 2

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Before I even realize it, I'm in the air upside-down. I hear a shrieky laugh but I don't know who it is. My robe is covering my vision so I take it out of my way harshly. I feel my face go hot because of what is happening. The sight in front of me shows Draco with his wand held high. Pansy Parkinson laughing which explains the laugh. Then I feel tears coming out of the corner of my eyes. I quickly wipe them away and get my wand out. But before I can say anything I hear someone shout 'Expelliarmus!' And I drop to the ground hard and hear a thud that does not sound good and feel a warm trickle of something going down the side of my head and I touch to see what it is and see blood. I hear shouting and I turn to see what it is. Harry has his wand up and is glaring at Draco. And not far from Draco is his wand.

I see my chance to escape the situation. But as I am about to leave, Crabbe and Goyle suddenly appear in front of me and are holding my arm as to not leave.

'Harry you do realize that I am a Perfect and have the right to take points away?' says Draco with a smirk. Then I see that Hermione is whispering something in Harry's ear and Ron nodding in approval.

Harry lowers his wand and leaves quickly. Draco then turns around and looks at me and says,'I wouldn't want to defend a half-blood's daughter like you either. Or even have parents like yours'

I am suddenly filled with sadness and then anger. I stomp hard on Goyles foot and hit Crabbe in the stomach with my elbow and get my wand out and yell,'Stupefy!' Draco immediately turns rigid and falls to the ground.

When I see what I have done I look around shocked by my actions and run fast into the school crying. I go into the first girls bathroom I see. But before I can, I hear my name being yelled,'Y/N there you are. I've been looking everywhere for you. Are you alright? I heard what happened.'

I turn around and see my friend Neville coming towards me. I try to tell him what happened but nothing comes out. So I just run towards him and cry and he holds me while I do.

He's the only person I can go to and cry because he understands me. He was there when things happened. He was there for me when my parents died. He and Luna are there for me always.

He pulls away and I am not crying anymore. 'So tell me everything.' I told him about the hold up in the train and Draco doing the spell on me and how the trip helped me and then how Draco talked about my parents and me doing a spell on him.

'Well he did deserve it after all. I mean who the bloody hell would mess with you?' That comment made me laugh and that lifted the mood.

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