Chapter 2

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That song was on repeat ever since I got on the plane, but never was it nonchalant. It was my Mom's favorite song, and it happens to be mine too. She used to sing this to me when I get nightmares. I miss my Mom, I really really really do. I want to be where she is, but then I'll have to leave Gav, Pops, Dad and everyone I love. They need me and I need them... Aarg, if only Heaven was just a plane away -3-

"Until then, sit back, relax and enjoy the rest of the flight."

And that ended the captain's announcement. When I opened my eyes, from another nap I wasn't sure of, all plane windows were closed, except mine. So I pulled the tab down and went back to my sleep. That's all I could do since it takes 14 hours to fly to Cali. I mean, what can you do in 14 hours? A lot, yeah but mostly they're not allowed to be done in the plane. I looked at Gavin's digital oversized watch to see that it was just 11:23 AM.

"Are you kidding me??" almost shouting. "Keep it down, Icky." Pops called out from behind. "We've been flying... for only four hours?" 

"Yup," I could hear him smile, "10 hours to go!" I growled then looked out the window to see fluffly clouds, again. It just wasn't exciting for me anymore so I excused myself from Pops and headed to the restroom far back.

'Twas yet another long walk to you-know-where, with different people from both aisles, and you could just feel them looking at you. Different parts of Y-O-U. I patted my pepper spray chained to my cp lace, you know, just to make sure.

It's a gift my Dad got me for my 4th birthday. (Thoughtful gift, really thoughtful.) That's right, the last time I saw him. I was four. Four. What do you expect me to do with pepper spray when I'm four? Lucky I wasn't stupid enough to think it was breath spray.

Ü  ~☼~  Ü 

I exhaled heavily when I found myself in front of what looked glorious to me after a long sleep with a full tank. If you know what I mean. Before I could even touch the knob, something thumped from inside. I kept quiet for a moment, then it happened again, only harder and heavier. I called the attention of the nearest flight attendant and pointed at the door. She listened and the thump happened again, softer this time. "Mam/Sir, is everything alright?"

It was quiet  so she asked him/her again, with a knock. "Is everything alr-"

"Yeah, what? Yeah, yeah I am..." he says when the door finally opened. "Just found myself a little surprise in there. You know, nasty ants and er..." He looked at me, "Sorry I kept you waiting."

Those eyes, I've seen them before. "Um, It's good." The flight attendant left and he passed by me, noticing Peppy (My pepper spray. It needed a name okay?) and grabbed it to examine it. "Hey!" I panicked, "Don't let me use it on you."

Stil not letting go and smiling at Peppy, he said, "Relax." rolling the mini can between his fingers, "Convenient... How cool." then he left with a friendly wink.

Seeing him walk away, I noticed his anklets. Somehow, they looked similar to the ones I got back home in Makati. I watched him 'til he was out of sight and did my business. Reaching to pick up the hanky I dropped, I shrieked silently when I saw a giant tarantula crawl to the back of the sink. I smirked remembering what the familiar guy said earlier when he found a little surprise in here. 

Waking up from what I thought was my longest nap, I look around and all the people on the plane were already standing and grabbing their stuff from above. This means only one thing..

"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Reseda International Airport. Local time is 9:59 PM and the temperature is 17 degrees Celsius. On behalf of Philippine Airlines and the entire crew, I'd like to thank you for flying with us and we are looking forward to seeing you on board again in the near future. Have a good night!"

Excited, I jumped up to see Pops smiling with our bags already in his hands. I guess he's just as excited as I am. Leaning down, I gave Gavin a Killer Hug and lifted him up, waking him. "Alright! Alright!" he  joyfully screams, "I could tell we're here," acknowledging my hyperactive-ness. Holding everything with us, we brisk-walked to the giant door, hiding our excitement. Once we grabbed our bigger luggages in the baggage reclaim, we called a cab then went straight to South Granada Hills. In the cab, I opened the window to feel the cold air of Reseda I awfully missed. I carried Gavin onto my lap to give him a clearer view. Then I noticed a familiar cake shop and pointed that to Gavin,

"That's where Mom, Dad and I pass by to get a snack when we walk around every morning when I was little. I used to play with someone there too."

"With who?" He asked sleepily.

"Ian Anderson. The brat used to braid my hair then pull it down so I'm flat on the floor. Then we chase each other outside."

Surprisingly, he nods and says nothing. I put him down beside me then buries his head on my shoulder, sleeping soundly. Seeing him, I yawn and rest my head on his. 

Ü  ~☼~  Ü 

My eyelashes flutter in the glare of the sun as I look around the bedroom I was in. It's weird though, I remember sleeping in the cab, not here. I got up from the bed and walked out the balcony just beside the bed and stared out. It's warm and sunny out so I lift my chin and close my eyes to feel the sun's heat. Then I looked down the street to see a group of kids on their bicycles and laughing like there's no tomorrow. "I love this place!" I shout out, because I really do, not minding how quiet the place was.

"I'm glad you do." A voice startles me so I turn slowly,

"Hey Dad..." :)))

Ü  ~☼~  Ü 

End of Chapter 2

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