Chapter 3

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"Hey Dad" :))))

I throw my arms around his neck and he hugs me. "We've been waiting for you to wake up," he says, kissing my hair, "Go down when you're ready. We'll talk by the table, I made breakfast." 

I nodded then he walked down the stairs and stopped half-way to call out, "Your slippers are in your cabinet. I didn't know your size, so I think they're a bit big for you."

"Okay Dad!" I shout out, changing to my pajamas and dragging myself to the cabinet as I remove my socks and slip my feet into my fuzzy bedroom slippers.

After fixing myself, I walked down the stairs to see everyone eating pancakes by the patio. I slide the door open and walk to sit beside my Dad. "How're the slippers?" he says with a half-full mouth.

"They rock." I reply, grabbing a pancake with my fork.

"And they fit?" gulping it all down. I nodded and poured syrup on my pancakes and Dad's. "You've grown so big... and strong. Especially you, Gav. Last time I saw you was over the webcam, in your Mom's arms. You woke her up 3 in the morning, so we talked about you and moving to California. The both of you. And here you are." He said smiling.

We stayed there, talking about Mom, the do's and dont's around the house, the naggy neighbor, and the curfews, when suddenly someone calls Dad's BB. "Morning... Yeah, they arrived last night... My niece brought them in last week... Um, Veronica and Gavin Brooks. Yes, call me as soon as possible."

"Who was that, Dad?" Gav and I ask in unison. "My secretary. He's finalizing the papers for your  schools. Don't worry, it doesn't start 'til next next month. For now, you need to blend in here."

"Where's my school?" We both ask in unison again. "Icky, you're going to Cleveland High School. It's a pretty cool place and there are lots of opportunities for you there." I smile, thinking about the people I'll meet there and how fun they could be. "Gavin, Lewis Carroll Academy." Then we high-fived at each other. "These schools are highly-rated, so I hope the both of you don't take your studies for granted." We both nod then suddenly it's quiet. Breaking the silence, I asked Dad about what he did here and who he talked to without us by his side.

"I'm the big boss here, Icky. All the companies are supported by me. I sign papers, contracts, permits and more of that. It's just business, you know? And this house is a product of that. Hard work. I bet you're wondering why there are a few vacant bedrooms here."

"Um," Gavin looked at Pops and me "I am now. Why is that?"

"Your Aunt Georgie and your cousins moved in with me since they couldn't afford to pay their apartment. They've gone fishing for the week and will be coming home this evening. They're excited to see you guys." Dad explained.

Aunt Georgie is our favorite aunt. That's 'cause she's our only Aunt. She's in her late forties but her mind and soul's 20 years younger. Uncle Isaac was our only uncle too but he passed away years ago. He had a son, Matthew, and Aunt Georgie adopted him so there's him, Alla, and Genine. My cousins. When I last saw Matt, he was probably still a baby, so maybe he's 10 or 11 today. Genine is 18 and Alla's my age so I'm closest to her. We used to sleep in the same bedroom when we were younger and braid each other's hair. Alla, Ian and I used to play together in the yard. Speaking of Ian, where is he now? O.o

"Dad, remember Ian? Kid from 'A Sweet Design'?"

"Jonah's kid? What about him? All I know is that their family went to the Phillipines for their vacation too. Just not sure if they're home yet."

"Oh, ok. What does he look like now?"

"A bit's changed, really. Only he's taller and has longer hair. He's pretty muscular now too."

"Yeah, A bit's changed." Then he grinned at me. After fixing the table, I excused myself from everyone at the table to go shower. I changed to my hanging top and washed out two-tone shorts then after fixing my hair, I slipped my Aviator sunglasses and walked around the neighborhood.

After several walks up and down the streets, I happened to pass by 'A Sweet Design' and toured the place. Peeking through the giant window, I was surprised to see a guy's reflection. So I turn to see him just inches beside me.

"Is there something you want?" He says, carrying boxes "We'll be opening in an hour." 

Shoot! He's the familiar face I saw back at the plane. Somehow, he sems to remember me as well, He glances at Peppy and I to his anklets and then we both fall quiet.

"- It's you!" 

He puts down his load and shakes my hand, and giggles "Small world! Anderson. I'm Ian Anderson, and you are?"

I shake my head in surprise and reply a bit louder, "Ian? The brat I used to play with?"

He stops shaking my hand but doesn't let go. "Excuse me?" he says, glancing at Peppy "Icky Brooks?"

 I nod then he hugs me, hard. "I missed you." he whispers to me, rather sincere. "I missed you, too." I reply, patting his back. He doesn't let go so we stand there 'til Ian's dad parked in front of us.

"Is that Miss Brooks?" he says, shouting so I could hear him over his noisy engine. He gets out of the car and the both of us walk down to meet him. "Mister Anderson!" I hug him tightly. 

"Look at you!" he says, brushing the top of my head like a kid. "I know, I know," trying to stop his hand, "I'm fatter now. Boohoo." 

"But prettier." He winks at Ian who growls back at him. "Why not come over for dinner? Nina's making baked scallops."

I thought of what Dad would say so, "Sure, what time?" I tell him. 

"Be here by 7. Be there, Icky! Bring everybody!" He leaves to open the shop so Ian and I are left. "It's true what my old man said,"  Ian says "you are prettier now." I brush his hair and giggle saying, "Oh, I know I am." I started walking away from him when suddenly he grabs my hand and pulls me a bit closer, staring at me with those green eyes. "Could I walk you there?"

Ü  ~☼~  Ü 

[A/N] How is it? COMMENT PLEASE? ^^ 


Jim Brooks: Antonio Banderas

Alla and Genine Chancer: Kendall and Kylie Jenner

Ian Anderson: 16 year old Finn Harries

Jonah Anderson:  Hugh Laurie

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 04, 2012 ⏰

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