Overjoyed that he's quitting villainy, I wonder what made him change his mind. Last I knew, he had taken Stain's ideology to heart, and now he just wants to quit? Is that really a good thing? I mean, will the villains be after him constantly just to get him back? Maybe he could pretend he's still in the league and- "Dabi!" I begin. "You could be a spy!" Dabi looks over to me raising a brow, "Hmm?" "You could pretend you are still in the League of Villains but you could give me intel since I'm a detective and- OO you could be a detective undercover! I mean as long as I can get you a job. It won't be too hard-" Dabi interrupts, "Woah slow down" He says will a small laugh. "I just quit the League, it's gonna take a little bit to become... good"
"This way I can stay with you, my sweet" Dabi blurts out, "As long as that's ok with you" he says as his face fumes, and he avoids eye contact, realizing what he just said. I'm taken by surprise, I didn't know that he would wanna stay with me. "No, that's perfectly ok" I say with a smile. Now the roles are switched and Dabi comes in for a hug. "Thanks darling" Dabi says. "You're welcome my love"
"So what are you going to do if they find out?" I inquire worried about all the possibilities. What if they try to kill him? "I'll be fine. They're all weak as shit anyway" I'm slightly taken aback by his response but it's because of the way Tomura is toward Dabi. They push him around to do whatever it is they want and never consider his feelings.
"Just how bad exactly is this Tomura guy?" I ask. "Meh, he's whatever" Dabi begins explaining, "if we were put against each other for combat without quirks, there is a high chance that I would win because my quirk can be ranged and up close, his quirk is just up close" "What's his quirk again?" I ask, assuming it something weak if Dabi is this sure of a win. "Cremation, if he gets all five fingers on me, I'll start crumbling apart" I look at him shocked. "How can you not be a little nervous about that!? One five finger touch and you could die!" I take his hand in mine, "if you fight him, I want you to promise me that you will win" "I promise, it's not like he stands a chance anyway" A moment of silence passed between us. "Soooo we gonna do anything today sweet cheeks? Or are we just gonna sit around all day?" Dabi asks me. "Well what do you wanna do?" I question. "Whatever you want" He answers, almost making me choose. "I'm gonna save the arguing and just pick something, how about we get you some new clothes? You wear the same thing everyday anyway" I say to him. "I don't need new clothes" he answers. "It's either that or nothing" "Fine, whatever" he answers. We get ready to go but he heads to the window instead of the door. "What are you doing?" He takes my hand and pulls me to the window. "No" I tell him as he steps on the sill, ready to jump pulling me with him. My apartment is on one of the highest floors, a fall from this height and we would die! He jumps, I slip out of the window right behind him. As I'm falling to my death, I feel arms wrap around my waist. I almost feel safe but since I just fell out of my window, not so much. "WHY THE HELL ARE YOU TRYING TO KILL ME!?" I scream at him,
holding onto him with all my strength.
So yea, I am leaving u guys on a cliff hanger but this way, I'll force my self to keep writing so that way u guys don't loose interest and I have to write so u guys keep reading! Plus this chapter is really long so yea lol

A Roomie Villain - Dabi x Reader Pt. 2
FanfictionThis is a continued part to @YeetethTheFeelings 's story (give her a followw) Uploading chapters will most likely be kinda random cuz of school and yea but I'll try to update as much as I can! This won't be super long, I just needed an ending for s...