We reached my apartment and I search the chest pocket of my blue jean jacket for the keys. Wh- where are they? I frantically fish my hand through my side pockets as well and can't find them. I start to panic. What if I left them in the room? Or I dropped them while we were walking and someone is going to break in!? What if they already di- Dabi hands me the bag of clothes and pulls the keys out of the pocket that was in coat\. He gives me a smile and opens the door for me. "I was going to let you in anyway, why did you have to steal the keys from me?" I inquire. "It was funny to see you freak out when everything was under control" He pats me on the head. "Well-" I sigh and walk in."Thanks for the shirt" Dabi says. I set the clothes down on my bed. "You're wel-" I feel his arms wrap around my waist as he tackles me onto the bed. I'm stunned. ...what... is he doing? "Hey, uh what are you doing" He kissed me. "Shut up and let me look at you" My mind was telling me to say get off but I... I didn't, I couldn't. I was staring into his beautiful turquoise eyes and was about to brush my fingers through his hair until I break out into laughter. Why is he- I laugh, Why would he ruin a moment by tickling- I laugh more, me!? Oh well, I can't stay mad at him. . Dabi gets off and stares at me laying sprawled out on the bed, still laughing and laughs a little along with me. Once I stop laughing I ask Dabi, "How did you know i was ticklish?" "Just a guess" he shrugged.
He begins to leave the room but stops in the door way and pulls his phone out of his pocket. "What is it?" I get off the bed and go to see what he's looking at. It was a conversation with Tomura Shigaraki...
Tomura Shigaraki
We found a place, you better be there or you will be torn apart by a Nomu
Here's the address
*random address of an abandoned place*
I'd rather stay where I am, away from you
Tomura Shigaraki
I said be there
I read the messages between Dabi and Tomura. "So... do you have to leave now?" I question with a sad tone in my voice. "If you want me to do this 'detective' work with you then," Dabi pauses, "yea" I stare at Dabi for a moment. I don't want him to leave. I hug Dabi and feel tears in my eyes. "Don't cry y/n" He hugs me. "I'll come back," He begins, "and while I'm gone, I'll text you good morning and good night every day I'm gone" He continues, "And I'll check up on you anytime I can" I look up at him, and this time, it's me engaging the kiss. But this kiss wasn't like the others, it had more feeling. He runs his up the back of my head and holds me in the kiss. I put my arms around his neck. Moments later we let go. He tells me one more thing, "And I'll come back as soon as I can so I can see your cute face, cupcake"
He leaves the room and I sit on my bed, thinking about how things will go back to normal. But I don't want them to go back to normal. I don't like admitting my feelings, not even to myself but... I love him. I don't want to have him leave my side. I begin crying again. "Please don't be gone long" I whisper to myself. I wipe away my tears and cover my face. Dabi walks into the room and sees me crying again. He sits next to me and rubs my back. I take my hands away and look at him. "You're not gonna be gone long, are you?" "I'm gonna try not to" I hugged him again and he hugged me tighter. We stay in the hug for a while. "Wanna get some sleep?" He asked me. "Oh" He saw I was asleep in his arms and smiles. Dabi lied me down and took place next to me. He put his arm over me.
"Good night cupcake"
(Alright everyone! I'm so sorry for not uploading for like 5 months!! I kno this chapter was sorta short but It seemed like a good place to end it, I'm going to try and get more chapters out when I can. "Stay tuned")
(hehehe Alastor quote :> )

A Roomie Villain - Dabi x Reader Pt. 2
FanfictionThis is a continued part to @YeetethTheFeelings 's story (give her a followw) Uploading chapters will most likely be kinda random cuz of school and yea but I'll try to update as much as I can! This won't be super long, I just needed an ending for s...