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WARNING!!! At the end of the chapter, there is use of a derogatory term, so just warning you, I'll put a warning before it too! Other then that, enjoy the chapter!

Jungkook let Taehyung down on the couch, and then sat down next to him. Taehyung was very nervous at this point, he was shaking

"Hey hey... there's no reason to be scared, it's all good." Taehyung was starting to calm down, "you want a hug?" Taehyung noded and crashed into the olders open arms. He calmed down his breathing and layed his head on the others chest. Jungkook pulled the other on to his lap, and leaned back so they were now laying down. "So princess, there is no other way to start this conversation...but...why did you say boyfriend?" Taehyung started to pull back, but Jungkook just held Tae tighter

"Well, you might be disgusted but-"

"I would never be disgusted by you"

"Just hold onto that thought, as I was saying, I l-li-like you, jungkookie-ah, for quite a while now"

"Taehyung..." Taehyung was scared now, the older never called them by his full name, it was usually always Tae or TaeTae, or just recently, Princess or Prince. "Taehyung my beautiful princess, I like you too, for a while now, since I was like 13, before I even came out." Taehyung was shocked he really liked him back. 

Am I dreaming? He wondered

"No your not dreaming Princess"

"How did you- when did you-"

"You said it aloud princess" Taehyung was looking like a strawberry again, he covered his face with his hands and hid his head in the others neck.

Jungkook let out a chuckle "Princess, you're so cute when you blush, can you please let me see you?" Taehyung slowly lifted his head and took his hands away from his face. Jungkook had a big bunny smile on, and Taehyung had his big boxy smile on display. 

" I want to do this properly" he paused for a moment, "Kim Taehyung, my beautiful princess, will you do me the greatest honor and be my beautiful, gorgeous, adorable, smart, intelligent, cute, soft, little..." Taehyung hit him lightly on the chest, while still blushing like a maniac. Jungkook stopped and laughed a little, still with a giant smile on his chest. "Ok ok, Princess, will you make me the happiest person on this planet and be my boyfriend?" Taehyung was still blushing like a strawberry, he then noded his head up and down really fast. "Princess...what did I tell you?"

"That you wanted to be my boyfriend?" He joked, he knew what he meant. But still, he wanted to test the olders patience

"Princess what else did I tell you?"

"That you like me?" He joked again, still testing the olders patience

"Princess" He gave a look of disapproval that made Taehyung's smile fade a little, he scared the younger a bit. Jungkook noticed this, and changed his facial expression to a apologetic look. He hugged Tae again, "I didn't mean to scare you princess, will you forgive me?" Taehyung noded and his smile came back, along with little giggles. "You knew what you were doing the whole time. You naughty little boy, what am I to do with you?" Taehyung blushed again.

"I don't know Kookie, what are you going to do with me?"

"Well, IF I had a boyfriend that acted like that, I would tickle him and then hug him to death." he said with a smile

"IF you had a boyfriend?" Taehyung was pouting 

"Yeah, I asked my crush out, but he never answered me"

"Jeon Jungkoooooook, don't do that, you made me question you feelings!" he said while pouting and hitting him on the chest.

"Stop stooooooop" He said while laughing at the boy on his lap

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