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"TaeTae I have an idea. What about we go apple picking today?" Jungkook asked while they are sat on the couch. Tae on his lap sitting sideways.

"That sounds like so much fun, oh and we can get pie and burgers too."

"That sound like a plan. Oh I didn't ask earlier, what are feeling today?"


"Ok, so why doesn't my beautiful girlfriend go get changed so we can go? Hmm...?" Taehyung blushed and hid her face in the others neck and then noded. She got up, and Jungkook ended up following behind her because Tae asked them to help pick an outfit.

"Damn baby girl, you look hot!"

"I could the same for you baby daddy"

Jungkook choked and hit their chest a little

"Wh-what did you just say!"

"Baby daddy. You're telling me you wouldn't want a kid with me?" Tae said with a pout, Jungkook kissed the pout away

"I'm not saying that, I would love to have a kid with you baby girl, I just wasn't expecting it" Taehyung smiled and hugged them then pulled them to the car. She go into the shotgun seat and Jungkook went over to the drivers side. They pulled out of the driveway and they were off. 

Tae connected his phone to the speakers and started blasting music with the windows rolled down.

After an half an hour or so Jungkook pulled over to the drive thru for a burger king and got curly fries and oreo milkshakes for both of them. Then they were on the road again. Taehyung did get a bit car sick when they went through the twisty mountain roads. So she rolled down the window and took a deep breath, she then took a sip of water, and then another deep breath. She closed the window and leaned against it. Jungkook rubbed her thigh and then held her hand, while keeping one on the steering wheel.

"Just look forward baby, and try to relax, you can sleep a bit, I'll wake you up when we get there."

Taehyung noded and squeezed the others hand and brought it up to us cheek and rubbed against it. Jungkook then took it and kissed the back of Taehyungs hand. Tae gave a small smile before slowly slipping into a light sleep. Jungkook smiled at the younger and like every fanfiction out there, realized how much they truly loves the other. 

An hour and a half later:

"-by girl. Baby girl. Taehyung wake up beautiful we're here." Taehyung rubbed her eyes, a habit Jungkook found adorable, they picked the other up as she was still half asleep. Jungkook chuckled when they felt the younger dig his nose into their neck. They went up to the counter and looked around for someone

"Hello, how can I help you?"

"Um- yes my girlfriend and I would like two bags and two apple juices please" Jungkook asked politely, trying to get their money out with one hand.

"Of course, and I might be stepping a line, but your girlfriend is very pretty, you are lucky to have her, take good care of her." Jungkook let out a huge smile and noded, thanking the older women at the desk. They could feel the others smile on his neck, the same smile she has when people use her correct pronouns. They both had also light out a breath they both didn't know they were holding, it was hard to find accepting people, even in this current day and age. After thanking the woman and getting what they bought. Jungkook walked over to a bench and set Taehyung down along with the other stuff. Taehyung still had her smile on her face, a smile Jungkook wishes was just permanently there. 

They held her hand and together the two walked through the orchard of trees. Stopping every once in a while to share a sweet kiss or a sip of apple juice. At one point when they found a little secluded area they had a full on make out session, and only stopped when they had too. After Jungkook and Taehyung filled their bags all the way to the top, they put the bags in the car, thanked the lady, and then drove to a diner not too far from the apple picking place.

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