ice cream!

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The two went back to Jungkook's house and put everything away. Then they made lunch and ate while chatting about anything and everything. They were finishing up, and Jungkook went to get the bracelets and some ice cream he had in his freezer.

"Ok close your eyes" Tae covered his eyes and started swaying his head around and huming a random tune, he heard something being out down.

"Ice cream!"

"Ok open your eyes" Taehyung uncovered his eyes and realized that Jungkook was holding something in his hands. It was the bracelets that he wanted at the stall.

"Oh jungkookie! When did you get them?"

"Well I had paid before she started yelling so technically I did buy the bracelets, so I grabbed them as we left.

"I love them thank you so much." Tae hugged him and they pulled back and Jungkook leaned into kiss him.

"Wait, this is my first kiss"

"Well I'm happy to be your first baby boy" the two kissed and after they did, Jungkook handed him the ice cream and Tae tucked himself into his side so he was cuddled up to the older. 

"Which one do you want?"

"I don't know"

"Ok, then I'll take the one that's about the moon, because you are as beautiful as the moon" Taehyung blushed and his himself behind Jungkook even further. Jungkook laughed and they spent the rest of the night cuddling and watching movies...and they ended up eating and entire quart of ice cream.

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