Father and Son

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by: tweety-src-clt9

Chapter Five: Father and Son

After his brief but sad reunion with Hermione in her private pool room, Harry spent the day with Erik and other members of the staff as he inspected each and every part of Kournikov. As he was touring the palace, he designed magical security plans in his head and he planned to execute them at midnight just as soon as he secured Hermione's approval. He tried his best to keep busy so that his mind wouldn't revisit the events happened this morning. Try as he might, it was really hard. His meeting with Hermione left him devastated. It seemed that there was very little chance for them to ever get together. She may say that there is nothing to apologize for but what he saw in her beautiful chocolate brown eyes was clear. Hermione Granger has not forgiven him and their friendship or whatever form of relationship he wants to have is near impossible. He remembered his meeting with Ron and how his best mate said that Harry Potter made the impossible, possible. I sure hope this is one of those situations!

He didn't see Hermione again after their brief encounter. Erik informed him that the queen had a meeting with Parliament about managing the country's export flows. As much as he wants to be around her, he figured that they both need some time apart, so they could think things through. Hermione may have reacted that way this morning due to shock upon seeing him again while he was overwhelmed with the joy of finally seeing her again that he forgot to think about the consequences of their meeting again.

It was at around eight in the evening when he decided to look for Hermione, so he could talk to her about his plans for adding in magical security measures around Kournikov. Remembering the bookworm, he fell in love with, he decided to try his luck in the library. The Kournikov library was almost twice the size of what they had at Hogwarts and he noticed that the collection was very diverse and there were books in various languages. He felt a pull on his magic as he passed by a random shelf. When he concentrated his magic, he touched a black book conspicuously placed at the center and then to his surprise, the shelves moved to the side and there he saw a hidden section of the library. As he entered, he noticed that all the books in this section were magical tomes and scrolls. Expect 'Mione to have her own magical library! Since he was engrossed at her collection of Defense Against the Dark Arts books and even a few books on Dark Magic, he didn't notice a certain furball seated on the couch who slowly approached him. When he felt something nuzzle his pants, he yelped and grabbed his wand ready to attack whatever it was.

"Crookshanks!", he groaned when he saw the old half-kneazle. Since he missed the odd furball, he knelt and scratched its ears making it purr. Harry chuckled, and he looked for the exit, so he could return to the main library. To his surprise, Crookshanks followed him and he just allowed it since he reckoned the furball was hungry. As he was walking the halls of the vast library with Crookshanks in tow, he immediately halted when he saw a little boy with his face buried in a thick and old book. Since he could see the title from the spine, he saw that the book was in Russian. He remembered seeing a view just like this so many times during his Hogwarts years and even at the library in Potter Manor. Hermione used to be like this. She would sit on a couch on an Indian squat, elbows on her lap, and her face buried on a big tome. He could only see her bushy head and he always thought that view was so cute and so - well, Hermione. As he observed the little boy who was sitting exactly like Hermione used to, he could see instead of bushy hair, a mane of brown messy hair. The little boy's hair color is exactly like Hermione's but the messiness reminded him of his own. Could this be Antoine, my son? Harry felt his heart pounding with nervous excitement. He's waited five years to finally see his child and tonight could possibly be his chance! Since he was just standing there with Crookshanks sitting beside him and observing the kid, after a few minutes, the kid placed the book down on his lap sensing his presence. As the kid looked up, Harry's heart soared. This little boy was his son alright! Like him, Antoine inherited his emerald green eyes and poor sight. The kid even has round spectacles just like he did. Antoine stared at him and Harry stood there taking in the sight of his precious child, the one he created with Hermione that fateful night. Harry chuckled when Antoine looked at him like Hermione used to when perusing something. The kid has copied her head tilt, pursed lip, and raised eyebrow spot on! Yep! This is mine and Hermione's kid, alright!

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