I walk around Auradon Prep with Ben, sighing. "Do you ever want to go to the Isle?" I ask softly.
He frowns sticking his hands in his pockets. "No, why would I?" He questions, looking at me.
"Oh, I don't know." I huff. "Maybe because your because your the king." I mutter, rolling my eyes.
"Well," He starts off, but gets distracted by Jane. "Oh, hold that thought, Jane!" He calls out.
Jane looks over smiling softly, walking over excitedly. "All right, they're almost finished with the surprise for Mal's big night." She gushes out, showing us her tablet that had the great kings and queens stained glass pictures. "Snow White, Belle. But the one you designed for Mal is my favorite."
She swipes away from the Belle picture showing us the picture of Mal and Ben.
"Awww." I smile starring at it. "It's beautiful."
"Make sure her eyes are green." Ben comments, studying the image.
Jane nods and pulls out small green glass squares. "Which green should they use?"
He takes them looking at them. "Um..This one." He breathes out smiling at the green.
I smile watching him. He's so whipped. "Well I got to get to class, see you guys later." I wave to them as I'm already walking away from them.
"Don't forget that meeting tonight with mom and dad!" Ben calls out after me.
I raise a thumbs up into the air, soon running into the classroom.
After classes, I was in Mal and Evie's room, waiting for Evie to come back and finish the finishing touches on my dress.
I sigh laying on Mal's bed groaning softly, This is so boring. I rub my face softly, closing my eyes. I jump as the door slams open and closed. I squeak in surprise and sit up seeing Mal crying.
"I don't belong here." She whimpered out.
I frown and get up. "Mal? What happened? Are you okay?" I asked concerned.
She gasped softly looking at me as she wipes her tears away. "Nothing.." She mutters.
"Mal, stop with that crap," I huff. ".. You want to go back to the Isle don't you.."
She stays silent bowing her head down.
"Take me with you?" I asked hesitantly.
She looks up at me again as she goes and gets a box stabbing it a bunch. "Why do you want to go with me?"
I watch her stab the box for a moment. "You and me both knew we don't belong here, even if I was born into royalty. I know I'm not the most liked."
She looks at me and nods heading and grabbing her lizard, who's her mom, out of the cage setting her in the box. "Let's blow this popsicle stand, then." She smiles and turns to me, smirking.
I grin back getting excited, "Yeah!"
We got on her purple scooter, that Ben got her, driving to the end of kingdom facing the water and the Isle.
"Noble steed, proud and fair, you shall take me anywhere." Mal reads from her spell book. "Okay, whew. Please work." She mutters to herself.
I frown and hold on tighter to her. "I'm sorry what? Oh my god!" I hold on tighter when she actually goes off driving on the water toward the Isle.
This is crazy!

Treasure // Harry Hook
FanfictionIsabella is Ben's little sister. She was never really happy with her life, life full of pink, dresses, snobby princes. Yet all of that changed when some VK's showed up.