11. To Kill a Queen.

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Queen's POV

I sighed as I sat on my desk trying hard to concentrate. This was my third day here and so far I had tried my best not to interact with anyone to not give my identity away. I also avoided working a lot, sitting in the washroom most of the time to hide.

There was a very talkative bitch here called Hyewon. From the way she talked, it seemed her and Sua were good friends. But I couldn't stand her at all. I believe I could do very well without knowing about her sex life and how it had gone downhill these days since her fiance was always tired and in fatigue.

It was most likely that the man was hoeing around. And that is why was always tired. But if I told her that, I'd have to deal with her crying and breaking down and I don't think I could do that.

After I had asked Baekhyun to dig up details about Officer Kang's informant and manipulate him into making Officer Kang believe Bangtan as the prime suspect, I expected some development. Three days had passed and he hadn't called me once to talk about this case.

Just when I got a little comfortable in my seat, the phone on my desk rang. I picked up the receiver and placed it on my ear.

"Sua, its officer Kang. Come to my office right now"

And a smirk formed on my face.

Lets get it.


Third person POV

Taehyung stood outside the club where Queen had been shot.

This club belonged to her. And it was quite ironic an assassination attempt had happened here where she was at her most powerful. He still liked to believe it was an attempt which unfortunately wasn't successful. EXO was hiding something and Queen for sure had gone underground.

He walked towards the club. As he opened the door, it was empty inside. He adjusted the mask on his face to conceal his identity. Couldn't let people know that he was on enemy territory.

Just as he was looking around, the cold barrel of a gun touched his head making him freeze in his movements.

"Can I help you?", a thick voice behind him spoke. He heard the clocking of a gun and he slowly turned around. An unfamiliar face greeted him. He hadn't seen this person around.

"Remove that mask"

Taehyung did as he was asked.

"Kim Taehyung", the man was taken aback for a second but smirked. "What brings you here? In the middle of the day that too? Are you aware who this club belongs too?"

"I am", Taehyung chuckled. "Heard from friends the bloody Mary here was quite delicious. Wanted to come try it. Life's been tough these days. I have resorted to drinking in the middle of the day. Unfortunately the bar's closed. I didn't catch your name though. You must be?"

The unknown man chuckled and lowered his gun. "Wonho", the man calmly replied.

"Mind introducing yourself Wonho?"

"I run my own little gang. We deal in weapons. Russian Roses and Black venom to be precise. The best stuff all the way from Serbia and Ukraine. We sell it all 3/4th price of the original. Not only that American guns as well. Deadliest lot, name any and we have it"

"Thats interesting", Taehyung raised an eyebrow. "Was it your business pitch for me?"

"Accurate", Wonho's lips curved up. "Glad I did not have to beat around the bush"

QUEEN | KIM TAEHYUNG (Completed) Where stories live. Discover now