Chapter Five

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I am so sorry it's taken me so long to upload the new chapter. I hope you can forgive me and that you enjoy Chapter 5!


Luce didn’t mean to fall asleep but it was such a long journey that she couldn’t help it. When she woke it felt like one of them winter mornings when you know you have to go to school but you don’t want to move. She had a leather jacket placed over her upper body she assume to keep her warm. There was an arm wrapped around her shoulders too. She didn’t know whose arm it was but she didn’t really care, she was too comfy and warm at that moment.

She nuzzled at the warm body holding on to her. That’s when she knew who it was. She felt their body tense up against her and a small whimper broke from their lips. She opened her eyes to see a t-shirt covered stomach and moved her head slightly to have view of their face. Her eyes fell on the pained face of Patrick.

“Oh god, I’m so sorry!”She squeaked out. Her voice obviously hadn’t woken when she had.

“It’s okay. Sorry if it woke you.” He replied with a gentle smile as if he were in the wrong.

“I didn’t… I’m sorry. I didn’t realise it was you. If I’d known I wouldn’t…”

“It’ fine. You fell asleep on me and I didn’t want to move you. Besides, you didn’t hurt me, it just stings a little.”He cut her off from apologising which would usually annoy her but somehow she just couldn’t get angry at Patrick.

“Okay then, if you’re sure.” She didn’t realise she was still laid over Patrick’s legs until he tried to stretch and she felt his muscles tense underneath her. She pulled her legs under herself and sat on her ankles.

“You didn’t have to move.”He said looking at her as if she’d just taken away his only source of heat.

Luce didn’t reply. She just moved next to him and rested her head on his right shoulder. She looked at the others in the van. Pete had swapped places with Joe so he was now driving while Joe had a break from concentrating on the road. Andy was leaned against the side of the van sleeping, little snoring sounds breaking from his mouth every few seconds. She turned her head slightly so she could see Patrick’s face a bit better.

“How is your side?”  Luce asked with a small smile.

“It just stings at the moment. I think that’s mainly because someone was nuzzling my stomach though…” you could hear the laugh in his words as he mocked her sleeping habits.

“Oh be quiet. I didn’t know, you can’t blame me.” She giggled out her words trying not to laugh so she wouldn’t wake Andy.

“Umm, fair enough, I suppose you have a point.”Patrick leaned his head on top of hers as he spoke. She could feel the smile spread across his face.

“You suppose? Better than nothings I guess…”He was about to speak but Luce knew he would mock her for saying “I guess” when she’d just ribbed him about saying he supposed so she cut him off before he could get a shot in “Don’t bother!”

Patrick moved his hand upwards pretending to zip his lips. Luce started to laugh as he did and clasped a hand over her mouth remembering that Andy was still asleep only a foot or two away from them. At that point Patrick started to laugh too lifting his head from hers and throwing it back as he chuckled at her attempt to keep quiet.

“Ouch!”Luce looked towards Patrick who was holding the back of his head where he’d just hit it on the back of the van door. They both started laughing harder at his clumsiness. She tried to hold a finger to her lips signalling him to be quiet but it failed as they were both in hysterics by then.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2014 ⏰

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