Chapter Six

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THEY WERE SURPRISED to see Sweetie after two months without seeing her. She seemed to be in the air. They recalled their last encounter. Sweetie's vehicle turned into a plane and tried to fly away until the Paw Patrol stopped her. They haven't heard of her since. Now she was back again in the air above a city that looked really similar to Adventure Bay. Then they realized it WAS Adventure Bay.

"Sweetie, what are you doing in Adventure Bay?" asked Chase.

Sweetie turned to Chase, "Well, I have a note from the princess. I thought she called you guys. No matter, I got a note. Permission to land, Ryder?"

Ryder didn't know if he should or not. He didn't want any trouble later. "I don't know," he turned to Chase, "What do you think, Chase?"

Chase thought about it. He didn't know what Sweetie was up to. Whatever it was, he didn't want to get his team in trouble. Being second-in-command, he had to make hard choices like this all the time. "Permission granted," he said at last.

Sweetie landed her vehicle right next to Chase's pup house. The pups and Ryder went outside to meet up with her.

"So, did you say something about a note?" asked Chase.

Sweetie looked at him. "Wow Chase, you sure are serious."

"Only when I have to be."

"Well, anyway, yes I did. Look, I have a pup pack just like you guys. Ruff, ruff, note." Her pup pack opened to reveal pincer holding up a rolled-up piece of paper. The pincer dropped the note right in front of Ryder.

Ryder picked up the note and read it aloud.

"Dear Paw Patrol, I am sending Sweetie over to help while I'm going to be working for a couple of days."

"A couple of days?!" said Rubble, "Are you two really agreeing to this?"

"Hey, it won't be that bad. As long as she behaves, we will have to help out as much as we can until the princess is done with her work."

Rubble sighed in disbelief, "Fine."

Ryder continued to read, "While I am working, please make sure she doesn't get into any trouble. I don't think she will. She has changed since the last time we met."

Rocky grumbled, "Highly unlikely."

Chase looked at Rocky, "Look, Rocky. As much as you don't want to, you have to," he said. "You are part of the Paw Patrol. As long as you wear that collar around your neck, you will help anyone in need of it. If you want to take it off, go for it. No one is going to stop you."

Rocky stood there quietly. He didn't want to leave the Paw Patrol, and he knew deep inside that Chase was right. He hated how Chase was always right.

"Is anyone else going to say otherwise?" Chase asked. No one responded. "Good, Ryder keep on reading."

"Thank you, Chase," said Ryder.

"Yeah, thanks, Chase," said Sweetie.

"Yeah, no problem. Just can't tolerate rudeness," he replied. "But that for you as well. You will get a warm welcome as long as you behave. If you don't, your welcome will be over and it will be harder for you."

"Ok, no problem," she said.

Skye didn't like how Sweetie was looking at Chase, or how Chase stood up for her.

Ryder went on, "So, thank you again for taking care of Sweetie for me. Yours Truly, The Princess of Barkingburg."

Chase looked up at the sky. The sky was going from a mixture of orange and blue to a darker shade of blue. There were a lot of clouds."Well, it's getting pretty late. I suggest we hit the hay. Something tells me it's going to be a long day tomorrow. Especially since it looks like it's going to rain tonight."

"Yeah, I agree," said Ryder, "Hey, Sweetie. If you want, you can sleep in the guest room for now."

"That's okay, Ryder. The pup pack wasn't the only idea I got from the Paw Patrol." She pressed a button on her vehicle which turned it into a white pup house. "I think I will just sleep here for the night. Thank you though."

"Okay, let's eat."

They went into the kitchen and ate. They changed out of their uniforms and ready bed.

"Okay, then. Goodnight everyone" said Ryder.

"Goodnight," they all said in unison.

Ryder went to his room. The pups went to their pup houses. Everyone except Chase, Skye, and Sweetie fell asleep.

Skye was thinking about Chase. Is it possible he likes Sweetie? Do I still have a chance with him? Questions like those have been going around her head.

Chase was trying to go to sleep. He was about to when he heard thunder in the distance, though it didn't bother him. Sweetie whimpered quietly. Her pup house was a few feet away from his.

"Hey, what's wrong?" he asked.

"Oh nothing, just that thunder kinda frightens me," she replied.

"Well, don't worry about it. Everyone is scared." Chase remembered his little talk with Marshall.

"Thanks, Chase, for everything. Ever since I got here, you have been kind to me. I just can't help but feel unworthy of it."

"You don't have to thank me for doing my job."


"Well, I suggest getting some shut-eye."

There was some loud thunder. Sweetie got scared. She ran out of her house and went into Chase's. She stayed there scared with her head under Chase's front leg. Chase was surprised by this.

"Are you okay?" he asked.

She looked up from under him. "Yeah, I'm still a little bit scared of the storm. I am usually allowed to sleep with the princess when there is a storm," she got up, "I'll go back to my pup house."

Chase looked out into the yard. It started to rain pretty hard. Another lightning hit near which made Sweetie stop in fear. "Well, it's raining pretty bad out there. How would you like to sleep here just for tonight?" Chase asked Sweetie.

Sweetie looked at him in disbelief. "Are you serious?"

"I mean, it is raining pretty hard out there. I guess it won't hurt to let you sleep here until the storm passes."

Sweetie jumped up and down in excitement. "Yes, I would! Thank you, thank you, thank you!"

Chase chuckled. "Let's just not make jumping a habit, okay?"

"Okay." She went back inside his pup house and laid down right next to him. She leaned against him and closed her eyes. There was loud thunder, but she just got startled and realized that she was next to Chase and she wasn't as scared anymore.

Chase looked at her and chuckled quietly. He looked outside one last time and closed his eyes. He fell asleep half an hour later.

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