Chapter Fifteen

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Chase and Sweetie have been crawling under the prison of the castle for about half an hour. They stopped at a vent on the floor. Inside there were two guards. They were talking about something, but they couldn't figure out what. After a minute of waiting, a man ran from upstairs and called for them.

"The king wants everyone to go with him. There has been a sighting of the plane we saw earlier and he doesn't want them to get away again," the man said.

"What do we do with the prisoners in here?" One of the guards asked.

"Leave them. They won't be getting out of here."

The other guard side. "Well, at least we don't have to sit here and die of boredom." The men laughed as they went upstairs.

After making sure that the coast was clear, Chase and Sweetie got out of the crawl space and went into the dungeon. "Wow," said Chase. "Last time I was here, it was a completely sealed off room."

"Not necessarily," said Sweetie. "There was a door, but it looks like it is part of the wall. But after I trapped you in here, the princess decided to change the dungeon rooms to giant cages so we can see who is inside."

"Well, let's check if Marshall is down here. And if he is, we are going to get him out of here."

"Okay," agreed Sweetie. They went down just a few cages when they heard something as if something was moving. They turned to their right and saw a familiar black and white pup with a spy suit on in the corner.

"I told you already, I don't know where they are. And even if I did, I would never turn in my own team," he said with frustration.

"Alright, then," teased Chase. "I guess I won't get you out of here."

Marshall turned his head slightly. "Chase?"

"The one and only," he replied standing tall.

Marshall walked up to Chase. "How did you find me? How did you get in here without being spotted by the guards? Did you get the keys that are hanging on the wall?"

Chase turned around and noticed the keys Marshall talked about. "Yeah, just give me a second." He went over, took the keys, went back towards Marshall's cell and opened it.

Chase wasn't even all the way inside the cell when Marshall tackled him with a hug. "I'm so glad to see you again."

Chase returned the hug even though Marshall was crushing his ribs. "Yeah, me too. Though you're kinda crushing my ribcage, man."

"Marshall released Chase. "Sorry about that, I...," he noticed Sweetie behind the german shepherd. "CHASE, SWEETIE'S RIGHT BEHIND YOU!"

This caused Sweetie to step back behind Chase. "Yeah, I know Marshall. She's with me. You can trust her," Chase replied.

"How can you be so sure I can trust her? She took you away."

"I left by myself, Sweetie needed help here in Barkinburg because some man was taking over the castle and I came to help stop him. I trust her, so you should as well."

Sweetie looked at Chase. "You trust me?" Sweetie asked. "But why?"

Chase looked back at her. "Well, of course, you helped me come all the way over here. You have been helping me ever since I got here."

"Well," Marshall said. "If you trust her then so do I. Do you have any food, though? I'm kind of hungry right now."

"Thanks, Marshall," replied Chase. "Oh, yeah. Here you go," Chase gave him the sandwich. "Now, let's get out of here. Where is everyone? Is Ryder okay? And Rubble? Rocky? Zuma? Everest? Skye? Is she okay?" he asked, being the caring leader he is.

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