Twins, Spells and Curses

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Arthur had been unable to meet the demon for seven days. "You're turning twenty next summer, love! We have to prepare for that!" Cenric had told him on the first day. Arthur had only smiled at him, thoughts circling around the demon in the dungeons. 

He spent those seven days with Cenric. They went for picnics, rode horses through the forest, trained and shared their meals together - all without anyone else hovering around. Yet, somehow, he felt like he was missing something during those times. 

When Arthur next entered the caverns, Hilde tucked safely in his arms, he found two other Hunters already inside. The brothers, Im Yong-Soo and Im Hyung-Soo stood facing him, seemingly protecting two cells situated beside each other. Arthur could only blink, unsure of why they were in the caverns. He briefly wondered if there were other demons about, Fons Viribus was the only one he had seen so far. 

The twins both wore red vests over white tunics.

Im Yong-Soo was a slightly pale looking man with an evenly toned body. He was half a foot taller than Arthur. Presently, his clothes were covered in mud. "You're the one who has been coming in, lately!" He shouted, brown eyes narrowed into a glare. His right hand held a dagger pointed towards Arthur. 

Though he and Yong looked like mirrors of each other, Im Hyung-Soo was more reserved than his brother. He rarely acted out in violent rage, but preferred a stealthy, less obvious sort of vengeance. He was also a few inches taller than his twin and had less defined muscles. He simply gave Arthur a cold look.

"Would you like me to cut your hair for you?" Arthur asked with a flat tone, one thick eyebrow raised in question. Yong stiffened before quickly trying to cover his dark brown hair, which reached just below his shoulders. "Just because my hair tie is undone?! Seriously, Arthur!?"

Hyung clicked his tongue at his brother's antics. "Here." He said, handing a reasonably sized piece of yarn to his twin. "You're lucky I decided to walk in like a normal person instead of sneaking about. Otherwise, you would have had to risk your hair to Arthur's great sword skills." 

Arthur rolled his eyes at them. "What are you two doing here? It's not your turn to guard the demons." Hilde had hopped out of his arms, by now. Somehow, he trusted the demon's claim of not eating rabbits and thus did not worry for his fluffy companion. He wasn't sure why he trusted the demon, though…

"N-nothing!" Yong exclaimed, suddenly tense. He slowly stepped back, towards the cell behind him. Hyung simply observed Arthur with a seemingly indifferent aura. "We just wanted to know who has been sneaking around lately!"

"In thirteen summers, this is the first time you've actually cared about my 'sneaking around', as far as I'm concerned." Arthur crossed his arms over his chest, scowling at the twins. "Don't tell me Cenric put you up to this…" he spoke with a sigh.

Yong pursed his lips, looking back and forth between the dark cell behind him and Arthur who stood in front of him. That is, until Fons Viribus appeared from the shadows of its cell. The brunette gave them an imploring, yet bored look before deeply sighing.

"It's safe to come out, you two. He's a friend." 

Just like that, the cells (which appeared empty at the time), suddenly held one demon each. "Diànxià?" Asked the demon behind Hyung. "I thought you two did not get along…?" 

"You two have been talking?!" Yong exclaimed, shocked to the core. "But you don't even acknowledge me and Hyung...!!!" He started sniffling, tears were forming at the corners of his eyes. 

"Oh, don't cry, Yong. Diànxià's always been this way, right~?" The demon in the other cell allowed the last word to fade off. It wore a teasing smile, Arthur was questioning its instincts. "Haha, I have never seen you this soft or understanding towards Hunter's before, my liege~" 

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