Radio Demon?!

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"So.....what's your name, my dear~?" he ask me while walking through Hell city.

" name's Felicia. You?"

"Alastor, pleasure to meet you." he bow to me as he took my hand from my pocket and kiss on top of it.

Luckily i'm wearing my scarf otherwise he will look through my disguise or my blushing cheek. He is quite a gentlemen. But i still keep my guard up. We walk together while chatting about ourselves.

I learn his from the 1920's or 30's. In New Orleans! I use to love New Orleans after i watch one of the Disney Movies 'The Princess and the Frog'. And the food over there is amazing. He use to be a famous Radio host in his time which makes him so amazing.

But i wonder why he would end up in Hell in the first place?

It wasn't long till we arrived at our destinations. The Happy Hotel. The building is huge! And i could see an old Cruise Ship hung up the tip as the top. I took a deep breath and sigh to relieve my nervous which makes Alastor look at me in questions.

"Are you alright, darling?" he ask.

"I'm ok. I just.....need her help about my situations. Lets go shall we."


We walk together to the front entrance as Alastor is the first to knock. The door open reveal the same women i saw in the TV and the moment her eyes met Alastor her face frown in fear.


She shut the door then she open again.


She shut it again making Alastor froze his body and his speech. I quietly giggle at this scene. I could hear her calling someone and she said the 'Radio Demon' is at the door. Another voice which is a female cried 'What' then a guy voice ask 'Who?'. In one second the Blonde women open the door again looking at Alastor.

"May i speak now?" He ask hoping not to be interrupt again.

"You may." She cross her arms trying to be strong.

"Alastor! Pleasuring to be meeting you. Quite a pleasure!"

He grab her hands without shook it as he barge without care. I just stand where i was.

"Excuse my sudden visits but i saw you on a Picture show. And i couldn't resist, what a performance! Why i haven't felt this since the Stock Market crash on 1929! many orphans."


Suddenly another women in grey pointing a spear at him as she curse in Spanish.

"I know your game. And i'm not gonna let you hurt anyone here, you pompous, cheesy, talk show, shitlord!"

Wow, she looks angry. I wonder what's her deal. I might not getting myself in a wrong foot if we cross together.

"Dear, if i want to hurt anyone her......I WOULD HAVE DONE SO ALREADY~"

All of us stay quiet feeling a scary static that really irritate my ear. He immediately shook his head before the craziness took over.

"No! I'm here because i want to help!"

"Say what now?" the blonde women ask confuse of what just happen.

"Help! Hellooo is this thing still on? Testing.....testing..."

He poke his old vintage microphone suddenly i can see a red one eye pop out.

"Well i heard you loud and clear!" it cries making me jump a little.

I even squeak causing everyone turn their attention from Alastor to me. Oh boy......

Stumble in Hell (Hazbin hotel x female human oc) CANCELLEDWhere stories live. Discover now