Chapter Two: The Flight of the Light

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CHAPTER TWO: Silvia Hoxy; The Supreme Maiden of the Light

"Oh, dear,” said Samuel, trying to find something that would hold him. It was full light; nothing could be seen except Raeanna who was looking calmly and still beautiful. It was a very long trip; he was still panicking of what was happening. From a sudden bump, Samuel landed on the ground. Raeanna was ten feet from him; standing very still. Out of nowhere, a long and powerful wind started to blew Samuel away. Very strong indeed; he flew backwards, tumbling around and around and was trying to grip something. He closed his eyes; he had found that Raeanna was a hundred feet away from him now. He landed in front of an old residence. The door bore a phrase which says: “NEVER ENTER, DEATH IS UPON YOU.” Samuel ought to find this very odd. He took a look on Raeanna’s figure which grew bigger and clearer.

  “What’s all of that?” asked Samuel.

  “Magic, ofcourse!” pointed out Raeanna, looking at the old house.

  “Right,” said Samuel with a tone of approving. He got himself up as Raeanna pushed the gate with a little force. He followed her through the door. She read the phrase and without a further of ado, she blast the door opened. The inside of the house is much more likely to be very clean. It was made up of grey tiles of marbles. There are two long stairs which leads them to neither left nor right. Raeanna led them through the left staircase. There they saw a black door. It opened as Raeanna whispered. A grey haired & an old woman were standing on the door, looking very relieved as she held her hands on her breasts.

  “Oh, thank god the lot of you are safe,” said the old woman, while clutching her breasts and leading them inside the room, “hoped you had a safe trip?” she continued while closing the door.

  “Ugh, very tiring,” replied Raeanna, “what’s for dinner, Ma’am Goldsire?” she continued, peeking through the other door.

  “Backed Mac, would you like some?” said Mrs Goldsire.

  “Ooh, I’d like some,” said Raeanna, “Oh, Samuel, you should better get yourself one — she looked at Mrs Goldsire — make that two please,” she added. From the clear view from the kitchen, Mrs Goldsire took a bowl and took a large scoop of backed mac. She held it on her side and dropped it, leaving it suspended in mid-air. She took another and did the same. One by one the bowls flew towards the both of them. The bowls landed on the table and two spoons appeared from thin air.

  “Enjoy your dinner, dear,” said Mrs Goldsire, smiling at Samuel.

  “Thank You, Mrs Goldsire,” he smiled too.

  “Oops, I’d like Ma’am Goldsire if you don’t mind,” she said.

  “Oh, ofcourse, Ma’am,” he said, swallowing a spoonful of baked mac.

  He finished everything up, washed Raeanna’s and his bowl and made his way through the door Raeanna had peaked on a while ago. There stood three shining woman, all looking at the door with a face of expectations.

  “Ah, the boy is here!” shouted the first woman very lightly. She was very beautiful indeed, but Raeanna is the most, “had a nice flight, my dear?” she asked.

  “Oh, yes, I have,” Samuel lied.

  “You’re lying, my dear,” said the second woman, smiling very oddly on Samuel.

  “She can read minds, my sweetheart, if ever you wonder,” said the third. Out of nowhere, Raeanna popped in front of the four. She led him and the others on a long table which were almost occupied. Five chairs on the front were vacant, there they sat; Samuel was beside the most elegant companion of all which was in front of the table, Raeanna on her side and the three are followed. All the chattering and whispering noises silenced at once, all of them looking at the elegance of the woman in the head of the table.

  “Thank You for accepting my invitation in this cold night,” she paused. Her voice echoed on the whole room, “It has come to my attention that this boy’s father — she looked on her right — had broken our law of maltreating the poor children,” she discussed, looking at every one of them with poise and elegancy, “I send them a letter through Fire Mail, and as expected, his father let go. " said the woman with pity, "Therefore, I summoned every one of you here for us to discuss the boy's protection during his stay at the University. For godsake, he's the Golden Child! The only child with golden abilities!" said the woman, raising her voice with amazment.

  "Pardon me, Madam Silvia, but, should we just protect the whole school?" said the third woman who Samuel had a encounter with.

  "The school has its own protection, Mafalda. As I continue, he is the only child that has the right to get protected, even though he have no rights we should have him protected, know why? Threats against us are now on the rise. Law breakers are coming again. As I have suspected, they had his father as the their president again," she replied, eplaining everything to her and the rest of the lot.

  They had discussed everything from his flight until the whole class year will end. Samuel was quite impressed by this plan, although he think this plan is a little bit odd. A bunch of female will do the job instead of males. Altough, they are quite powerful in this cases.

  The meeting had ended and the whole females bid Samuel goodbyes. Silvia was the last and Ma'am Goldsire led him to bed.

  "Umm, Ma'am Goldsire, can I ask you a question?" said Samuel, before Ma'am Goldsire leaved.

  "Yes, darling?" said Ma'am Golsire.

  "Are you one too? I mean, a Light Guardian?" asked Samuel, with a little tone of curiosity.

  "Oh, I was one of then," she said, sitting down at Samuel's bed.

  "Was?" said Samuel.

  "Oh, yes, my dear," she said at once, standing up and holding the doorknob.

  "Wait. What happened?" asked Samuel.

  "Can't tell you right now, Samuel. You have a long day tomorrow, you better sleep," she said, exiting the door without another word. 

Sorry if had to be short and kind of dumb. It's just a tyring day T_T

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- Samuel's POV :))

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 30, 2012 ⏰

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