Chapter One

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The Day started out as normal. House silent, shades drawn and a small lamp on above a drawing table. Spread across it were drawing finished and ready for their dead line and laying off to the side sleeping was Lucas Pierce. After staying up all night he easily finished off his needed work in much earlier time then before. Then again with his beloved wife Lindsey not home from her business trip he didn't find any need in having to go to bed til he wanted. Then throughout the large mansion like home the door bell rang, waking the young artist quickly.

Jumping up Lucas looked around confused for a minute, wondering what that noise was until it happened again. "I'm coming!" He hollered as he got up from his chair and sheepishly made his way down stairs. Yawning gently he made his way to the front door, unlocking it he swung it open to see no one. Blinking some he leaned out to look around and noticed nothing moving or anyone walking down his driveway. Sighing some he rolled his eyes and was about to go back inside but for some reason his eyes looked down and there it sat. A cup of coffee from his favorite coffee shop, and by the scent it was exactly what he ordered. A French Vanilla Cappuccino with half n half to cool it down slightly. Bending down he picked it up and read the note attached. "Good Morning i've got your favorite coffee to start your day." Lucas stared at the note before gently putting the coffee back down and backing into his house and locking the door.

Yes had stalkers, some were very obvious and after he got married left but he remembered this one. This ones been following him since high school, first it was a fellow student then some weirdo at college but once he got working and spent a lot of time getting his career set the stalker had stopped. Lucas thought he had left him alone finally but it was about a month ago when his wife went on her business trip that it started once again. Sometimes a note in his mail box, others he finds notes in his car but now coffee on his door step it's just getting creepy.

Making his way to the kitchen he made himself some fried hash and eggs for breakfast then started towards the living room to sit down and eat while watching some tv. As he got closer he started to hear his tv, on his favorite station. Hurrying a bit he rounded the corner he almost dropped his food in shock. The tv was on and going and there on the coffee table was that coffee. Running up to his bedroom he locked the door behind him and set his food down to grab his phone. Shaking he dialed a number and sat there waiting for an answer, "Come on Joe, answer your phone!" He said though bitting his lip then finally "Hello?" "Joe! Its Lucas. Listen now that stalker is back, and it's getting worst. The person came inside my home!" He said frightened. "Calm down Lucas, I'll call the cops to come check the house out and sit outside to watch mysterious people. Alright?" Said Joe on the other side of the line. Sighing gently Lucas smiled some, "Thank you Joe, your the best publisher ever" Lucas said softly. "No, Lucas. Your was best client and my very favorite. Now just relax. Bye" said Joe. Saying bye, Lucas hung up the phone and sighed once again leaning back and picking up his breakfast and starting to eat.

Once he finished eating he waited by the window and watched the cops pull up, some waving up to him as he looked out as they searched around the house and some parted outside his property to watch the entrance and exit points. Feeling more at ease Lucas went to lay in his bed and turned on some tv, there he fell asleep the early morning excitement taking more out of him then wanted.

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