Chapter Eight

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Five days after the hospital.visit the boys returned to Lucas's home. Lucas got gotten a full check up and review of the pregnancy he thought didn't happen. Shocking Lucas had noticed that the bump of "water weight" from his horrible diet was from the baby, and after not eating much his body desperately needed nutrition for both of them. Now Lucas takes his vitamins, pre-natals, and eats a healthy diet determined to keep the baby healthy. So as the morning sun shined into the bedroom that morning Lucas was sleeping quietly on his half while Joe; who had to wait for Lucas to fall asleep first, was cuddled up beside him awake as he watched Lucas. Joe was so happy, you could tell as he looked over Lucas then a hand moved softly to the showing belly Lucas now had.

Thanks to the pre-natals Lucas was now progressing better, his belly the right size for being around five months along. Joe couldn't stop looking at Lucas, his heart jumped with joy every time he saw the other with his new belly. At time he could even catch Lucas holding or rubbing his belly. Though Lucas refused to admit to Joe's face he was so happy and rather excited but completely nervous. Stirring softly Lucas shifted in bed with a soft groan, Joe moved his hand away and quietly waited before sighing with a smile. Slowly getting up Joe went downstairs to prepare breakfast for Lucas. As Joe left Lucas slowly woke up with a soft yawn, blinking some to let his eyes adjust to the light before he slowly sat up. Lucas was in a baggy t-shirt, but since his old version of baggy isn't really that big his growing belly was lightly pushing at the fabric making it more of a cozy fit around the growing belly. Lucas looked around a bit before getting up with a faint wince. He had to admit, going from barely noticeable to his proper size really took a toll on his back and hips for the time. But he still had four months or so to adjust. Rubbing his eyes softly Lucas started to the stairs and made his way down but stopped about half way smelling something good. "Hmmm" he thought for a moment nth continuing down the stairs and walking to the kitchen.

Looking into the kitchen he saw Joe, and gave a soft sigh leaning against the wall before entering. Joe did so much for him but Lucas just wasn't feeling love towards him…it is kind of like how he felt for his now missing wife after he found out she lied. He cared but not like the other wanted. Looking down some to the ground he sighed again before looking at his belly. For now though he will have to make it work…maybe Joe will go back to being just normal Joe after the baby is born who knows. Looking back into the kitchen Lucas slowly entered making Joe turn around and smile. "Good Morning!" He said excited as Lucas climbed into a chair at the island. "I was gonna bring you breakfast, I can tell your rather sore.." Joe said softly. Turning back to the stove he continued cooking, it was eggs with some toast and Turkey bacon if he wanted it. Lucas softly smelled the air, it smelled good but he tried not to act to happy. Even though Joe's cooking was good and he cooked everything he liked or might want. Lucas looked down a bit sighing gently to him self as he put his face in his hands. 'Im so horrible..' he thought shaking his head gently. 

"Lucas…is something wrong?" Joe asked softly as he set a plate down by Lucas reaching a soft hand over to gently touch his shoulder. Lucas moved away turning his head away as he closed his eyes. "Joe I don't know why you continue to stay…you do so much. And I do nothing in return. I know your like…obsessed but can't you obsess over someone who might actually learn to love your back?" Lucas said softly. Joe stared at him blinking slightly as his eyebrow lifted, Lucas glanced over then looked away again as he climbed out of the chair and walked through the study to the living room just to avoid moving around Joe. Joe had stood there for a minute before sighing gently and following to the living room, but leaving through the kitchen door. Going into the living room Joe saw Lucas kind of pacing with his arms crossed and deep in thought. Giving a gentle smile he walked over and gently wrapped his arms around Lucas making him gasp softly and jump. "Joe…" Lucas said softly. "Shh..Lucas the reason I stay isn't because I'm obsessed. I love you Lucas Pierce." He said softly to the other holding him close. "I don't care if you don't love me back, as long as you let me love you and our baby I'm forever happy" Joe said gently kissing Lucas's cheek while continuing to hold and cuddle Lucas from behind.

Closing his eyes Lucas looked down softly feeling so horrible but he didn't know why. His heart ached thinking of Joe spending his time caring for him even though he didn't care back. Lucas let Joe cuddle into him, relaxing lightly in the others arms as he tried to relax but the heart ache still stayed…why did it hurt so much to do this to Joe?

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