Chapter Seven

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After the negative test, the house seemed to dull down. Lucas didn't say much and he definitely didn't go near Joe. He was hurt, first the women he loved shattered his dreams after lifting him up high and then Joe. After forcing him into the situation shattered what hope he had! Sitting in the living room, looking out the window Lucas watched the beautiful day. Joe was off at work, he could run if he wanted but what was the point. The past month and a half has been nothing but Joe trying to get close to Lucas and only to be blown off like he doesn't exist. Sighing gently Lucas felt his stomach tighten a bit, even though he hasn't eaten much he felt sick to his stomach and was gaining water weight. Then again, he mostly drank water since enough made him feel full. Closing his eyes he started to get up but he suddenly felt dizzy and collapsed, hitting his head lightly on the coffee table knocking him out cold.

Almost completing his work for the day, Joe was ready to go to Lucas and try to fix the broken relationship he was trying to build. However he suddenly got this horrible feeling. Something was wrong with Lucas. Grabbing his needed items, Joe ran out the doors and drove home and quickly as he could. "Lucas…" He said softly trying to call the house and only getting the answering machine. This made him worry even more. Driving into the driveway he didn't bother to turn the car off just park as he jumped out and ran inside. "Lucas!" He hollered, about to run upstairs but stopped seeing his limp body on the living room floor. "Lucas!" He yelled again running over and gently lifting him. "Lucas please….wake up" he begged softly, his heart racing and mind throwing to many ideas in. Slowly lifting Lucas he hurried him out to the running car and set him in the front seat laid back. Hopping in her quickly drove to the nearest hospital and got him in the ER.

Joe nervously waited in the waiting room as Lucas was looked at, his leg shaking and his body trembling. After a good two hours a doctor came out,  "Joe" he said softly, Joe jumping up instantly. "Yes, how is he? What was wrong!" Joe asked quickly. Raising his hand the doctor smiled softly. "Mr. Pierce is just fine however I think I have some…surprising news for the both of you. Follow me" said the doctor as he led Joe to the room. Inside Lucas was laying there awake with a bandage on his head and some iv's in giving him fluids. Joe smiled hurrying in and hugging Lucas who surprising hugged him back. "Thanks for getting me here…" Lucas said softly.

Joe was about to say something but the doctor softly cleared his throat, making both look at him. Shifting rather unsettled the doctor opened the file and handed each a small black photo with some white blob and swirls on it. Both stared at the pictures confused before glancing to the doctor. "Whats this?" Asked Lucas curious. "That is the reason you fainted." He said softly. "Do I have a brain tumor!" Yelled Lucas worried as he grabbed his head. The doctor laughed gently, shaking his head. "Dear God know, your as healthy as a horse. Your baby however needs more care…" He said softly. With that both Lucas and Joe stared at the doctor in confusion. "Impossible, he took a test and it said negative" said Joe softly. "This are for females…is he a female?" Said the doctor looking at his clip board and writing something. "Now I'm prescribing the strongest pre-natal vitamins I can that can help catch that little one up. And I'm instructing a better diet" instructed the doctor handing Joe the prescription. Looking between the two the doctor knew this was some shocking news so he smiled nervously before leaving them alone.

The first to move was Lucas, his eyes moving back to the photo as he scanned it softly. Joe wasn't sure what to do, So many feeling were building up inside but the one that over powered the most was joy. Jumping up he smiled big, "Oh my god! A baby I can't believe we didn't notice!" He said joyfully cheering. Lucas seemed internally thinking, but he was also very tired and was given a small pain killer for his head. Right now he just knows he is actually carrying a baby, and he couldn't stop looking at the ultra sound the doctor gave him.

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