CHARLASTOR!!¡ (after this is some foreshadow-ey laurliza content)

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I cannot believe that I have been so lazy and procrastinating that it has almost been ONE YEAR since I posted anything on this book, I just wanna say sorry :(. And being absent from my always been fav, Laurliza. And @we_stan_deku ( or known as byulhaa_ now) I completely do not know if you're still into Laurliza now, but I just want to thank you for fussing with me about how adorable these little beans were, thank you for making that amazing Laurliza art and I have never bonded with someone over liking Laurliza as much as I bonded with you for it :)))))))) If ever you're over Laurliza now, that's completely fine with me :) since it's been over a year since we last fussed about them and people, naturally, change their interests over time. And again, I just wanna say thank you so much <3.

All that aside :') I've just started to get into Hazbin Hotel this month, and I'm excited to see where Charlie's dream would go with this plan for her hotel. And again...uncompleted, I know. I feel hardly motivated to draw her hands (THEY'RE JUST FLOATING BTW) and the reason why I drew with a pen at first is because I don't want this drawing to smudge this time.

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