Part 2

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Bowser heads to the market and buys sarrio a kazoo and goes back home to his "family" and gives the kazoo to sorrio. When sorrio received the musical instrument, he then asked his papa

"papa can I have Rivers' lifted 2015 Ford E-350 van so I can leave here"

papa was ecstatic to see his least favorite child leave and got sorrio the lifted van and carried millions of sentient chili dogs, and made his way to the forest to eat his chili dogs in peace and hides his lifted van in a thorny bush, and sits up in the tree until he grew to over 9 feet tall but still thin and playing the kazoo kid song.

Soon a lost soul soon to reveal himself as king hears the music and is enchanting and tries to find the music but all he sees around him was large amount of chili dogs though fails to see what was sitting in the tree above him but suddenly looks up at the tree and sees a blue hedgehog with a human body with red overalls and red sleeves. The king reluctantly asked the creature for help to get back to the Mushroom kingdom since he his King Toad

"if you help me i shall give you something in return but for insurance we shall write it on paper" but what sorrio doesnt know is that the king was planning to trick him since sorrio is illiterate and the contract says that sorrio has to leave the kingdom at once after the arrival of the king

Sorrio agreed and showed the king back to his kingdom

When they arrived at the kingdom a princess ran to greet them but before she could get to the new visitor the King pulled her aside and told yoshi of the plan. But unfazed by the deal sorrio went back to make some chili dogs soon a few months later a lost hungry king smelled the sweet smell of chili dogs and wondered to sorrio and asked him for some chili dogs and promised to give his daughter Moto Moto sorrio agreed and decided to give some chili dogs to the king and show him back to his kingdom back on uganda. The most beautiful princess in the world walked up to sorrio and the king said "Hey I think Moto Moto likes you" after all this was happening sorrio went back to collect his owed deals. The first king did not want to hand over his daughter but sorrio told him to hand her over and he agreed. Sorrio had secretly known$ of the deal for between them he threw a pie in her face to embarrass her and then went to the Ugandan kingdom.

Sorrio heard clicking behind him and the soft music of the song from madagascar 2, sorrio was invited to the castle. He and the princess got married the peeled off his skin to reveal a very handsome man that looked like waluigi he then threw his skin in a fire and ate a red mushroom from minecraft to gain health the 1st kings princess was very upset that she had lost such a beautiful man but she loved her father more than she realized it . THE END, SORRY!

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