Chapter Eight - Place of Meeting

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Thus, the chamber they had all discovered, the one containing relics from a purged era of history, became a place of meeting.

It was rather convenient, Rex felt, and was glad that Xatho had proposed this solution. Here, they would not be disturbed. They could train, read about forbidden things, and practice forbidden magyk. Most importantly, they could hide in plain sight.

The next day found them all gathered in the chamber – dubbed the Hall by Athol ("This way, if we reference the secret room in public, it will appear completely innocuous!") – where they all claimed a favourite chair or corner.

Each and every one of them wore the red cloaks. It made them stand out like the red flowers of mourning. Instead of instilling dread, however, Rex felt that it connected them to one another. They all had chosen to wear the cloak that symbolized a promise to live, to thrive. Despite an unalterable past and a hostile present, every person in the Hall had chosen to pursue the most forbidden act.

"As such," Ander was theorizing, hands animated and striding back and forth, "there is no conceivable way that we will be caught. Given the contents of this room, we know that it was used by the Riders of old. I am sure they safeguarded this gathering space, making it so that only they could enter. I mean, Rex, you've never found this place before – right?"

"No, which is admittedly strange," Rex answered from his armchair. There were many corners and nooks of the Gray Palace he had not explored yet, that was for certain. Yet he ought to have at least heard of such a room, whether through gossip or through vague references in tomes.

"See? I believe that this room is protected from all but Riders – that is, even adepts. The only reason we were able to enter was because, to all intents and purposes, we are now Riders. Which is a rather ludicrous idea, true, but old magyk can be idiosyncratic."

"The Hall is secure; that's all I am concerned about. Likely, we will never learn the true origins of this place nor its magyks. If no-one knows it exists, and is somehow protected by the Forbidden Magyk, that is protection enough," Xatho replied curtly.

True safety within these walls. A novel idea, to be certain. It just might be correct, however, Rex thought.

"Now that we've ascertained the safety of the Hall, can we start practising? Unlike Ander, or even Rex, I have never truly used my magyk – purposely, that is. I want to learn how to muffle conversations, how to create light in the dark –" that part, his voice trembled slightly – "and so much more!" Athol enthused passionately.

"Very good idea," Rex responded quietly. Ander's knowledge and ability was awe-inspiring, and made him want to continue learning what had once repulsed him.

"Books..." Ander protested, pouting. He gestured to the tomes stacked around him. "Knowledge!"

It was true, Rex acknowledged to himself. The draw of such information was undeniable. Of real, hopefully more accurate knowledge. He had managed to return the tome to the Vault, but with all the chaos of the last few weeks, had not been fruitful in attempts to borrow another. Here, there was no need for subterfuge. Yet...

"We can read on our own time, in our rooms," Adrien replied. "However, we cannot practice the Forbidden Magyk in the halls of the Gray Palace. We already take a great risk practising on the grounds, with our dragons. We do not necessarily need them for this."

"If we practice here, just ourselves, and then with our dragons, we would make more progress." That was Xatho, practical as always.

"Alright. Ander, these books can wait. I can start with my little trick, since it is rather easy, and then you can lead us for the rest," Rex spoke, trying to be confident and commanding. It did not quite work, but the rest rose when he did; Rex took it as a victory.

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