Police Headquarters, Last Piece Of The Portal, Brazil, & Wake Up Call

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(Hello Everyone! How's your day? Good? Awesome! Enjoy this chapter! Song(s), video(s), or music I do NOT own.)

Your POV

I was wandering around. Cause I wanted to know what that voice is. It almost seems like it's into the unknown or something but I don't know. I was on top of a building looking around then I thought of something. I howled to call out to the mystery voice. I wait for a couple minutes.



My phone rings. I answer it

"Yeah?" I answer

"Hey Shadow. It's Donnie. Can you come by and help me with something?" Donnie asks

"Sure. Be there in a bit." I tell him

Once I hang up. The voice sounds again. I look out and saw a figure. I forget it for now and run to the lair.

~At The Lair~

Once I trotted into the lair. I went to Donnie's lab. Once I got there I shifted into my normal form with my ears and tail showing.

"What's up?" I ask Donnie

"I'm looking at the purple ooze Bebop and Rocksteady have in their bloodstream and if it's alright with you. I'd like to test something out with your blood." Donnie tells me

"Sure. Couldn't hurt." I tell him

After Donnie took my blood. I hung out in the lair. I was sitting with Leo at the moment. Nothing really happening just enjoying each other's company really. I didn't realize I was humming a song...again. Out of the corner of my eye. I can see Leo smirking at me. I flatten my ears.

"Do you hum at random times?" Leo asks

"Yeah. I do." I tell him, while I run my fingers through my fur on my tail

"Any idea when you'll do another contest?" Leo asks

"I don't know. Why?" I ask

"Just wondering. Also, we hardly hear you singing. Except when we were going to the game. You doing okay?" Leo asks

"Yeah. It's just I keep hearing a voice or something. Like something is calling me." I say

"Weird. Did you tell Splinter about this?" Leo asks

"Yeah. He thinks it's something from a nightmare I had after the first fight with Shredder and the wolf." I tell him

Then Leo takes my hand from my tail. I look into his sapphire blue eyes with my (E/C) eyes.

"Don't worry about it too much. I'm sure it's nothing serious." Leo tells me

"Thanks, Leo. I see you as a big brother." I tell him, while my tail wags a bit

"No problem. Me and the others see you as a sister." Leo tells me

My tail wags a lot more. We both look at my tail. My ears flatten.

"Random times?" Leo asks

"Yeah..." I tell him, as I run my hand through my tail again

~Few Minutes~

Leo was sharping his katanas. I was lying on my back while I was listening to (F/S). Then we hear Donnie come over to us. I sit up and look at him.

"Oh my god, oh my god...Leo, Leo! Leo! Shadow!" Donnie calls out

I take my headphones off. And sit up fully.

"Leo! Shadow! Okay, you're not gonna believe this. Okay, I made a solution from a sample of the purple ooze, right, to expedite the analysis from the isotope? But while I was waiting for it to catalyze, I started thinking, if the purple ooze can change humans into animals, perhaps if properly re-engineered," Donnie explained "Watch this, watch this...It could turn us..." Donnie let's a single drop fall onto his hand. Then he had five fingers. "Into humans..."

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